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03-14-2016, 11:13 PM
Hello Folks.

Question - Have u had any experience with metabolism??? Boiled Friday. Draw at 1130 pm and my helper said John u better taste it as I was outside with tanks. It looked like melted chocolate. And tasted like musty buttery popcorn. Dumped it all, and contents of evaporator, and cleaned until 230 am. Producer manual calls it metabolism (appendix 4 - Off Flavors) and says it typically occurs when unusually warm days happen in middle of sap season...And sap tasted wonderful, boil smelled great. Sugar was low (1 bric) No buds at all on my trees, or any signs of spring. Dumping all sap until Wednesday. Supposed to freeze by me overnight with weekend and all next week looking great. FYI we are in Mid- Herkimer Cty N.Y., southwest corner of ADK Park. Appreciate any thoughts u have. John

03-15-2016, 03:53 AM
I haven't experienced that, but I've read here many times that you would smell it in the steam when boiling. That is for what is usually called "buddy" sap. Maybe this metabolism is a different thing than buddy sap since your buds are still tight. But since most everyone south of the Canadian border has gone through this warm spell, this sounds like something we should all look out for. So, you are saying there was no "off" smell or taste or any other signs it was bad until nearly finished?

03-15-2016, 06:17 AM
Metabolism is not due to budding trees. Completely different. I have personally not experienced it here but I have tasted the syrup. You describe it well with the "popcorn" like flavor. I believe it will typically not persist thru the season...

There are some good resources here:


03-15-2016, 09:23 AM
Northern Oneida County here, just across the creek from Herkimer County. I had the same thing happen when I drew off last night. I thought I might have burnt the pan, but I didn't, just super dark, off-tasting syrup. Your description of the taste is spot-on. I was going to dump it but my wife wants to try to make maple sugar with it.

03-15-2016, 10:00 AM
Metabolism is not due to budding trees. Completely different. I have personally not experienced it here but I have tasted the syrup. You describe it well with the "popcorn" like flavor. I believe it will typically not persist thru the season...

There are some good resources here:


Thanks for the link, General...and the clarification. I read both metabolism parts..very interesting. Seems Jmsmithy didn't *have* to dump his syrup. It can be saved with additional boiling if you are willing to invest the time and work involved.

03-15-2016, 11:50 AM
It is my understanding that making sugar with it is ok as the compound responsible for the flavor will volatilize.

03-15-2016, 12:07 PM
It is my understanding that making sugar with it is ok as the compound responsible for the flavor will volatilize.

Well according to the study, you can also make marketable syrup too. Have to bring it to 235-240, don't stir it much, let it cool some and add water to bring it back to proper density and then filter. Not sure how many people would find it worth it, but it can be done. The syrup will be darker also.

03-15-2016, 12:49 PM
I had some last year in the middle of the season. 2 of my batches came out that way.....I followed the fix method from PMRC and it worked. One of the batches I had to do it twice.