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View Full Version : New arch build

03-14-2016, 01:19 PM
Taps are pulled on 2016 and I am trying to get a jump on improvements for 2017. At the top of my list are build a shack (already in process) and fabricate a new arch. I have seen numerous papers on improving production rates by adding air under, air over etc..and will take these pieces of information into account during my build along with what I have learned from the first arch I built. What I have not seen is a basic guide to overall arch design. is there such a publication that exists? If anyone could advise me on where to find such a thing, that would be very helpful.


03-22-2016, 10:22 PM
I saw many on here as I have been trolling for the same info. Here's a link that was posted recently https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/user.html?id=0420436823140547962355859. You could tweek the measurements to fit your need.