View Full Version : I'm Done-Chesterfield

03-13-2016, 08:54 PM
Boiled off 50 gallons of sap today and started to pulls taps had a helluva week keeping the sap cold Fat lady has sung for us OK season barrel burner did well on to starting my seeds for the garden

03-16-2016, 05:42 AM
Over the weekend I finished up in Granville. Short good season for me. Made some good syrup. The last boil had a few minutes here and there with a faint off-smell in the steam, but seeing how that sap sat 4 days which included that nasty 80F mid week day, I was glad to have a good final product. Looks like the next few days could be a good run so I am going to enjoy it by reading the forum!

03-16-2016, 08:46 AM
Over the weekend I finished up in Granville. Short good season for me. Made some good syrup. The last boil had a few minutes here and there with a faint off-smell in the steam, but seeing how that sap sat 4 days which included that nasty 80F mid week day, I was glad to have a good final product. Looks like the next few days could be a good run so I am going to enjoy it by reading the forum!

How do you boil GV?? Bit colder up my way. Wife froze many 2 liter soda bottles and we switched them out every day to keep the sap from spoiling. Hard to believe we had 78 degrees last week and 3 1/2 weeks ago it was -18 and I had frozen pipes Gotta love New England:lol: Looks like a cool blast moving in over the weekend but we are pulling the buckets today and capped off our tubing lines until we can take them down.

03-16-2016, 12:26 PM
I am a backyard boiler with a 2 x 4 pan over a fire brick/field stone setup. I run about 50 taps, some years just bag and buckets, and recently some 3/16 tubing. I am not far from a big producer at Maple Corner Farm, and he is still going strong. I am temped to put a line or 2 for the new cold spell but probably won't. I cycle a lot up your neck of the woods in the summer so if you care to tell me where about you are located maybe I work my way over and look for you someday.


03-16-2016, 01:58 PM
My lines definitely run longer than my buckets. On Monday I collected 45 gallons from 75 taps on 3/16" lines, but the buckets had mostly stopped running.

Hey where do you live in Chesterfield, I grew up there and had 300+ taps in the '70's.

Dave Bisbee

03-16-2016, 02:17 PM
Small world....we moved into the old "hinds" farm house on 143 across from the scout pond. Moved there 3 years ago. Spent a ton of time sugaring on my great grandfather's farm in Wyben, and up in Goshen Love the area!!

GV2 stop by anytime....usually out in the garden in the summer