View Full Version : My grate has turned into a potato chip

03-13-2016, 01:58 PM
Off my 18x48" CDL. Third season, it was warped at the end of last year, and hasn't gotten any better. Do I just need to replace team every couple of years or is there a way to stop the warping? Poor design maybe? Does draft have an effect? I use a mix of softwood/hardwood, mostly softwood. No blower but I get a pretty good boil going, with flames shooting out the top of the 12' stack. I never had problems with my 2x4 or 2x6 years ago.


03-13-2016, 02:00 PM
Their turned the wrong way. The "V" goes up to catch the ash which works to insulate the steel from the heat.

03-13-2016, 05:59 PM
I built a rig for my son-in-law that has the grates made of 3/16 wall 2x2 square tubing 1/2inch apart with points up with no signs of warping thru 5 seasons. Since then I have acquired a bunch of cast iron radiators which I have heard make excellent grates. I am just north of Quabbin Res.

Russell Lampron
03-13-2016, 06:20 PM
Their turned the wrong way. The "V" goes up to catch the ash which works to insulate the steel from the heat.

I have heard of some people filling the "V" with refractory cement for the same reason.

03-13-2016, 06:56 PM
Bernie I use cast radiators. They work well only issue is the small space between them. Catches coals a bit.

Dennis H.
03-13-2016, 07:06 PM
They don't look like cast grates. They look like they are made of angle iron welded to end pieces.

03-14-2016, 11:06 AM
When I was using cast Grimm grates in my 2.5 x8 I destroy a set of grates a season then I put a blower on it and the grates looked brand new five years later when I sold it talk to couple guys and they said the air passing by the grate from the blower keeps them cool I used 2x2 1/4 angle one years in my new arch with blower they are as strait as day I put them in now I using fire brick with 3 5/8 holes per brick setting and angle iron frame been 3 years on them with no issues

maple flats
03-14-2016, 12:05 PM
My grates sag slightly, but they were new back in 2001. Put the open V up, it catches the ashes and they will last a long time.

03-14-2016, 12:43 PM
Thanks for all the replies, I can't believe I had the grate upside down all this time! The "V" was pointing up. Seemed logical. I think they were installed that way when I picked it up from Bascoms. I am going to look at the other floor models to check. I am going to get a replacement grate or get a set welded up for me and put it in the other way, hopefully it lasts longer. BTW, the grates are not cast, they are just welded angle iron.
