View Full Version : magic box question

antler creek
03-11-2016, 08:26 PM
I'm looking at starting to order components for my auto draw off and stack temp box. can anyone recommend a probe they are using in their stack. I,m looking at the auber web site for my components.

antler creek
03-12-2016, 06:12 PM
62 veiws and no opinions.. wow didn't know this question was a stumper.

Tapped Out
03-12-2016, 07:19 PM
I want to do the same thing. Curious myself-just figured I'd post and keep it at the top. Someone has to know.

03-12-2016, 07:26 PM
im pretty sure one of the rtd probes they sell says its for kilns and furnace applications I will take a look again if you look in the FAQ section of their website they give you a parts list and schematic for an auto draw off setup

antler creek
03-14-2016, 10:04 AM
thanks bricklayer. i,ll check that out.

03-14-2016, 08:21 PM
I looked and almost all PID modules will accept all different types of thermocouple probes. Type k was the one I saw that is for high heat. Up to 2700 F.

03-15-2016, 08:49 AM
Look up Tweegs I believe he built one similar and had it in the January journal I think.

03-15-2016, 12:24 PM
I have a homemade auto drawoff I built I think the temp prob has a bad wire I got mad when It messed up and went and bought a real one but I sell it it a auber controller the prob the one that reads in tenths I think it a rtd100 a 3/4 inch stainless solenoid valve all wired with switches mounted in a box I sell it for $150 if anyone interested