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View Full Version : Cloudy Sap

03-11-2016, 04:58 PM
I have 250 Gallons of Sap isolated in a tote that I've been holding since Tuesday. I ran a worm coil thru the tote to circulate ice cold creek water thru the coil and act as a cooler for the sap. However the Sap has been cloudy right out of the gate this week.

I noticed the sap has a light bitter odor and I'm certain it's starting to spoil.

My question:
I'm boiling a small amount on the stove right now to see if it will at least make a tasty grade B dark syrup. I have several friends who are looking for dark grade B syrup to make beer and cider with. If this syrup comes out ok regarding flavor, is it OK to use as a grade B syrup, even if I think it's starting to spoil? I would be boiling it in the next 24hrs. Also, this syrup will not be for sale.

Thanks in advance.

Russell Lampron
03-11-2016, 05:29 PM
Go ahead and boil some of it. It will probably make better syrup than you think. If it has soured it will probably make ropey syrup and if it does dump the rest of it.