03-03-2004, 06:34 PM
Well, the fun we will have learning all about vacume pumps......Got the moter hooked to the pump and the pump hooked to the releaser and with a big old smile on my face {cause I was picturing all the sap I would soon have in my tank} I fired the old girl up. It looked like a working unit and sounded like a working unit BUT no vacume on the gauge, odd.....Well eventualy I took the vacume line off the pump body and blocked it with my hand with it running...NO being the resourceful fellow that I am I ripped her apart..Not much to em. A little rust cleanup, got all the vanes cleaned up everything slid back together too easiley though <allways a bad sine> Tried to start the rig and it was seized...backed off the row of bolts till everything was freed up and tried all kinds of diffrent ways to evenly tighten bolts so as not to bind pump but no luck. Got the bolts finger tight and started the pump and she sucked like,,,well you know what, had all kinds of suction but when I try to tighten bolts the pump she no turn... Is there some kind of shim deal, Did not see one on the way in. Any help would be greatly appricated Parker
03-03-2004, 06:58 PM
Parker....does your pump have sleeve (bronze) bearing or ball bearingopposite the pulley? If sleeve load the oil to her,about 3oz, leave the rear bolts finger tight and fire it up.Slowly tighten the bolts in a criss cross pattern till they are wrist torqed. there should be no lock washers on the bolts either as they will through off the thousandths of an inch that these pumps run at.Be sure to check rotation also if your using it with a gas engine.Also be sure to have your ressivor topped off with oil so she can lube.
03-03-2004, 07:04 PM
It's good to have the Vacuum Guru among us... I'm in debt to Rick for my nice delaval... oh and he's a heck of a Generator man too!!!!
03-03-2004, 07:19 PM
:oops: awww stop i'm blushing....Mike how did you make out with your generator?
the syrupmaker guy sounds like an expert alright.
definition of a expert:
a$$ hole from another town that thinks he nows somethin!!!!
03-03-2004, 08:08 PM
Hey guest-
I appricate all the help I can get,,,,and what kind of a chicken **** are you, dont have balls enough to sine you posts???? Flake off, How old are you 2?
Over and out Parker
03-03-2004, 08:09 PM
Guest go suck on a realser!!! :lol:
03-03-2004, 08:42 PM
syrupmaker- The pump i have has ballbearings, there is a cap that covers the end of the shaft on the maine sidecover oppisit the pulley (this is the side I removed) I was wondering If I could make a gasket, permatex it then try to tighten,,Sound like a plan?
The other thing is when I took it apart I drove the shaft out of the pulley at the same time I extracted the billet that holds the vanes from the houseing by beating on the shaft with a 3 pound hammer via a big punch.... Thanks, Parker
03-03-2004, 08:51 PM
Parker...big punch is yikes!!!!! Check to see that you did not drive the shaft slightly through the vane drum from hitting the shaft. The shaft is pressed into the drum and it is possible to drive it out some.I would use a gasket or shim as a final last hope if you can't find a problem!
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