View Full Version : Sap still running but how long...?

03-09-2016, 09:16 AM
I have 11 trees tapped and got nothing over the weekend. Monday I got 12.5 gallons of sap and last night I collected 24 gallons. It all looks good and clear. Temps today are supposed to hit a record 70 degrees. I have my sap stored at the rear (north end) of the barn which is 4' below grade. With the doors shut it'll stay pretty cool in there (mid 30's I bet) . But how long will the sap flow...? Will the sap start to cloud up when it's time to stop?

At this point I am planning to leave everything tapped until I'm convinced I should stop. Advice?

03-09-2016, 09:31 AM
Boil your sap as soon as possible- it will spoil at those temperatures quickly, or get some way to cool it- jugs filled with ice, refridgerator... Won't hurt to leave buckets up or trees tapped but the forecast here- wny- doesnt look promising and we may be done.

03-09-2016, 09:37 AM
42 this morning at my home in Chesterfield. We collected about 40 gallons this morning. 9pm last night the lines were running hard saved ice from the weekend and packed it around my storage buckets....gotta boil tonight