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View Full Version : 1st year tapping & boiling

03-08-2016, 01:25 PM
Hello all! Thank you for providing such great information on this site. If I had any question, this was the first place I looked.

With that said, let me share a little background. I moved into this house that already had a sugar shack behind it. It had a homemade Woodstove out of a 50 gallon drum with a 2x3 evaporator pan on top of it. Even had a preheat pan with a large barrel on the outside to dump all the sap in and turning a valve on the inside to let in as little or as much as you wanted. The previous owner must have spent a lot of time with this! I inherited the shack and the things listed above but didn't have anything else. I checked here and talked to my neighbor and borrowed 9 taps from him. I happen to find 9 buckets. Anyway, I collected around 20 gallons the first couple days, 30 gallons the second round, and today I got another 20 or so.

My first attempt at boiling, I made lava. I checked maple trader, realized what I did wrong and corrected it. I did not have enough sap in the pan. This time I left 1 1/2 to 2" of sap in the evap at all times. I was able to pull off enough syrup and finished in the house to fill 1 8oz and 1 4oz mason jar. It is quite tasty and addicting!

Today is my last day. I have to go out of town and need your help with several things.
#1 How can I get the syrup to 219 in the evap pan without making lava? It boiled so fast that I couldn't keep the temp steady. When I try to add syrup to keep the levels to 1 1/2", the syrup cools and I almost have to start over. My evap pan is 3 partitions. Seems to be built according to the specs on this site.

#2 since I will be done today, how do I draw off the remaining syrup with destroying my pan? Do I just let the fire die, drain it, and finish a ton of syrup on the stove?

And #3 sap is still flowing but I will be needing to head out of town. Can I pull the taps from the tree or wait until I get back? I want to do what's best for these tasty trees so I can cherish this hobby again next year!

Thank you all! I look forward to your responses. Sorry this is such a long post.


03-08-2016, 01:43 PM
Personally I just get it close on the evaporator then move it to a pan on a LP burner I have, a lot easier to manage the heat. Then it goes from there to a filter pan then in the jar. I have 6 gallon that is close that I'm canning tonight. We have pretty much stopped running here in western Ohio, good time to can. Hopefully the freeze cycle will start before the trees start to bud

03-08-2016, 02:07 PM
Welcome to the addiction, Jeremy. I don't have a partitioned pan like that so someone else will have to answer that one. Does it have a draw off valve or do you have to scoop it out? At any rate, like thackerymaple said, best way to avoid 'lava' is to take it out around 215 and finish it on your stove. The sap amounts you mention won't be "a ton of syrup".

2..I would imagine you do have to let the fire die down when you have no more sap to add.
3. If you're SURE you're done for the year, go ahead and pull your taps and let the healing begin..but you could wait till you get back...whichever works best for you.