View Full Version : Franklin County
03-10-2007, 03:44 AM
Well today is the day. Gonna finally start tapping. Spent all day at sugarhouse yesterday with skid steer and got everything opened back up. MY GOD there is gonna be alot of water and mud around this year. I feel like its the night before deer season all keyed up and just waiting. Hoping to have them all plugged in by Sunday night or Monday afternoon. Then gotta test boil some water and do a quick cleanup. Looks like a great week coming. Hope they are half right.
Good luck to all.
03-10-2007, 08:05 AM
Hey Pete were right behind ya!! We'll let you know how it goes. I think pretty slow at first but hopefully the sun and warm weather will help. I'll be in the woods this afternoon (had to work).
03-10-2007, 05:34 PM
We started tapping today in Lincoln today. Got about half of 2300 done, should finish Sun. afternoon. Hopefully with enough time left to install two releasers. Then all thats left is to put some water in the rig and touch it off, shes lika a ronson Lighter, Lites first time every time. People say Vermont has 4 seasons, I only look forward to two of them, Deer & Sugaring The rest of the year is just a waste of time.
03-11-2007, 05:20 AM
Well it was SLOW going yesterday.My help was out sick, just me myself and I. Myself and I didn't do a dam thing. But Me was on a roll. Had alot of tubing to rerun, cause I switched over alot of main line. Its a pain rerunning old tubing. Would be easier to redo with new. Oh Well. I did manage to get 67 tapped.At that rate should be done about JUNE. Weather was ok. But wind was nasty. And spitted rain for a while. Hoping for better progress today.Should be better just about out of my mainline reruns and then back to just tapping and fix.
Russell Lampron
03-11-2007, 06:16 AM
Pete your help will show up when it is time to drink beer and boil. Just kidding, you did say your helper was out sick. Hope today goes better for you. I know the one man band thing all to well.
03-12-2007, 04:01 AM
Well a little more progress yesterday. Should finish up rerunning tubing today than just have to tap. Snowshoes are a pain, but have to have them. Got another 67 tapped so that mainline is flushed out and ready to be put on the vaccum realeser.I could have got more done but my body said NO MORE at 3:00, Went home for the day. (I Thought) started to watch the race then had to get up and go back to the woods couldn't stand setting there knowing what I had left to do. HAHAH wife thougth it was pretty funny. I would have never been able to sleep last night if I didn't. Well today is another day and I should have a little help. I'll keep you posted.
Renne how is it going at your end?
03-12-2007, 07:48 AM
Well we got 1000 buckets hung. Not bad going thank god for snowshoes and alittle help ( two 4 Year olds ) Trees were running Sat and Sun little over 1/4 buckets. Still have about 150-200 more left and then the fun begins. Had to get out the big guns yesterday though we needed alittle more room ( 850c Dozer) we'll keep you informed.
03-13-2007, 04:01 AM
Good progress yeaterday, got all my lines on the sugarhouse side fixed and tapped total of 240, got most of bak lines fixed gonna tap them this morning. Got vacuum up and running and hooked in my 240, sap was running great, let the lines flush out yesterday. Today there in the tank. I think I got about 350-400 taps left. Getting things done a little at a time. Should be all tapped out and sugarhouse ready by this weekend.
03-15-2007, 04:00 AM
Got about all of the vacuum lines tapped standing a 491 right now with about 8 more to tap. Was going to finish yesterday but started to rain. So moved to sugarhouse to finish that up. Sap was running pretty good. Going to finish sugarhouse this morning and maybe my last few vacuum taps then FIRE UP. I have around 300 gals and by this afternoon should be around 400-450. Weathers gonna change here today, storm front coming in with some cold and snow then sounds like perfect weather next week. We will see. Well gotta run.
Good luck to all
03-18-2007, 05:01 AM
Well filnally got all tapped, Ended up with 501 on vacum and 125 gravity. I can add about 15-20 buckets, and will do so this week. Fired the rig up on Friday. Didn't get a draw but it was close. Everything works great. I am all ready for the next run. Just have to help my uncle get his tapped tommorrow. That sap is coming to my sugarhouse so I should end up with around 1,000 total. Going to sugarhouse today to check on snow level from this last storm and do a little more cleaning up.
I have a few new pictures posted of the rig up and going.
Good luck to all.
03-18-2007, 06:48 AM
we must have gotten 24" yesterday here in northen NY. I hope you guys in VT made out ok on the storm. Good job on getting those taps out. Make sure to have your snow shoes for any work the next couple days anyways. Just a sure sign we have plenty of sugarin ahead!
03-18-2007, 08:55 AM
We ended up with 1168 buckets. We cleaned up on Thursady ended up with 750 gallons and made 5 gallons on Friday night. Looks like we are going to have to find our trees again this snow is starting to get on my last nerve. here it is sunday they said the snow was supposed to be all done early Saturday night and we got another 6 inches on top of the 20 we got Friday night and Sat. Hope everyone else didn't get it so bad. This STINKS
03-18-2007, 10:45 AM
Well just got back from the sugarhouse.Got about 2 FEET of snow up there. I am glad my taps are in. I had to warm up the rig. It was FROZEN SOLID. Back pan at least, so instead of risking a popped pan figured on warming it up while I was cleanning. I bought home some sap to boil some eggs in this afternoon. Im with you Renee, THIS SNOW CAN STOP. But it should help prolong the season. Well gonna rest up the rest of the day.
03-18-2007, 02:55 PM
Pete- last night I lit my evaporator,,I was also very worried about poping a flue,,it would probably never happen,,but I was not willing to take that chance,,I would never be able to buy another flue pan,,,,,was going to wash the rig out today but too darn cold,,supposed to get down to 8 deg tonight,,glad I drained it.......ill was it when it warm agine....I do need to figure out a way not to waste all that sap,,,,,good luck when it starts to run
03-19-2007, 04:08 AM
Paker , what I am going to do for next year Is get some syrup barrels and clean them good. If I have to drain my rig I will drain into them. When I go to refill I am going to run all my sap through a filter to take out most of the gunk. Garth Aterton runs his sap through a filter press so its crystal clear going back into the rig.I had to just about fill a barrel last time I shut down to et all my sap into the sugarhouse and not in the feed tank.
03-23-2007, 04:04 AM
Had a great run yesterday. Went through about 400-450 gals of sap in about 4-4.5 hrs. Right at the 100gph mark would jump over that if wood was a tad drier. Sap run really good, was still running slightly when I left. Have to run to my uncles bush this moring to pick up the first load of sap from there. Test on sap was about 3%. Ended up with about 8-9 gals of nice dark amber. Should gain a grade today.
03-24-2007, 08:22 PM
Must be running so hard you dont have time to post!!! Thats a good thing!!
03-25-2007, 05:44 AM
Pretty close to that. Had a major vacum pump problem at both sugarbushes on the same day. Spit the pulley off one pump and ruined the shaft, then electic pump from my relaser and the sugar house messed up and filled the whole system with sap. Didn't get any sap from either bush. Also on the same day my granfather past away.This was the grandfather that got me started in sugaring along time ago. He was 96 yrs young. So all and all it was a sh--- day. Spent yesterday moring in the woods by myself repair my vacum problem, darining sap outta system, replacing oil, and thinking of grandpa. Then the sap really took off. And the weather looks good for the next few days at least. So grandpa made it to the big man upstairs and talked him into some good sugaring weather. Currently the temps are down, a we have a few inches of good old fashion sugar snow. With temps warming into the mid 40s. Made around 15-20 gals of really nice dark amber, with the grade climbing up. Should be into medium today. Will post more pic and results latter.
03-25-2007, 06:04 AM
Sorry to hear of your loss,good luck!!
Our deepest sympathy to you and your family for the loss of Granpa.
03-25-2007, 06:45 AM
Thank your Grampa for us too....he sure has sent us some good sugaring weather. Deepest sympathy from Guilford VT.
03-25-2007, 09:36 AM
So sorry to hear about your grandfather. I'm glad you had so long to have known him.
Sorry to hear about your Grandpa!! Hang in there!
Take care,
03-25-2007, 08:37 PM
We are also sorry to hear about your loss and make extra syrup for him
03-25-2007, 10:32 PM
....often, it is with a heart that is heavy...that we find the true meaning of what we do...indeed, what we are...
Sorry for your loss.
03-25-2007, 11:04 PM
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. I just got home from the sugarhouse had a pretty good day. I made around 20 gals of the best dark amber I have ever made. GREAT Flavor. And right on the egde of medium. Can't seem to get it over the hump. All the vacuum problems are fixed. My uncles vacuum problems a long one so I save it for when I can tell it and not confuse anyone. I can get pretty confused at this time of night. I had some great help today, he got my vacuum up and running and checked on it. While I was finishing up my uncles vacuum problems. Hoping for at least a week more good weather. Thats it for know and thanks again for all the thoughts.
03-27-2007, 05:34 AM
Boiled last night, finished filling my first barrel, very nice A dark. Canneds up a little to send to PA with my parents. They are up for the funeral. Calling hours are today. I am going to go but if saps running I will make it brief. Grandpa would want it that way. Hoping to have enough sap to boil tonight so my parents can come up and help out. So going to cleanup and change front pans this morning and get ready. Weather looks good for the next few days. Didn't run very much yesterday was very windy, gave me a good chance to get things cleanedup.
03-31-2007, 07:33 PM
What is the latest??
04-01-2007, 04:33 AM
Sorry I haven't been updateing, with funeral and boiling its been busy. So here goes. As of right know I am at about 72gals made, one 33gal barrel of A dark, one of B and some assorted jugs canned up. My sap is still testing 2%, sugarwood is taking a beating, but I have enough around for a while longer. Saps been coming in great. I have gotten 1170 gals of sap from my uncles bush and right around the same from my bush. So everythings cranking along good. Hoping to keep it up for another week or so. I'll keep you posted.
04-07-2007, 04:22 AM
Been pretty slow here, sap came to a halt for a while with the cold. It did come around for a day. I sucked in about a 100 gals. Pretty cloudy though.I didn't check sugar content yet. But I will boil it in C grade is better then nothing. Standing at right around 90 gals so far. My electirc tranfer pump from vacuum shed to sugarhouse finally gave up, was hoping it would last the season. I had another one ready to go so I got that plumbed in. My pump line is froze up. Not sure how it happened but it did. So that todays project. Can't suck any sap till its thawed out. My uncle still haveing quite a time with his vacuum. One of the bearings let go and the shaft got bent some how. So he ordered a rebuilt pump. Got that hooked up yesterday, so he should get some sap today.Weather looks good for the next week or so. I a going to keep going. I'll let you know what I end up with. Oh yeah the previouse owners made around 100 gals last year so I am right on track. Hoping for a bit more this year.
Good luck to all that are hanging in.
04-09-2007, 11:52 AM
Don't feel bad Pete we haven't gathered since last sunday. We are over 115 gallons all Fancy but 10 are med amber ao I guess I can't complain. I have talk to quiet a few who haven't even got any Fancy. Hopefully this cold snap will snap and bring us some good stuff.
04-09-2007, 09:27 PM
We havent gathered since Friday, I hope this cold will bring some sap when it leaves. The sun isn't shining so the trees won't Bud for a while yet, sure would like to make some light syrup 500Gal of dark is enough. It looks like the people with buckets are making light syrup, and us pipeline folks are making dark. Would anyone like to offer a theory as to why this might be.
Breezy Lane Sugarworks
04-10-2007, 12:14 AM
because it's the hard way to gather/clean up/time consuming/etc...
but on a good side, i guess it's good exercise.
I don't really know why either.
04-10-2007, 06:26 PM
Sap usually stays cooler in the buckets which promotes less bacteria growth, etc.
04-11-2007, 04:19 AM
Finally boiled again yesterday, made around 5 gals of very very dark C, Flavor was very robust, but not buddy. Good thing I had a hand boiling, I had to change out my electric pump. Without that I can't run my vacuum. The one I had wouldn't overcome the vacuum so I wouldn't work. My uncle went down to CDL and got a used pump, for 350.00 got that hooked up and same thing. Finally went back to the original pump, with a hot guled patch on the impeller. It worked like a charm. Still have to watch it like a hawk.After shut down, I went down to vacuum shed to read the paper and let it run for a while. Pulling sap in at a good clip. The bang, old pump didn't want to over come the vacuum anymore, so I shut her down. Weathers gonna be good for today, so I start her up again and see what happens. I'll proably spend alot of time running back and forth today to check on things. Hoping to have the pump get me through the next 3-4 days than I will proably be done. Should end up with 120-130 gals. Gonna let it roll.
04-11-2007, 05:48 AM
Most likely you have a small leak in your plumbing from the releaser to the pump or check valves are leaking. That is where I have had most of my problems when that happens
04-12-2007, 04:13 AM
Yeah thats what we think to the seal at the end of the pump is shot.I have to find one TODAY. So im tearing it down this morning. It a Jacuzzi pump, so it might be a challange to find. We tried a few different pumps but they wouldn't work. They were transfer pumps and wouldn't overcome the vacuum to pump anything. Thats what my pump is doing now. I can pull alll the sap I want but can't do anything with it. My uncle sat in the vacuum shed for about 3 hours yeasterday, and manually ran the operation. When relaser got full shut the vacuum off for a second and it starts pumping then turn the vacuum back on. Worked ok, but its a boring job, and I can't afford that much beer to have someone sit in there. So im am going to find a seal somewhere today come hell or high water.
On the upside I made about 15-16 gals of syrup. It went from C to AD. If I had the sap I could have made it all the way to medium. Maybe today. I'll let you know.
04-12-2007, 07:32 AM
It might be the seal but if it is doing it with several pumps, I would put my money on connections or a faulty check valve
04-12-2007, 04:51 PM
Give us a report on how your season is going and how many taps and syrup??
04-13-2007, 04:14 AM
Well you were right Jerry. I think, we change out the check valve next to the relaser and seemed to do ok, but the trees finally quit running so I didn't have a chance to really check it out. VERY werid day. My trees started running sometime during the night of the11th. I had 150 gals in my gravity tank and all other tanks were half three quaters full. I had to sit in the vacuum shed till around 12:00 till my parts arrived. Sap was coming in like crazy. Wind was blowing, snowing, raining and just plain nasty. I ended up wioth around 500 gals of sap. Started up at 1:50 and was all shut down at 8:00. Made around 10 gals of very light syrup, Almost A med. Gonna recheck today in the better light. Hoping for another good run today. We got about 6in of HEAVY wet snow on the ground. So things are going good. No hint of buddy syrup at all. And color is climbing up good. Gonna swap out pans this morning and hope to get that last bit of color change. Dare I say maybe some fancy? Maybe not but really darn close. Well gotta run.
Still going in Bakersfield. Good luck to all still plugging away.
04-13-2007, 06:13 AM
Well my wish came true. We gathered on Wedsnday night got about 550 gallon made 10 gallons of good dark amber. Went out yesterday and the buckets were running over. Gathered 850 gallons out of 750 buckets and it was still running at 7:30 last night didn't get below 31 degrees at my house we'll be right at it again tonight. Heard the frogs singing yet???????
04-13-2007, 08:23 AM
We probably have frogs but they are still under 2 feet of snow. Don't want to hear them for a while yet.
04-13-2007, 08:49 AM
I guess I should have said "Have you heard the fat lady?" It isn't over till she sings.
04-13-2007, 08:59 AM
I think the fat lady has a frog in her throat!!
The Horizontally gifted woman, has an amphibian stuck in her air passage, call 911.
04-13-2007, 09:14 AM
What would the civil liberties people say about these posts??
04-13-2007, 11:21 AM
They would get over it!!!!!!
Russell Lampron
04-13-2007, 11:27 AM
You have to watch what you say in certain circles. Look at what happened to Don Imus because of his off color remark. LOL
04-13-2007, 11:59 AM
True, but Imus should have been canned years ago. That remark was way too far.
04-15-2007, 11:23 AM
ok, i guess its over the top of my head.
04-24-2007, 04:24 AM
Well everything is said and done. Loading up syrup barrels this morning and off to sell them. I am happy with this seasons totals.Things worked out good with the rig, just a few small modifactions to make. Now just have to cut wood for next season. But I'm taking a few days off before I start all over again. I hope everyone had a good season. I case people missed it my season totals are:
140 gallons total.
2 barrels Dark A
1 barrel B
3/4 barrel C
Total taps 1034
501 vacuum at sugarhouse
134 gravity at sugarhouse
9 buckets
390 vacuum rented bush
We will see if the numbers change next season.
Almost ready to tap.....Sap wagon is all set to go......Put in 200 new drops this weekend....Looks like we'll be taping in a week or so.........
02-19-2008, 09:45 PM
Hey Mike. I'm least somewhat. How is it looking up your way? I am in the crunch to put up some pipeline for this year. Got a new evap and need to double my taps, but not a lot of time left to get them going. Next three days are gonna be big for me I guess. See Ben lately? I have not had a tottie with him for over a week and a social life has gone to sh??. Anyway, When are you drilling? Gotta be itchin by now...I sure am with the new rig. Let the games begin...well maybe not just yet!
02-20-2008, 03:39 AM
Well things are starting to pick up around here. Finally getting going. Setting up a new bush this year. Hoping to have about 4-500 online in a week or so. Its taking the major amout of time figuring out where to run the mainlines. Its not a picture perfect bush. Its billy goat country. But I am managing.At least the snow dropped down quite a bit. Also trying to setup the bush to get the most bang outta the supplies I got. Prices on stuff are up (as you all know). But anyway, looking forward to a good season. Gonna take a break from billy goat country for the next day or so and check out the bushes that are on vaccum. That way they will be ready. Daren where abouts in Fletcher are you. I might get a chance to get stop in sometime? I'll keep everyone posted as to the progress. OH Yeah.. hoping to tap middle of next week.
Good luck to all.
Hey Daren! Things are great! Haven't seen Ben for awhile. Im sure once you start to boil your social life will get beter. Seems like the smell of syrup draws people to the sugar house like flies....Once I fire up the grill in the sugar house it will be like a tourist attraction......... I hope to start tapping real soon....Glad to see the snow packed down some......Catch ya later....Mike
02-21-2008, 07:18 PM
With my new rig, I had to tap more...and with more taps...more time to collect it which can be a problem for me these days. Sooo....I hung two short mainlines, one is 100 feet and the other is about 225 feet. Hoping to get about 75 or 80 taps on them, then use the 80 plus buckets for the ones that stand scattered. I hope to end up with 100 on some sort of line and 80 on buckets. That should feed it ok I think.
I am off of school road here in Fletcher. About 9/10th of a mile from the stop sign near the Fletcher General Store. If you are out and about, try to mapquest it...address is 356 Hemlock Rd. Cambridge. (no post office here in Fletcher so we have to use someone elses...)
02-22-2008, 03:38 AM
Well had a talk with the tapping crew.(me myself and I ) and looks like we are tapping this weekend. Walked all the lines at sugarhouse bush yesterday and knock on wood, they all look good. Only three lines to fix and two were problems made by me this summer doing some cutting around the sugarhouse. Not sure what the weathers gonna do but going to try and get all vaccum lines tapped then worry about the gravity. So I guess here goes nothing.
Daren, I am kinda fimaliar with the area your in. Hopefully I will get a chance to make a few stops this year.My place is on Waterville mountain road in Bakersfield, the diveway number is 421 go up the drive and take a right you will see the sugarhouse.
02-24-2008, 03:31 AM
Well got started yesterday. Got in 267 taps at the bush in Berkshire. Should be able to finish up today. Have about 100-150 more to tap then set up booster, and hook up main lines. We have a gate at the booster,easier to get around with tractor. Probalby won't hook up vaccum till it warms up a tad. Moving all equipment to sugarhouse bush at the end of the day. Gonna start plugging hole is there on Monday. Will be able to get sugarhouse setup this week when it cools down again.
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