View Full Version : Question for you guys with large pans

03-03-2016, 04:36 PM
I see some of these evaporator pans and they look pretty darn big, which I presume means they are pretty heavy when full of sap. My question is when you get near the point of shutting things down for the day or the season for that matter, how do you get the last bit of sap out of the pan? Are your outlets so close to the bottom that it is not an issue or do you have to lift one side to drain them off? How far off the bottom are the draw off outlets? Or do you just leave some sap in there until the next boil, and only completely drain them at the end of the season?

I guess the same question applies for those with drop flue pans as I assume there is lots of sap left in those flues.

Newbie question I know but it isn't an issue for me as my pans are so small that I just pick them up and dump them.

03-03-2016, 05:39 PM
Usually you don't drain the pans every day. But when you do drain them, most pans are setup with a drain that is low enough to get almost all the sap out.

03-03-2016, 06:03 PM
Our rear flue pan has a drain under the flues. So its easy to drain that. The front pan drains to only leave maybe a gallon of sap in it. Evaporator holds about 65 gallons of sap at 1 inch deep.
We only drain if its going to be real cold.

Bruce L
03-04-2016, 06:30 PM
Our flue pan takes at least 4 men to lift it,6 is better.We drain the sap out after the season,after it has fermented for clean up,still leaves maybe 1/4-1/2 " of water in the bottom after clean up to evaporate over the summer.The front pan leaves closer to 1" in the pan,probably so it can't run dry when syruping off,have to finish it off with a rag to get everything out after the season and clean up.

03-04-2016, 08:15 PM
Thanks, another query answered.

03-09-2016, 01:31 PM
I have a double box I can hook to the roof truss clips to the pan lip I can lift them up to drain or if things go bad to get them off the fire fast lift them up 4" slide sheets of steel over the fire boil dies very fast

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