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View Full Version : first experience with a sap refractometer and a question

02-29-2016, 06:16 AM
For the last few years I have been checking my sap sugar content with a sap hydrometer. In general my trees appeared to run around 1% with a handful at 2%. This year a purchased a ATC BRIX REFRACTOMETER for sap. The instructions had me calibrate distilled water at 68F and it is supposed to be accurate 50F to 90F or there about.

I check my stands yesterday. The new refractor was reading mostly +-3% with some nearly 4% and very few a little below 2%. It may have been a little below 50 degrees outdoors when I used it for the first time. At first I checked one tree indoors and outdoors and the readings matched up pretty much. After walked both bushes I notice the instrument was cold in my hand. When done, I checked the distilled water indoors and it was almost 1%. As the instrument warmed it came down almost to the original calibration of 0%. It almost makes sense to leave it outside for an hour or so and calibrate the darn thing to zero after it adapts to the outdoor temps, then checked the trees. Any thoughts on this or experience with these instruments?

PS: at some point I will check the hydrometer against the refractometer.

02-29-2016, 07:16 AM
I calibrate or check mine for every test using bottled water that is the same temp as the sap I am testing. If using indoors or outdoors I let the unit come to air temp.

02-29-2016, 07:28 AM
Good suggestion on checking at same temp. I never do that and probably why I get readings all over the place too.
I just run a bucket of sap and float a hydrometer. Getting about 2% readings right now.
Is that a squirrel dog in your Avatar?

02-29-2016, 08:56 AM
That's my lab retriever Beck. Training her to pick the best trees to tap..haha.