View Full Version : Funnel-Style Cream Machine Motor/GPM/HP specs please?

02-28-2016, 09:12 AM
hey guys,

so in the off-season i plan on building one of these cream machines pictured below. i decided this would be a better build than a carousel paddle machine.
This one pictured is 1/2hp machine and will make cream in 15min, according to Lapierre.
i think i will make the motor a bit bigger, so when i expand this will with me.

- bronze gear pump- should be an Oberdorfer N4000L, which you can get online for about $350+
is this the right model?

- Motor/gear reduction-
My thoughts are a 1-2hp, 1725rpm motor with a 15:1/20:1 gear box attached to it for a direct drive system (see other pic below of the CDL machine). this would be way cleaner than a belt system, but i would need to make sure to get my RPM reduced properly the first time, as this option can be pricey. plus the need to find a motor and gear box thatll mesh up properly.
any thoughts?

- the rest of the parts im sure i can find myself... the funnel, mounting plate.. thats all easier stuff.

any help would be great. thanks!

03-05-2016, 11:58 AM
found everything i needed. i will be creating a new post with all the appropriate links to parts...

Zucker Lager
03-05-2016, 12:13 PM
Anyone else making a machine like this might want to see this Craig's list for the pump its a good deal Jay

03-05-2016, 12:25 PM
Anyone else making a machine like this might want to see this Craig's list for the pump its a good deal Jay

That stainless pump look a lot like the one I am using. Mine has 3/8 inch ports. I had to replace the plastic gears with stainless gears because they kept breaking.