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02-27-2016, 08:33 PM
As mentioned in earlier post this is my second year I tapped my neighbors tree today 3 spikes all facing south temps got into mid 40s today but hardly nothing collected sap did come out each hole when drilled just has me puzzled because my tree around same size 84" I collected 5 gallon today

Run Forest Run!
02-27-2016, 08:39 PM
Don't worry Jacob. The sap will come. :)

02-28-2016, 06:00 AM
Thank you Karen I hope it runs today just really surprised nothing all day and can't remember how my tree did when first tapped suppose to be in the 60s today that should give it a good start u know another problem I have been having I use the synthetic pre filters and synthetic filters but on my last 2 boils I have had to take caps off and redo because of swirls in syrup I used 6 prefilters and after first filter was full of sand ran threw second filter then bottled I am using the flat filters 48" square I believe they came in then cut and rinse in hot water and put in fine mesh strainer

02-28-2016, 07:18 AM
My first year, and have had the same thing happen on my sugars ive got tapped.
One tree has outproduced all others so far...
Ive collected about 30 gallons in two weeks.
My best day so far was first collection on feb. 20th.(12gallons)
We had same type of low as last night(30) and supposed to be same type of high(60)
My fingers crossed!!!
Prob will take a peek at trees later to see how running.

Run Forest Run!
02-28-2016, 09:10 AM
Jacob, I might suggest you experiment with something different for your next batch of syrup. Since you only have very few taps, why not try to let the syrup settle first. I use wide mouth mason jars to pour the syrup into. After a day or two pretty much of all of the niter will have settled at the bottom of the jar and it's easy to ladle out the clear syrup. Gently reheat that clear syrup to 180-190 degrees, run it through a prefilter and then bottle it. It takes a little more patience while you wait for the niter to settle, but you lose next to nothing in filters.

02-28-2016, 12:16 PM
That right there is some good advice. I learned that the hard way, myself.

02-28-2016, 02:45 PM
I just may do that I have plenty of canning jars another hobby, and are u saying after settling and reheating just use the pre filter not the regular filter.
On that syrup that got rain water I tasted and it taste fine but does have alot of sand here is a tip if anyone is looking for food grade containers I got mine from sams club in the bakery they get there cake icing in plastic containers I would get 5 at a time each time I went get the bigger ones it's bigger than 5 gallons13402
Here is a pic of the sap that got rain water in all my other containers it's as clear as tap water also I did not get to boil today it's to windy I have 2 steam pans I put over cinder blocks so I will be doing it tomorrow in the 40s alot colder Karen I will let u know how my next boil goes I am going to do it like u said

02-28-2016, 03:03 PM
On my neighbors silver maple around same size tree as mine with 3 taps this is the second day and I would be lucky if I got a quart of sap today I took the spiles out and drilled again making sure all the shavings were out it Leaks a little after I drill but not really getting anything to where my tree 3 lines it drips alot a drip a second I would imagine the only thing I can think of is his house blocks the bottom portion of tree from getting sun only the top branches get sunlight see what happens tomorrow I even used a compas on my phone so taps face south

02-28-2016, 03:54 PM
Just got back from Neighbors and moved one of the spiles but when I drilled hole it is dry I am beginning to think this tree is not going to produce has this happened to anyone a tree at least 84" diameter and get nothing I will have to talk to him he did mention something about tree being injured years ago

Run Forest Run!
02-28-2016, 04:33 PM
Hi again Jacob. Since the syrup that you ladle out of the mason jars will be pretty much perfectly clear, a couple of prefilters (one inside the other) is all you need. In fact you may not need to filter it at all. However, bear in mind that if you let your reheated syrup get much beyond 190 degrees NEW niter will form and you'll have to start all over and let it settle again. Running the syrup through a couple of prefilters will catch most everything that might have reformed, in addition to anything that your ladle picked up. If you do use filters, put them in a ziplock bag after you are done with them, store them in your freezer until the next time you boil sap and then swish them gently through the warm sap to dislodge any sugar stuck on them. Be careful to not release the niter left on the inside of the filters. Once you've done that then rinse the filters with hot water and let them hang to dry. NEVER wring them out or you'll wreck the fibers and you'll have to buy new ones.

Now, what do you do with the niter/syrup left in the bottom of the wide mouth mason jar? I keep adding the dregs from each batch into one mason jar and the clear syrup will continue to rise to the top. Ladle it out as it appears. Eventually all that will be left is a layer of niter sludge, and you can throw that out.

As for that silver maple that you are concerned about, I think you are rushing the tree. Every tree with thaw out at its own pace. Redrilling the holes is not a great idea as they will almost certainly leak on you for the rest of the season. But, it's your first year, so you wouldn't know. Next year be sure to give the trees ample time to start up. :) Also, while the south sides of trees thaw first, apparently you are encouraged to tap all sides of trees for continued health of the trees. North facing spiles will run as much sap as a south facing spile, they just start up a little later in the season - but also run later than a southern spile.

In addition to not redrilling a hole, don't add new holes when a tree isn't producing. It's an added injury to the tree. You are doing great for your first season. Keep up the super work!

That's a great tip about the Sam's Club containers for your fellow American tappers. A source for good containers is always welcome on here.

02-28-2016, 04:54 PM
Thank you so much for all you help Karen I did store my filters in a zip lock bag in freezer and will do ad u have mentioned on the tree where I moved the spile I cut a piece of branch the size of the tubing and inserted it into hole so it won't leak and I am glad u mentioned about drilling on any area of tree in the following years so I don't have a bunch of holes all on one side I do keep the holes 6 inches away from previous taps Thanks Again you have been a tremendous help will and I will keep the temp below 190 for reheating hope you have a great day it had been beautiful here today low 60s tomorrow back to 40s I will boil then just to windy today

Run Forest Run!
02-28-2016, 05:05 PM
You are welcome Jacob. I learned everything on here too, so just paying it forward.

Oh, and one last thing, don't stuff things into old spile holes. They'll heal better if you don't. ;) Keep all of us posted on how you do this season and include lots of photos!

02-29-2016, 02:44 PM
Jacob, I might suggest you experiment with something different for your next batch of syrup. Since you only have very few taps, why not try to let the syrup settle first. I use wide mouth mason jars to pour the syrup into. After a day or two pretty much of all of the niter will have settled at the bottom of the jar and it's easy to ladle out the clear syrup. Gently reheat that clear syrup to 180-190 degrees, run it through a prefilter and then bottle it. It takes a little more patience while you wait for the niter to settle, but you lose next to nothing in filters.

You got me thinking about this, Karen... I hate the filtering part. Has anyone tried using one of these glass sun tea jars? They even have a draw off spigot..looks high enough to not get the niter. You could settle out a whole gallon batch in one jar.

02-29-2016, 05:20 PM
Karen I boiled today it is ok to sit out and will not spoil I heated sap to 112 outside and when cool will put saran wrap over so it don't pick up any odors but my question is it will not go bad I usually bottled after fire

02-29-2016, 07:01 PM
Karen I boiled today it is ok to sit out and will not spoil I heated sap to 112 outside and when cool will put saran wrap over so it don't pick up any odors but my question is it will not go bad I usually bottled after fire
I was a little confused it does have to be boiled on stove first before letting sit couple days it's late but going to start on the stove now I've been all day boiling outside I had 40 gallons collected in 7 days here is a picture before going on stove 13441

02-29-2016, 07:27 PM
I was a little confused it does have to be boiled on stove first before letting sit couple days it's late but going to start on the stove now I've been all day boiling outside I had 40 gallons collected in 7 days here is a picture before going on stove 13441

That's 212 degrees outside before bringing in its been a long day

Run Forest Run!
02-29-2016, 09:42 PM
Jacob, the syrup will be fine on the counter for a day or two while it settles out. You can also let it settle in the fridge if you've got the space. Either would be just fine. If you are too tired to bring the liquid to the final syrup density tonight give yourself a break and do it another day. There's no rush to complete the process all in one day.

Just curious about one thing Jacob. You said you were boiling down 40 gallons of sap. You must have more "nearup" to boil on the stove than what is in your picture ??? There should be close to a gallon right????? Otherwise you've been doing one heck of a lot of sampling. :lol:

Run Forest Run!
02-29-2016, 09:45 PM
Saphound, I've also wondered about using those sun tea jars. Why don't you give it a whirl and report back if you've got one? Just a thought......I'd make sure to let the syrup cool off quite a bit before pouring it into the container. I'd hate to shatter something that big and lose so much syrup in the process.

03-01-2016, 06:03 AM
Saphound, I've also wondered about using those sun tea jars. Why don't you give it a whirl and report back if you've got one? Just a thought......I'd make sure to let the syrup cool off quite a bit before pouring it into the container. I'd hate to shatter something that big and lose so much syrup in the process.
Well I grabbed that pic off ebay, I'll have to go out this AM and see if I can find one locally...shouldn't be too hard. I was also boiling my first batch yesterday, but quit at the nearup stage. About the same size batch as Jacobs, and I was wondering the same thing about his pic. Jacob, surely you have more nearup than that out of 44 gallons? I had 8 full buckets, so about 40 gals..down to around a gallon of nearup. Sap averaged 1.5 so prob end up with half gallon or so...we'll see. But I will try to find one and use it and let you know how it works out. :cool:

Jacob...is that Chef Boy-ar-dee in the background? :lol:

03-01-2016, 10:56 AM
Well I grabbed that pic off ebay, I'll have to go out this AM and see if I can find one locally...shouldn't be too hard. I was also boiling my first batch yesterday, but quit at the nearup stage. About the same size batch as Jacobs, and I was wondering the same thing about his pic. Jacob, surely you have more nearup than that out of 44 gallons? I had 8 full buckets, so about 40 gals..down to around a gallon of nearup. Sap averaged 1.5 so prob end up with half gallon or so...we'll see. But I will try to find one and use it and let you know how it works out. :cool:

Jacob...is that Chef Boy-ar-dee is the background? :lol:
The chef is something my wife bought I think on Amazon that pic was just a sample after boiling everything to 212 outside I filled several bowls in house maybe 3-4 gals just guessingI was up to 1AM last night boiling on stove to get to the 7 degrees over water boil I imagine I have 1gal after boiling on stove what does nearup mean. Also on the sap that got water inside I brought in 7 gallon it had,alot of water, tasted weak after boiling outside anyhow I thought I would bottle that one and see how it went I got 1 1/2 8 oz bottles when done but it is alot darker. Someone mentioned about putting wire on tubing to stop water from going inside jug I did that but took off for fear after tightening it might cut through tubing here is a pic of my one bottle
The rest is settling g will post pic when bottled13451

03-01-2016, 01:37 PM
That syrup looks good to me.

Nearup (nearly syrup) is the stage where you're close enough to bring inside to finish on the stove. You may have done that a little early if you had 3-4 gallons of it to end up with one. Also, raw sap is at 212 as soon as it's boiling, so you can go a little higher than that outside if you want. I don't bother too much with the thermometer outside, I just kind of go by eye. If I know the sugar content of the sap, I'm expecting x amount of finished syrup from x amount of sap. If I'm expecting a gallon of syrup, I let it boil down to maybe 1.5- 2 gals, then bring it inside and monitor with the thermometer. I'm sure after another batch or two, you'll get the hang of that. Just remember to save a little sap in case you go too far and need to thin it out a little... I had to do that one time.
As for rain water in your jugs..what are you using, milk jugs? Well either milk jugs or buckets, drill the hole in the side just below the lid or cap..not down through the lid or cap. Use a bit 1/64 smaller than your tubing..it fits real tight and you won't get rain water in... at least I haven't.

03-01-2016, 05:26 PM
Saphound thanks for the comment on my sap it taste real good and that bottle was from the sap that turned off color I have a good bit sitting in bowl from the good sap will bottle maybe tomorrow i have 2 go to my daughters house and paint though. On the jug for collecting I use one of those 5 gallon water jugs and has 3 lines coming in I have aluminum foil wrapped around to prevent anything getting inside but today I took a rag and wrapped around the tubing to prevent rain entering someone mentioned tying wire to tubing but I was afraid it would cut into tubing . I probably do need to boil a little longer outside because I spend alot of time on stove

03-02-2016, 04:04 AM
Yes I remember reading the suggestion about the wire drip point. that should help and won't cut your tubing if it's just snug. I would make plans to switch to buckets next year. Easier to handle, easier to remove ice, and easier to keep rain water out.

Edit: Whoops, just saw your other thread about off color sap. Those icing buckets from Sam's Club will work great!;)

03-04-2016, 02:18 PM
Jacob, I might suggest you experiment with something different for your next batch of syrup. Since you only have very few taps, why not try to let the syrup settle first. I use wide mouth mason jars to pour the syrup into. After a day or two pretty much of all of the niter will have settled at the bottom of the jar and it's easy to ladle out the clear syrup. Gently reheat that clear syrup to 180-190 degrees, run it through a prefilter and then bottle it. It takes a little more patience while you wait for the niter to settle, but you lose next to nothing in filters.
Karen I just wanted to say Thank You for the tip here is a picture of Sap after settling for 3 days13520
Karen so sorry I misspelled your name I have since corrected sometimes posting on this phone is not the easiest Thanks again for you help meanwhile waiting for it to warm up today get some more sap.
My neighbors tree never did get any sap maybe just a quart collected when I first tapped it I noticed ants all on tree is there a possibility the tree would be dead inside or do some trees just not give sap

03-04-2016, 03:50 PM
Um...who's Karnak? Or does Karen have an alter ego we don't know about? Karnak of the North! hehe :cool:

Run Forest Run!
03-04-2016, 05:25 PM
Karnak I just wanted to say Thank You for the tip here is a picture of Sap after settling for 3 days13520

(Holds an envelope to my forehead) "And the answer is .....Jacob, and gravity" (Opens envelope) "And the question is.....who makes the clearest syrup?" !!

Gorgeous syrup! Make sure you show that off to everyone you know.

03-04-2016, 05:46 PM
Ha! Karmak the Magnificent lives. I really miss Johnny Carson..RIP
That reminds me Karen, ..I went to buy one of those sun tea jars, but the only ones I could find I didn't like. Real cheap plastic spigots on them and more money than on ebay. I ended up buying a wide mouth glass gallon cannister instead. I have a little more than a half gallon of syrup in there settling now. There has to be an inch of niter on the bottom after 3 days. That sure seems a lot for a half gallon of syrup...does that sound normal? It's a lot deeper than I thought it would be.

D and D Sugar Camp
03-04-2016, 06:07 PM
Are you boiling yet? Just wandering?

Run Forest Run!
03-04-2016, 06:41 PM
Ha! Karmak the Magnificent lives. I really miss Johnny Carson..RIP
That reminds me Karen, ..I went to buy one of those sun tea jars, but the only ones I could find I didn't like. Real cheap plastic spigots on them and more money than on ebay. I ended up buying a wide mouth glass gallon cannister instead. I have a little more than a half gallon of syrup in there settling now. There has to be an inch of niter on the bottom after 3 days. That sure seems a lot for a half gallon of syrup...does that sound normal? It's a lot deeper than I thought it would be.

Perfect choice buying the gallon size wide mouth mason. It will be really easy to get the syrup out with lots of room for many small batches. I'm not surprised at the amount of niter. Sometimes there will be next to none, and other times you can get TONS! I once made a batch of syrup that when I poured it into quart jars, the bottom 1/4 was niter.

Are you boiling yet? Just wandering?

Hey D&D, thanks for asking. I've got 61L frozen solid in a storage container so I can't get at it. Its been very cold for the past few days. Starting tomorrow the weather here is going to get warmer. By Sunday the flood gates are going to open wide and it's going to be total mayhem in my area. A sap tsunami that will last for at least a week. I'm all ready with four full propane tanks to start with and a little cement block evaporator that I might need to put into service. I don't know it it's going to work yet, but I'll soon find out if I screwed up when making it. :lol:

D and D Sugar Camp
03-04-2016, 07:13 PM
Your starting and by the looks of our forecast here in Southern Pa.we will be finishing next weekend, with midweek Temps in the upper 60s and nights in the 40s. Kind of a bummer, I'm glad I waded through 20 inches of snow to tap in the last week of January. Please post some pictures of your final product. Hope you have high sugar and lots of fun.


Run Forest Run!
03-04-2016, 07:53 PM
Will do D&D. Thank-you for sending your warm weather north. We'll take good care of it before we send it further up.

03-05-2016, 07:53 AM
Karen so sorry I misspelled your name I have since corrected cant believe i did that i usually always look before posting and correct spelling sometimes posting on this phone is not the easiest Thanks again for your help meanwhile waiting for it to warm up today get some more sap.
My neighbors tree never did get any sap maybe just a quart collected when I first tapped it I noticed ants all on tree is there a possibility the tree would be dead inside or do some trees just not give sap

03-05-2016, 08:34 AM
Perfect choice buying the gallon size wide mouth mason. It will be really easy to get the syrup out with lots of room for many small batches. I'm not surprised at the amount of niter. Sometimes there will be next to none, and other times you can get TONS! I once made a batch of syrup that when I poured it into quart jars, the bottom 1/4 was niter.

Hey D&D, thanks for asking. I've got 61L frozen solid in a storage container so I can't get at it. Its been very cold for the past few days. Starting tomorrow the weather here is going to get warmer. By Sunday the flood gates are going to open wide and it's going to be total mayhem in my area. A sap tsunami that will last for at least a week. I'm all ready with four full propane tanks to start with and a little cement block evaporator that I might need to put into service. I don't know it it's going to work yet, but I'll soon find out if I screwed up when making it. :lol:
Glad u like Karen, I am trying something new and trying to sell in my area I have signs on telephone polls but no one interested but that is not why I do it I really enjoy the hobby also I have vegetable seeds already started inside suppose to really warm up this coming week.
That name is like stuck in my head now Karnak the Great.
Johnny Carson was mentioned never really watched but my wife and I were watching Dr Phil on tv and mentioned I wish I had some of the older Phil Donahue videos to watch now I am showing my age

03-05-2016, 09:50 AM
Carnac the Magnificent: ;)


Run Forest Run!
03-05-2016, 09:58 AM
Karen so sorry I misspelled your name I have since corrected cant believe i did that i usually always look before posting and correct spelling sometimes posting on this phone is not the easiest Thanks again for your help meanwhile waiting for it to warm up today get some more sap.
My neighbors tree never did get any sap maybe just a quart collected when I first tapped it I noticed ants all on tree is there a possibility the tree would be dead inside or do some trees just not give sap

Hey Jacob! All along I thought you were referring to the Johnny Carson character and I thought that was a really funny joke. So, no harm done at all! In fact it was a compliment that you thought I was all-knowing like Karnak was. Now that I know that you didn't mean that.........should I be insulted???::lol: Just kidding!!!! You made my day.

As for your questions, yes there are trees that will be reluctant to give up their sap. They can be perfectly healthy and still won't give up much sap. And about the ants, as the sugaring season progresses you will begin to notice ants all over the place. They can find that sugary sap from a mile away and there will be little armies of them making their way up and down your trees to take sips of the sap. Then the flies, and the moths.......etc etc.

P.S. Send me some of those veggies you've already started. I'm way behind on that one this year. :)

D and D Sugar Camp
03-06-2016, 10:07 AM
Hey Karen, we are waiting on an update. Boiling?

Run Forest Run!
03-06-2016, 10:17 AM
Hey Karen, we are waiting on an update. Boiling?

The taps are just starting to drip now. Woohoo! I'll be boiling sometime within the next 24 hours. :D

03-07-2016, 07:35 PM
I finally pulled taps at my neighbors tree never did get any sap and with Temps in the high 60s today my tree sap was running like a constant fast drip my neighbor did tell me years ago the neighbor kids and his daughter took a hatch to the tree and literally stripped the bark off so we were talking not sure if this is why no sap even after pulling taps the holes are dry did have good luck though I took the bucket taps and tubing and went to my daughter's house close by and tapped a huge silver maple and sap was flowing out of each hole before I got spile in

D and D Sugar Camp
03-10-2016, 06:19 PM
The taps are just starting to drip now. Woohoo! I'll be boiling sometime within the next 24 hours. :D

Well how's it going? You promised us pictures..

Run Forest Run!
03-10-2016, 06:37 PM
Sadly I've got zilch to post. The trees shut down after a day of dripping. I boiled down what little sap I had into a 2 quart batch of nearup that's currently in the fridge. I tapped some new trees today in a cold sugar bush down the street and hope to find some success down there. Mother Nature 1, Run Forest Run! 0.

D and D Sugar Camp
03-11-2016, 04:19 AM
That stinks!! Hopefully things get going for you.
Keep us posted!!!

03-12-2016, 06:42 PM
Sadly I've got zilch to post. The trees shut down after a day of dripping. I boiled down what little sap I had into a 2 quart batch of nearup that's currently in the fridge. I tapped some new trees today in a cold sugar bush down the street and hope to find some success down there. Mother Nature 1, Run Forest Run! 0.
Here is a update picked up a 2 gallon jug to store my sap while it settles I boiled in house today and it had alot of sand here is a pic of glass jug and Thanks again for the tip13748

Run Forest Run!
03-12-2016, 07:12 PM
I made a 3 quart batch the other night and am letting it settle too. There was a lot of fine niter in it so it's going to take quite a while to settle to the bottom. Jacob, don't be surprised if you need to let that batch of yours sit for days, maybe even weeks. Each batch is different. I can tell that you are having fun. :)

03-13-2016, 07:18 AM
I made a 3 quart batch the other night and am letting it settle too. There was a lot of fine niter in it so it's going to take quite a while to settle to the bottom. Jacob, don't be surprised if you need to let that batch of yours sit for days, maybe even weeks. Each batch is different. I can tell that you are having fun. :)
Thanks again I will not worry then if it takes a couple days my wife said I should get bigger size jar because I am always looking for new trees another neighbor let me tap there sugar maple and my daughter's house I tapped 3 more trees next year may ask more in neighborhood and just offer those,who do a bottle of syrup