View Full Version : looks like my season might be in jepordy.

02-27-2016, 04:33 PM
well, i was planning on tapping when i got off work Monday morning..got @70 taps to put in.

1) well thurs before last the transmission on the wife's SUV goes up. at the dealership now trying to figure out how bad it is. looks at least $1800 to start.
2) last Weds the alternator went up on my car (my sap hauler) got that fixed $250
3) Weds night my sump pump went in our basement, called fire dept to pump it out while i went to get a new pump. $40
4) thurs had to go out and get new hose pieces for the sump because the outlet was too big for the hose i had. $5
5) Friday wake up to our septic needing to be pumped $175
6) today car started over heating, tow driver said it looked like transmission line through radiator leaking into engine coolant. (God only knows how much)

at this point i am refusing to say "what's next?" because when i do, someone seems to take it as a challenge....lol

i MAY go out and tap anyways, but i can see my mind definitely won' be in it.

02-27-2016, 06:23 PM
I have had times like that myself. I am sorry you have to go through it. If you have a family that loves you and your health is good then your still in the winners circle. I would still tap the trees and enjoy your sugaring season with your family. Like Red Green always said ( where all in this together). It will get better.


02-27-2016, 08:21 PM
i agree Spud. about the only thing stopping me from crawling into a hole and hibernating is the family.....lol figure it can only go up from here....

02-27-2016, 10:38 PM
Oh My.

Hope things turn around for you, catch a break soon, tap your trees and know that time heals all wounds.

02-28-2016, 03:54 AM
It is all perspective. If that is all I had to endure last season, I would be celebrating. You have your health and your family... money only breaks the wallet.. not the spirit nor the drive. Get out and tap.

02-28-2016, 04:12 AM
Wow, you have had a lot of unlucky things happen to you lately. When our water heater died last week, I told my wife we were lucky that it went before our season started here in northern Michigan. Based on how things have been going for you lately, I would suggest keeping a fire extinguisher close by as you boil your sap.