View Full Version : Urgent question: Does spoiled sap taste and smell in addition to being cloudy?

02-27-2016, 07:35 AM
I'm a weekend boiler and started at 6:00 AM today. I have about 30 gallons (of about 50 gallons I'm boiling today) of sap remaining that seems a little bit cloudy. I think it may be spoiled. But, when I taste it, it tastes fine and it doesn't smell. Do I risk ruining my other 20 gallons? Or, should I play it safe and throw it out? Thanks for the advice.


02-27-2016, 07:42 AM
Nothing wrong with cloudy sap. If it taste ok then boil it in. Your syrup may be dark but it still will taste good.


02-27-2016, 08:07 AM
I agree. I have made some very tasty syrup with pretty scuzzy looking sap. If your really concerned, put a couple tablespoons into a clean can and heat it with a torch. Smell the steam and go from there.

02-27-2016, 08:19 AM
Thanks for the quick responses. I'm going for it. I'll let you know what the results are.

02-27-2016, 08:27 AM
Thanks for the quick responses. I'm going for it. I'll let you know what the results are.

If we don't hear back from you then we will know it did not go well. :lol:


Russell Lampron
02-27-2016, 04:43 PM
I've made a lot of good syrup with cloudy and off colored sap.

02-27-2016, 08:16 PM
I go by smell. I stick my head in/over the bucket. If it smells dump it.

02-27-2016, 08:24 PM
I boiled the cloudy sap and it came out fine. I made about 2 gallons of dark syrup today. Thanks for the replies.

02-28-2016, 08:07 PM
I agree. I have made some very tasty syrup with pretty scuzzy looking sap.

I laughed when I read this (mainly because it just sounds funny)...but truth is, it's brutal dumping any