View Full Version : cleaning sap tank

02-23-2016, 09:55 PM
I recently got a 325 water storage tank that had only ever had water in it then sat in the bushes for a number of years. there was some water (frozen) and a normal amount of alge growth in the bottom. we presure washed the **** out of it at somethin like 4-600 psi really good. now that I dump my first 40 gals or so of sap my Dad tells me that a guy he knows who makes more syrup than I said "its risky to not use bleech on something like that because it can go bad easy even when its cold." I am not sure i belive it because I have never bleeched my buckests or storage containers. yet I have never used anything over individual 5 gal buckets. I sure don't want a few hundred gallons of sap to go bad suddenly.

anyone had a tank of sap go bad even when its cold due to to bacteria in the tank?

02-23-2016, 09:58 PM
Last year I lost sap. Had about 100 gallon block of ice that wouldn't thaw. It started going green and spoiled whatever sap that came in. This year I cut the top off so I can clean it.

Bucket Head
02-23-2016, 11:11 PM
How dirty is the tank now? Did the pressure washing clean the algae off it? I think everyone has had some green stuff in a tank a time or two- I have, but a thorough scrubbing with just water removed it. I didn't use bleach and you probably shouldn't either. Using any cleaners with plastic, which is a porous material, is a risky gamble. If there is no smell or a plastic smell- what you'd smell in just about any plastic vessel- it should be fine.

I've never heard of sap spoiling because bleach wasn't used. It's usually the other way- cleaners not getting rinsed enough and tainting the sap.

02-24-2016, 01:39 AM
Thank you. Jasmine and I thought we were fine. there is no alge at all the presure washer was the best tool. just had my dad justy had my dads opinon ringing in my head. I do hate bleech.