View Full Version : New guy in Shelton

02-22-2016, 01:24 PM
Just thought I would say hi. My 5yo son and my father did our first boil ever in Shelton. We did about 50 gallons in a few steam pans over a cinder block setup. It took a long time but me made about a gallon of syrup. Looking forward to doing it again this weekend. This is addicting though and I am already looking at moving up to at least a real 2x2 pan.

I saw some of you are from the are so I thought I would say hi.


02-22-2016, 02:18 PM
Welcome! I started with my daughter about that age and we have shared many memories since then. Enjoy!

02-22-2016, 02:35 PM
Welcome! Enjoy your new hobby. A cinder block arch is how I got started and it's great to sit around and enjoy each others company.

02-22-2016, 03:20 PM
Welcome to the MADNESS!!! Great to do it with family. Have fun and enjoy.

02-22-2016, 05:35 PM
Hey Jeremy my name is Sam and I'm also located in Shelton upper white hills near jones farm I also know a guy down the road from my house that also does syrup if u ever want to talk contact me
50ish taps

02-25-2016, 08:35 AM
Welcome aboard Jeremy! I'm a weekend boiler over in Ansonia (Grew up in Shelton) You're welcome to stop by anytime. I have a 4 steam pan set up which gets me 9-10 gal/hr when cranking.



02-25-2016, 09:08 AM
Its cool to see so many local people in this hobby.

We will do our second boil this weekend and try and figure out how to filter this stuff after a few failed attempts....

02-25-2016, 09:37 AM
Figuring out the filtering took the longest - here is a link to something that I came up with that makes it a little easier (https://sites.google.com/site/mattatuckmadnessmaplesyrup/home/filter-tank). Good luck!

02-25-2016, 03:24 PM
Figuring out the filtering took the longest - here is a link to something that I came up with that makes it a little easier (https://sites.google.com/site/mattatuckmadnessmaplesyrup/home/filter-tank). Good luck!

hodorskib- Awesome setup man. Nice work!

02-25-2016, 04:25 PM
Hodorskib, I really enjoyed seeing your yearly totals. I hope to have around 70-80 taps this year and want to watch your 2016 season as you go along. It helps me to compare on how I am doing.

Thanks for sharing.

02-25-2016, 08:10 PM
Jeremy, you may want to try the settling out method. Having less than 20 taps, I usually finish only a gallon or two at a time. When finishing off, I will bring it close to syrup, pour it thru a filter cloth into a pan or pot. this removes most of the nitre, sediment etc. Then ill bring it to syrup, pour it in mason jars then let it sit for a few days till it is clear. Then pour off the clear syrup and bottle. May be a little time consuming but it works for me. End up with nice clear syrup and dont lose a lot. Good luck

02-26-2016, 06:46 AM
Hodorskib, I really enjoyed seeing your yearly totals. I hope to have around 70-80 taps this year and want to watch your 2016 season as you go along. It helps me to compare on how I am doing.

Thanks for sharing.
This year is very unusual with the high volume of sap - I have already reached the halfway mark of 20 gallons so this may not be a good year to look at. Up to this point I had never made more than 3 gallons in February and in just 1 week I will have 10 bottled up tomorrow night. I just updated my website with a little video if you are interested on the RO page.

02-27-2016, 06:56 PM

I just wanted to say thanks. I built a version of your filter tank and it worked perfect. I got through last weeks and thus weeks batch no problem and now have 11 filtered and super clear jars of syrup.



Helicopter Seeds
02-27-2016, 07:37 PM
Welcome to our addiction. I'm the guy near Sam in Shelton too. Looks like you already found this site to be helpful as we have. My first year I did not need extra filters, but I only made 3 quarts, probably 3 different boils over a pot on a bon fire. I got the filters from Bascoms last year after I found the sugar sand suddenly clouding what was clear hot syrup. I still use a kitchen supply grease filter setup as a pre=filter for my concentrate, gets a lot of crud out early.