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View Full Version : Newbie here with a evaporator question; where to boil?

02-22-2016, 08:28 AM
This will be our first year boiling. We have a 2x4 arch with continuous flow pans (in for a penny in for a pound...). The problem is we have no sugar shack yet. Our farm is set on the side of a mountain; not any flat areas unless you build it that way. Our home has a walk out basement facing south with a cement patio and a PT deck above it. My thought was to set the arch up on the flat cement patio under the deck. This would give me a level area, out of the wind, which usually comes out of the North/North West, somewhat covered (deck boards overhead have gaps so rain does come through...) to run it. Obviously, I would run the smoke stack out past the edge of the deck. My wife is concerned about boiling under the deck. It's almost 8' from cement patio to the deck framing. She's concerned about ants being drawn to the area...?

Am I crazy to think it would be a good place to boil? Is she crazy to worry about boiling too close to the house for fear of ants? Are we both crazy? Are maple syrup addicts crazy to begin with?


02-22-2016, 08:47 AM
Sounds like a good place to me, unless you're planning on slopping syrup all over the place!:lol:
I'd clean the underside of the deck right over the evaporator to minimize anything falling into the pan.

02-22-2016, 08:49 AM
I'm thinking I could maybe string a new clean tarp below the deck to keep rain off and debris from the deck from falling in the pan?

02-22-2016, 08:50 AM
Id be less worried about ants and more worried about ashes and sparks from smokestack so close to house...my 2 cents would be to find a small relatively flat space on the downwind (prevailing) side of house, level the arch on some cement blocks and build a temporary structure around it out of free or near free material. Pallets, free from many business, can be screwed together to make a quick and secure structure. A couple of 2X4 across top, metal roofing (used or new) or even plastic sheet across pallets or sheetgoods (thin plywood, etc) EXCEPT for area of smokestack - needs to be metal). Check on your area craiglist for free construction materials to recycle or see if you have an area construction recycling center. Post an ad - lots of folks have stuff laying around that would be happy to provide in exchange for a little bit of syrup - maple is a great bartering currency.

Be creative, don't worry about perfection and, most importantly, have fun!

02-22-2016, 08:57 AM
Hi vtwoody,

This location would be on the downwind side of the house so smoke, ash, etc. should be blown away from the house not towards it. The deck extends 10' out from the house so the stack would need to be 12'+ away I'd guess....

02-22-2016, 09:03 AM
your call. Here's an example of what I'm suggesting:


Either way, have fun!

02-22-2016, 09:21 AM
A sloped tarp below the deck would be a must for me. I would not want to risk any drips from a PT deck landing in my sap. PT is PT, regardless of age. The rising steam will condense on the cold deck boards and you will get drips back into your pan. Also - any snow on the deck would be melted by the heat from the steam and will also drip.

There is no worry about ants on the deck above - the steam is not sticky. You will have sticky where you boil, but ants have never been a problem for me.

The smokestack is your biggest worry. I would want the top of the stack well above the level of the deck, and at least a foot away from any decking or railings. There are lots of sparks coming out of the average stack.

02-22-2016, 10:14 AM
I did the same thing my first year. You ll be fine. I used plywood to keep the rain out. Just throw a 90 on the stack facing away from the house.


02-22-2016, 12:01 PM
you could gt a 10'x25' plastic sheet used for painting pretty cheap. think $15 or so. teepee it over the evaporator going to the sides. should take care of any worry of the steam bothering the deck or the drips from the deck into the evap, even after a rain. also would protect from any wind change.

i have boiled on a propane burner past couple years inside a tin shed. the steam does contain some sugar and you can get a sticky film where the steam runs.