View Full Version : Stupid Question - Tap Depths - Ugh!

02-21-2016, 01:33 PM
This is my first season sugaring in the backyard and I think I made a goof. Probably many, but maybe a big one. I have about 75-100 taps all connecting to a mainline and while I am getting some decent dripping out of it, I'm not getting the flow I think I should be (other peoples nearby sap barrels are filling up faster than mine, even though I have more taps).

I was a bit surprised because I had quite a few of the tap holes gush out sap as I drilled them.

I think I may have figured out at least part of the issue. I am using Leader 5/16" Treesaver Spouts, and I am quite sure I drilled them too deep. Will that reduce by flow or is it just not as good for the tree?

What is the proper angle to drill? I was trying to do a little bit more slope than flat, but more flat than angled.

Should I redrill the holes? Seems like I may need to.

Thanks for the help!

02-21-2016, 02:50 PM
i really doubt that you hurt any thing by drilling deep. Normal tapping depth would be 1.5 to 2 inches. But may need to be deeper on a big old thick bark maple tree.
What kind of maples did you tap? Hard or soft? Large open crowns or dense trees and small crowns?
Is the woods sheltered or maybe cold?
Your doing fine!

02-21-2016, 03:07 PM
I'm not sure what kind of maples they are. They are mostly in a somewhat-thick area with fairly narrow crowns. The woods have been pretty warm this weekend - around 50 during the day (I'm in Southern NH). The ones that are too deep are so deep that the entire spike-part of the spout is into the tree with the larger plastic part (the part that I was hitting with the hammer) right up onto the tree bark. I know some of them are leaking around the taps, so I certainly have to do those again - I'm thinking I might as well do the rest while I'm walking around out there.

I'm hoping the double holes won't hurt the tree - I imagine they will "clot" over fairly quickly once the tap is pulled out.

Newbie lessons!

Other newbie lessons: I drilled straight through my mainline twice while attaching the saddles, dropped a full 5 gallon bucket of sap on my foot, and tapped one dead tree... all part of the fun, though!

I'm looking forward to setting up next year when I won't have to completely set up all of the tubing!

02-21-2016, 03:19 PM
Ok Will try to help a little.
What size tap drill are you using? Should be 5/16 inch dia. How are you tapping in the spile? Tap the spile into the hole like a 9 year old girl would do. Nice and gentle until the hammer bounces back or the sound changes to a thunk. Then stop.
I think you have a problem if the head of the spout is against the tree! Have never seen that. My guess is you have too big of a hole or you are driving these in with a sledge and they have bottomed the end of the spile on the bottom of the hole, stopping sap flow and or splitting the tree?
And when/if you pull these the tree is going to give sap from those holes just as long as a new hole.
A couple pictures might help.