View Full Version : Time for me to ask for help.

02-21-2016, 09:23 AM
Well here it is.
I have a meeting scheduled with a lawmaker here in the State of Michigan. This will be a meeting to discuss the Maple Trade in the state of Michigan.

What I am looking for (Yes I am and do have many links and printed copies of information already, however more is better)

Links to and documents (IE letter or published works) based on the recommendations for tapping via studies and governmental bodies. Both US and Canada.

Process and regulations on producers in states.
New York
New Hampshire

These will be handed over for the representative to go over to establish an across the board recommendation for this new sub class if its granted as industry based in Michigan.

So as an overall here is what is happening. Those in Michigan and other States may have a slight interest. Or perhaps not.

I am personal friends with some of the personnel in the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. We began to discuss last year the potential for what our state (especially those of us to the north) could do if we were allowed to lease sections of land for maple production. Joking around we (a few of us who tap our own trees) began to ponder what would happen if we tapped some state owned trees. So we inquired. It would be a fine and depending on how many you could face jail. The reason they are public owned and you would be potentially damaging public owned property. That was fine.

Then along comes August. We sit in and hear a forest plan for our forests. Where we discovered that vast amounts of our state owned forest were due to be clear cut. IE leased and sold to timber market. That had us again pondering the aspect of maples. As the timber market loves to cull the maple and oak out of the forest. As everyone knows timber market means cutting mature trees. Well with that then the state is in fact selling public trees for profit of the state to private citizens. So private citizens are capitalizing on the use of public property in one industry while those whom could perhaps also use the same trees for private industry are denied the same use. Given that timber industry kills trees and maple industry has the opposite intent. IE for a maple producer to produce maple based food consumption products they have a direct interest and desire to not harm or kill the trees to allow for future use and marketability.

So this lead to some discussion among ourselves on how we could actually do this. Which after some discussion came to some guidelines we could foresee in place which would allow this to happen. This then lead to contacting our local law maker. Which has now culminated with them expressing interest in hearing the ideas and pitch if you will. So I have a meeting scheduled for about a week from now to do just that.

So here it is the proposal that will be given.

The State of Michigan would be asked to allow Maple Leases (New definition and portion of the current Michigan Land Lease operations such as Oil Lease, Natural Gas Lease and Timber lease.)
The State would through the current timber surveys identify and note specific State held sections of lands in state ranges that house and hold potential for possible maple lease. Which would be of mature sections of timber. A new definition of mature timber would be instituted into the laws which would identify the estimated age via the dimensions of the trees on the section which could be tapped for maple production. IE 10" Diameter trees being considered as mature. This could also lead to a higher value on the timber market in the states eyes as trees under 24" Diameter would then hold more value to the state to leave them standing then to cut them. As they could now hold value in a form other then cut for timber. Meaning more mature and healthier forests in the state held system.

The leases would be managed on a per section (range section) as to simplify the process. At a later time should interest be higher then the state could even divide this into quarter sections of less per lease.

Process of Lease.
Application for lease of desired range would be submitted to the State.
State would grant leases to applicants. The lease (amount to be determined) would need to be payed. The authorization for the years lease on the range for the use of Maple production would be granted and recorded.

The obligation of the leaser would be similar to our trapping laws.
The individual would be expected to identify their equipment with a name, and contact information on each tap. A metal identification tag is what is used on traps or some other attached tag that has the trappers (in this case leasers) name and contact information visible for the officer to inspect. Meaning Conservation or Forester inspecting.
The leaser would be expected to meet guidelines within the new law that would give a time period of Tapping between the time of lease (new years would begin in January. And the ending of tapping in the lower peninsula ending on April 30th Upper Peninsula on May 31st. Allowing for full season to be utilized and the leaser time to get equipment removed from trees. Any equipment left in trees after this time would constitute a violation of the lease and the leaser would lose the ability to gain a lease for the following three years time.

The leaser would only be allowed to utilize fire trails and two tracks in open areas of forest for motorized vehicles in collection. If they lease a section not open too motorized vehicles they would be expected to use personal or domesticated animals for the collection. This would be worded in order to prevent allowance of ATVs and such into non designated areas of the states forest. Tubing would be ideal in these locations or sleds, pack animals and such.

The purpose of this is to allow use of state lands for people interested in and capable of production. That encourages timber stands to flourish and remain. As it is now the State of Michigan with its timber lease, natural gas lease, and oil leases, make revenue. However the timber and lands of these sites are cut reduced and damaged. The land is damaged and erosion is a by product of these. Along with the other contamination of the locations. Roads are caused to become impassible in some areas and other issues.

Anyhow I am interested in documentation to provide at this meeting to make the whole of this easier and more streamlined for the purpose.
If the state of Michigan was to do such. Other states would be able to be lobbied and such to do the same. Meaning the potential for others in other states to benefit from this too.

Thanks everyone.

Ed R
02-21-2016, 11:55 AM
Have you been in contact with MMSPA or CMSPM about this? These are the two state associations in Mi and would have some helpful info. Being a member of one of these groups would be helpful as well. This has been discussed at length in the past and has never went anywhere. Good luck.

02-21-2016, 02:42 PM
No I have not nor am I a member. Just really a hobby for myself and my buddies.
Again this was something that myself and some DNR personnel were pondering.
Our local politicians are interested in this though. Interested enough they had their office personnel contact me concerning the meeting. I simply placed the phone call to inquire the possibility. The legislator is the one whom would like to move on this. One thing I can tell everyone. It would not be a quick thing it would take 3-5 years from now just to get to the point of writing rules and such if the bill was taken up and passed.

Government is a slow monster to say the least. If you have never been involved in things with the state to get things done. Imaging amputating a limb with a Popsicle stick its about that quick and efficient.