View Full Version : Best method for using canning jars

02-20-2016, 06:38 PM
Ok so I use canning jars for all my finished syrup, I would like to know if I am doing to much and can cut down on the time, so I first rinse out each new jar then I put the new jar and lid in a canning pan and boil them for about 20 minutes, then I filter my hot syrup 180-200 degrees into the jar cap it then I put the jars back in boiling hot bath for about 15-30 minutes and then set on side and let cool. Is this being to careful or to many steps, if anyone knows of quicker or more efficient way please advise. Like maybe heating jars in stove instead of the first boil.

02-20-2016, 06:52 PM
When I have used canning jars, I used new or cleaned used jars. I filled jars with finished 185º-190º*syrup as quick as I could and screwed a new lid on immediately, then turned on its side for several seconds before setting them together under a towel so they cool slower. I never heated jars/lids, or water bathed them afterward, and have had these jars sit on a shelf for up to two years without issue.

02-20-2016, 07:16 PM
My process is this-

1- filter hot, darn near boiling
2- reheat filtered to upper 180s.
3- fill preheated jars quickly, lid and ring, and turn on its side. Let sit till cool.

I do preheat my jars in the oven to like 150 or so. I do this to reduce the thermal shock when filling. I don't want the mess, the lost product, nor the danger. I've never had an issue, but I don't want one either. It does not help that, thus far, most of our maple canning had used my grandmother's old glass mayo jars. She used them for canning way back in the day. They work fine, but are not as robust as regular mason jars so I want to be careful.

02-20-2016, 11:56 PM
Do you clean the jars like regular dishes using dish soap, I did that last year and did not notice any odd taste but did rinse the he'll out of them.

02-21-2016, 12:31 AM
Do you clean the jars like regular dishes using dish soap, I did that last year and did not notice any odd taste but did rinse the he'll out of them.

I pre-boil them with some vinegar in the water. That keeps the minerals in the water from fogging up the jars (my water's pretty hard). And it leaves no noticeable taste/residue.

02-21-2016, 01:13 AM
Do you clean the jars like regular dishes using dish soap, I did that last year and did not notice any odd taste but did rinse the he'll out of them.

Heavily soiled jars just wash like dishes and heavy rinse. Its fine. I also will get jars with hard water stains from sitting in basement which can get damp. As stated before, vinegar water works great, then heavy rinse (in tap water that has been softened)

02-21-2016, 08:27 AM
Thank you for all the advice, you guys just saved me a bunch of time.