View Full Version : March is Maple Month in the U.S. and Canada www.maplemonth.com

02-19-2016, 09:25 AM
For Immediate Release
February 1, 2016

For More Information:
U.S.: Winton Pitcoff, editor@maplesyrupdigest.org, 413-834-2346
Canada: Dave Chapeskie, agrofor@ripnet.com, 613-658-2329

Find Your Sweet Spot: Visit a Maple Sugarhouse
March is Maple Month in the U.S. and Canada

As the sap starts to flow and sugarmakers begin making this year’s crop of pure maple syrup, visitors are being welcomed at thousands of maple sugarhouses in the U.S. and Canada. Now there’s a new resource at www.maplemonth.com to help people Find their Sweet Spot.

Every spring, thousands of maple syrup producers in the Northern United States and Canada harvest sap from the region’s maple trees as they begin to thaw and boil the sap down to make pure maple syrup. This is the only region in the world where maple syrup is produced. Sugarmakers combine modern equipment with techniques that are hundreds of years old to make one of the region’s sweetest and tastiest foods. Sugarmakers use sustainable management practices, carefully stewarding hundreds of thousands of acres of North American forest so that each maple tree they tap will yield pure, unadulterated maple sap – the only ingredient in pure maple products – for many generations.

Many sugarmakers welcome visitors during the sugaring season, allowing people to learn about how maple syrup is made, and taste and purchase pure maple syrup, maple candy, maple cream, and other delicious products. The new website, www.maplemonth.com, helps consumers find sugarhouses to visit, as well as events taking place throughout the sugaring season.

While most people know maple syrup as a breakfast topping, cooks and consumers alike are discovering the versatility of maple syrup, using it in baking, marinades, dressings, and even cocktails. The www.maplemonth.com website contains links to many recipes that feature the distinctive taste of maple syrup.

Pure maple syrup is fat-free, allergen-free, and is lower in calories than most other sweeteners. Recent research has revealed that pure maple syrup not only has a lower glycemic index than other sweeteners but also contains important anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

The www.maplemonth.com website is the result of the joint effort between the North American Maple Syrup Council (www.namsc.org) and the International Maple Syrup Institute (www.internationalmaplesyrupinstitute.com), two associations dedicated to providing assistance to the thousands of sugarmakers in the U.S. and Canada.

leaky bucket
02-29-2016, 06:39 PM
Thank you Dr Tim.
