View Full Version : Anyone Boil Continuous Flow Outdoors?

02-18-2016, 09:19 AM
Here's my setup: I have an extended barrel arch, with the equivalent of 4 full size steam pans. Actually, going from the door end to the stack end, I have 2 half-size pans (side by side), then 2 more half-size pans, then full size and another full size. I have had some success using siphons, and will tweak them to try to improve them some more, but have been successful in getting a continuous flow. I have always batch boiled (even when getting the continuous flow going), which pretty much eliminates weekday evenings, because the start up and shut down take so long. I'll be set up under a canopy.

I'd like to try doing a continuous flow with draw-offs, so I don't have to get set up, take down and clean everything every time I boil. I'm looking for ideas on how to make it work.....such as maybe building a hood or cover, and anything else I need to know. I'd really like to get in some shorter boils on weekday evenings (say 3 to 5 hour boils) instead of just the marathon Saturday and Sunday 14 or 16 hour boils (it's not a good thing when you realize Sunday has turned into Monday morning, it's 2 AM, you need to be at work at 7 AM, and your rig is still boiling).

Maybe soon I'll be able to spring for a hybrid pan and increase my boil rate, and build a shack too.....but my funds are limited and the code administration in the municipality in which I live is known for being difficult. So this is what I'm stuck with for the near future, at least this season

Any ideas and/or help would be appreciated.


02-18-2016, 03:46 PM
i am boiling in similar fashion as you i think, 5 full size SS pans on a fuel tank. i am just boiling as batch in each pan, and then just covering the pans with tinfoil between boils, leaving the unfinished sap in the pans.

i am thinking after couple years to pay off what i already have i am going into a continuous flow-draw off as well (except flat divided pan.)

02-19-2016, 06:43 AM
seandicare, Thanks for commenting.

I think I'm probably going to craft a hood using some 20" aluminum flashing and several 7'+ lengths of aluminum angle I have kicking around. Not only will it protect what I have in the pans between boils, but it will keep the temp higher inside which may help my boil rate, and possibly even add a copper tube preheater....I think I have a length or two of 1/2" type M in the garage. I'll just have to make it so I have easy access to keep the siphons going.

As for the sap/syrup itself.....based on what I have read in other threads here, I'm thinking that it would be fine (between boils) enclosed like that, as long as it either stays cold enough or I do a boil every other day or so, and possible every day if the outdoor temps get really warm. This is the part I'm a little unsure of though.

02-19-2016, 07:14 AM
yah, it can keep a day or 2 with no problems. if it is really warm and you are concerned, you could always empty the pans into something and put what you have in the freezer until you are ready to boil

02-19-2016, 07:30 AM
that's a good point. could also freeze some bottled water and put some of those in the pans to keep the syrup/sap cold for a short term solution. The whole point for me is to be able to get some week night boils in.....most nights I could get in at least 3 or 4 hours if needed.


02-19-2016, 08:14 AM
If you even think you might want to spring for a hybrid pan. Do it! Don't waste money for anything in-between. You won't regret it. Don't know what your situation is but your 2am boils will be cut by 70%. Lol and then you'll be looking for more trees to tap just so you can boil for more then a couple hours. As for shelter sounds like your lil government has ya by the ears.