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View Full Version : Vacuum Plan

Cider Hill Maple Farm
02-15-2016, 02:15 PM
Hi folks,

I need a few suggestions on this head scratcher. The attached image shows one of our sugar-bushes. The field on the left has positive pitch straight to the road, no problem. Now the right side of the road has pitch away from it with around ten feet in elevation change. The wall trees between the road and the field are collected in six different locations because the lay of the land.

I want this all on vacuum next year, not only to get it on vacuum, but to make collection easier. Now another problem, where I want to have the pump and releaser is 1,200 feet uphill. Should I run a Dry/wet, with a series of ladders? And how.

The attached image is a better explanation.

Thanks in advance for any help.

OK, so the image doesn't show my lines or text. Sorry

Russell Lampron
02-15-2016, 06:27 PM
What I did in my woods is put my tank and releaser at the lowest spot and ran a vacuum line down to it. I also put in another line to pump the sap back up the hill to the sugarhouse. The tank is 1500' away from the sugarhouse and vacuum pump.