View Full Version : The Wife!

02-13-2016, 07:06 AM
I don't know if I should be thankful to my wife or BLAME her for contributing to my addiction. She kept hounding me for the past couple months about "you had better order that new evaporator pan or the season will be over before you know it". UGH. I broke down and ordered my 2 x 5 hybrid from Smoky Lake. NOW she is wondering when we are going to get the house remodel done because I am always in the garage building the arch. LOL I JUST BLAME IT ON HER !!!! we all know how that one goes.. Its All in fun!!. She is a wonderful person that supports my "ADDICTION". We have fun every year out there collecting and boiling. This summer is a new sugar shack that I ran out of time last year to build. Enjoy the sugar season everyone!
