View Full Version : Custom AOF mods

02-12-2016, 08:34 PM
My AOF system is unique since it is set on top of the rail of the arch. Couple things that may be a problems are that it blocks some of the outside pan partition during boiling. And since the nozzles are fairly close to the pan it may be cooling the outside pan some. Also the air may push the heat more towards the center of the arch.
So I have done some things to try to compensate for those short comings.
I have added a stop at the center (above the door) in the square tubing to stop the air. Then have added two valves in the air inlet system to control the air flow on each side of the arch. Haven't tested it much yet. Ran one day and it seemed to help.




The idea is to turn down the air on the side your drawing off on, and maybe turning up the air on the other side.

We will play with it a little and see if it boils different.

02-13-2016, 01:16 PM
Seems like its worth a try without being overly invasive. Maybe extend the nozzles downward some if being too close to the pan poses a problem. I added a sight glass in my door so you can see everything that's going on. Its pretty advantageous.

02-13-2016, 06:20 PM
Seeing i am behind the eight ball this year"again" i was going to try an aof like you but i may reconsider and just build a whole new arch next year. On a side note , I like the milk jug with the tractor seat. I have one too and it's really comfy.