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View Full Version : Couple questions

02-07-2016, 07:51 AM
Other then being very stressed and confused as to weather I should tap or not I have a couple of questions relating to vacuum. One being is it true that you don't drill your tap hole as deep when using vacuum? I thought that was a odd theory but maybe it is true. Also at what temp do you guys usually turn on your vacuum pumps. My laterals and mains will run on gravity when my pumps are not on.......well I think they will anyway. ..all 4 systems that I have on vacuum are new this season but have a good downhill pitch. So with that being said should I turn them on at 33 to 35 deg or should I wait for it to be a little warmer. I am a very indecisive person so I need someone to say " hey go tap your trees"! In all the years past I have never questioned my gut instinct but this year has me on edge, I just don't want to pull the trigger to early. Thanks guys. Wishing everyone a banter season!