View Full Version : Greene County '16

02-06-2016, 08:18 PM
I haven't tapped yet. I think I'm missing the early season, but in past years, early flow from my buckets was poor anyway. I'm also not ready! I just started a new flue pan. That will mean a better preheater, and new hoods too, also the arch will be extended another foot- to 2 1/2 by 8 now! It looks like a cool down next weekend, we hope to be ready to go after the 15th. The severe wind last week would have blown lots of buckets off anyway. If I miss the season, there are still some gallons left from last year. I'm trying not to stress about not being ready, this is supposed to be fun after all!! :lol:Time to get welding!

03-04-2016, 07:35 PM
13523Well, we tapped today! Late, yes. The evaporator is ready, and it seems the impending warm up is being downgraded some. Hopefully a few runs before summer! Trying some 3/16 lines this year, 45 so far on lines, 235 buckets. We will see!

03-04-2016, 09:43 PM
Looks like you have a nice rig.

I also tapped late (end of Feb), considering the conditions. But I also had to configure new equipment, and still only have half my taps in. Just finished up my third night of boiling, and was able to draw off a few more gals. I'm with you on rest of the season, and also noticed the change in the forecast. There is always hope that things will work out ok.

Good luck with your season.

03-05-2016, 06:47 AM
Thanks Gary! I have been watching your progress with interest. It has been an odd season, but all things considered we are further ahead than last year. I've got great improvements in place, refined- sort of- my welding skills, and had a great time out with Dad tapping yesterday. Even if no sap flows, we are ahead! I'm hoping for some flow tho! Here is to a glorious season!

03-07-2016, 05:36 PM
Very little flowed Saturday and Sunday. But today was impressive! We gathered this morning as the temp rose above freezing. Most were dripping steadily and we got 150 gallons despite throwing out ice. None of our trees are near the sap house, so we transport sap in plastic barrels with the tops on, and fill them with a funnel thru the bungs. Ice clogs the funnel and slows us down, so we usually dump the ice. Open barrels slosh too much! Went out gathering again about 3pm. Figured we needed to because it seemed like the run just started. Glad we did as a lot of buckets were close to full! Got 220 more gallons this afternoon. We will go gather in the morning again, as they were all running strong yet! With no freeze tonight it should run for awhile yet. If this is our only run, at least it will be a good one! We are all ready for boiling tomorrow. Tho the forecast is depressing, it has been steadily colder here than forecasted- hopefully they are wrong again!

03-08-2016, 10:02 AM

There's hundreds of gallons of sap waiting, and what do I do? Burn the pan!!! Super genius! Guess that float valve needs more attention...:(

03-08-2016, 11:19 AM
That sucks!

03-08-2016, 03:31 PM
Well, it's still running today. This run has produced 810 gallons of sap from 291 taps. And still running! So I sat down and calmed down. Chiseled,scraped and scrubbed. Got going again and have produced a gallon of dark. Now that I'm paranoid, I'm running much deeper than before! Calling quits for the day, and we will have this fun again in the morning!!!

03-09-2016, 08:37 PM
This is the longest run I have seen! Monday morning till now, and still running. 1175 gallons of sap from 291 taps. I have not gotten anywhere near 4 gallons per tap before. Of course, I've been doing this for only a few years, so maybe it's not unusual. Got 26 1/4 gallons of syrup. Not great sugar content, but I'll take it!

The improvements to the evaporator yield an overall average of 61 gallons evaporated per hour, including start up and shut down. Have to make some changes for next year....

03-09-2016, 09:09 PM
Very nice results.

03-12-2016, 08:19 PM
Well, we had a freeze last night! Decent run today, and there's 300 gallons waiting in the tank for boiling tomorrow. No Peepers or Budding yet!

03-13-2016, 08:52 PM
There was some sap in the buckets on high producing trees this afternoon, but it was getting cloudy and didn't taste right. Didn't gather it. Boiled down the 300 gallons from yesterday, and got a little over 9 more gallons of darker syrup. 41 total for the year. Heard peepers on the way home. So it's over for us. From tapping to finishing, 9 days- shortest season ever!

In retrospect - the improved evaporator boiled better than the previous setup, but still has room for improvement. We sure enjoyed gathering from the lines- one tank goes quicker than 56 buckets- we will expand on that too! We are forever spoiled by the lack of deep snow and no mud this year. Next year we will get ready sooner! Till then....