View Full Version : Did an oops!
02-06-2016, 12:09 PM
OK, so should have known better after all these years. Left a pot of left over sap on the kitchen wood stove to cook down over night. I got up at midnight and it was fine. Ron woke up and smelled something around 3a.m. a blue hazy handing over the inside of the house and the stinkvof burned syrup. The pot had boiled over. Syrup not burned. Now a big batch of something I've never seen. Taste is fantastic. Not sweet to make you gag. Smo12876oth and like a soft caramel. Ate it off a spoon. I'm putting it in small jars. Dont know what it will turn to. Anyone have ideas!?
02-06-2016, 12:14 PM
Dont know what it will turn to. Anyone have ideas!?
Did you ever see the prequel to the movie "The Blob"?
02-06-2016, 02:50 PM
OK. I let some set up in a ramikin. Turned to grainy but good "sugar" then heated it in a water bath. Bottom layer is grainy and top is liquid. Need help on what to do with this. Not wasting it.
happy thoughts
02-06-2016, 03:27 PM
Maybe try taking it back to syrup density with some fresh boiled sap. Treat it like over dense syrup. I don't think this will bottle well as it is now. It's too dense and likely to crystallize further.
Russell Lampron
02-06-2016, 05:35 PM
Try stirring it into cream or sugar or add water or sap to it to bring it back to syrup density.
02-06-2016, 05:50 PM
I boiled some down last year until it got to about 260 then poured it into a glass pan let it sit and crystallize. Threw it into a ziplock ag in freezer and I take some out and set on a paper towel ever so often. The liquid evaporates off and or the paper towel soaks up some. Then I nibble on it like candy. My wife is not impressed with it but I love it.
03-09-2016, 12:03 PM
Kind of similar... I ran out of propane for my outdoor burner last night and brought my boil inside to the stove. Long story short, I fell asleep and woke up to a slight burning smell. Ran into the kitchen and found a pot full of angry looking foam. I quick poured some fresh cold sap in and it settled down and then I had some VERY dark liquid in my pot.
Question is... Did I salvage my syrup or do I just have some dark colored sap? I tasted it and it tastes pretty good, but with a slight burnt taste. Sort of a grade B taste. The pot isn't scorched completely, only a small burn spot in one area. Could I combine this with some lighter near-syrup, finish and filter it and be OK? I hate to throw it out. I was so close to having a mistake free season too. :(
03-10-2016, 08:27 AM
Been there. Last year I left a batch going while I grabbed a quick dinner. Came back and had to quickly add some sap and try to save it. Ended up with a couple qts of very dark syrup with that slight burnt taste. I decided not to blend it into my good syrup, just bottled it separately. I made candy with some of it and it was very good. I still have one pint jar of it just in case I run out of's still better than fake syrup. Don't throw it out if it tastes good!
03-10-2016, 08:42 AM
I would tune it into sugar.
Burnt sap
03-10-2016, 09:10 AM
Highcattle, What you have there is one of the best cooking glazes you could ask for. Put in canning jars and keep to cook with. Add that instead of sugar to recipes, Glaze a ham or fried rice. endless uses.
michael marrs
03-11-2016, 09:57 AM
I boiled some too long last year, ( twice), and a buddy suggested, that I do not throw it out, but to save it as a glaze for ham , or as a glaze if I were going to smoke anything. We smoked a pork loin, and painted the pork with it, it was great. I just put it in a ziplock bag, froze it, brake off a piece and use it as I need
03-13-2016, 11:41 AM
Well, as an update, I couldn't resist the urge to mix the "slightly burnt" near syrup with other near syrup and finish it to see what happened. I ended up with a dark amber syrup with no burnt taste at all. Perfectly good syrup. It was a little more difficult to filter, though. A ton of niter and probably some carbon that needed to be filtered out.
03-13-2016, 02:49 PM
Hmm well my turn.
boiled down to a finished batch last night. Got a gallon of really dark Grade B. Thought at the time. Dang this stuff is not filtering for crap. Must be filled with niter. Checked the filters when done. Not bad at all. Ah well things are always different.
Today I had about ten gallons of cloudy sap I didn't want to risk as I have budding taking place. So I boil it down. I hit temp its just right. I got it bottled looked at the batch from last night and it had bubbles or foam on the top along jars. Looked at things again and realized. SOMEONE didn't clean the thermometer before he did last nights batch. So the thing was off and had a coating of candied syrup on it.
took last nights and dumped it into the pan. I was planning on using a gallon to make candy anyhow. Hell this will be easy I have it half way done already from the looks of it. LOL Its really thick too almost like Log Cabin corn syrup pancake syrup. LOL Ah well will all taste wonderful anyhow.
So be SURE you clean your thermometer <rolls eyes> Unless you want candy too then its all good.
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