View Full Version : Sandy Creek/Lacona area???

02-04-2016, 04:52 PM
anyone from around this way? this will be my third season sugaring. first year i had 14 in, last year 21, and this year i hope to be around 50. just built an actual sugar shack and got a larger evaporator for this season. I'm torn with this weather on what to do. It seems like good temps but I don't want to jump the gun. I know that there are some big producers around me and i haven't seen them tap anything yet so i have been holding off. just wondering if there's anyone from around here

02-05-2016, 08:43 AM
LesR where is your sugar shack located ?

02-06-2016, 12:29 PM
Ffengine, where are you located. Im on the west side of the rez between redfield/orwell. Had 1000 taps down in baldwinsvile, but considering moving the operation up here. Looking for a good maple bush up this way.

02-06-2016, 07:02 PM
Danno, you moved? Had no idea!

02-06-2016, 09:44 PM
lesR I tapped today feb 6th sap was running good. I'm in sandy creek w 130 taps.
hope it runs for a few days but its
gonna get cold towards end of the week.

02-07-2016, 08:32 AM
I'm on rte 15 in lacona before you head up the hill. when i say sugar shack thats exactly what it is. just something to get out of the wind and rain. just got a 2x3' flat pan for this year. I think im going to run just batches off it, but would love some imput to see if i could actually put baffles in it to set up a gradient system.

White Crow
02-07-2016, 09:34 AM
I have used a 2.5x3.5 flat pan on blocks for years with good results, last year on a few runs I lost ground and could not boil all the sap collected, just made it up the next day, I had 166 taps and a new 12x12 sugar house, I bought an old drop flue evaporator last summer and still have to repair the arch on one side today, just ran 1000 feet of 3/16 tubing yesterday, a lot of work, not sure how many I will tap this year, maybe between 200 - 300, still to cold to tap here but I will be ready after this next cold spell, I hope to add 6' to the sugar bush this summer, not enough room with the different evaporator

02-16-2016, 08:30 AM
1306913070 heres a pic of my "shack" and new evaporator. just a lean-to style building with nice air space on the roof to allow for draft (i hope). we will see how well it works. just looking to get out of the west winds and rain

02-17-2016, 12:31 PM
Ffengine, where are you located. Im on the west side of the rez between redfield/orwell. Had 1000 taps down in baldwinsvile, but considering moving the operation up here. Looking for a good maple bush up this way.

Danno I am on 47 right in Redfield. If turn into 47 and head towards Osceola you will see my sugar house just before the river.

03-01-2016, 12:10 AM
Pretty much everyone I talk to including myself are tapped or tapping. Good luck everyone !!!!