View Full Version : Taffy queation

02-01-2016, 07:39 PM
First post on the site though I've been doing a bunch of reading. So with my lack of knowledge regarding this and just trying to do a simple taffy that isn't runny nor too hard. This is what I've done so far 1/2 litre of syrup, 4 oz of organic non salted butter, a bit of sea salt, 238 degrees and then pour into silicon tray and put into freezer. The result was gooey but great tasting (so the group said) So each time I've made it I've brought the temperature up 5 degrees to 250 and it turned into a fudge. At 245 degrees it was pretty close to where we could take it out of the tray, handle it for a few minutes before it started to melt.

Question does anyone have a recipe for taffy so it can be left out on a plate without going gooey? Tried to edit the spelling error-no luck :)

03-02-2016, 07:57 AM
I'm bumping this up because I'm also curious about a taffy recipe.