View Full Version : What to do with syrup that cooked just a little to long

02-01-2016, 04:33 PM
So we ended up with a gallon of maple sugar. I didn't know how far to cooked it down for good adorable sugar. Should it be pretty much dry ? It set up hard in the bowl so I'm having to cut it out with a knife. thanks

02-01-2016, 05:15 PM
If you really want syrup from it, add water and cook it. I'm sure it will dissolve. Will probably be much darker when done.
There was a thread a couple years ago from a sugarer who was moving closer to his kids with no maples in that area. He said he would miss it, and it was joked that he could buy a gallon of syrup, dilute it with 40 gallons of water and boil it.

02-02-2016, 10:29 PM
I was in the same situation about 3hrs ago. 60 gallon boil down to 18 or so and thought it would simmer all day. Wife was stoking fire for me while I was at work. She destroyed it. The bottom of the pan was this hard sugar mess. It felt like the sugar WAS the bottom of the pan (and I'm talkin a 25 gallon pot). I chisiled it out with a rubber mallet and collected it in a second pot. I added 4 gallons of water and let it boil. As I type I am finishing it off and preparing to bottle, no issues! I am in shock over the whole thing. I kept 2 good size chunks of that sugar mess and cut it into small bite size candies. They are incredible. Very hard taffy like candy. We are going to look into making it the correct way on batch 3 this weekend. First timer here. Have collected 148 gallons in 7 days on 49 taps. Some trees aren't producing well, and I will be removing those spiles and hitting new trees this week

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