View Full Version : Need help ! ! !! Auf !!!!

02-01-2016, 11:09 AM
I did my first test boil on the weekend on my home made 2x4 air tight arch. I had a furnace direct vent blower plumbed int rear of fire box under the grates with 6 foot long 1 inch pipes, each pipe had 6 half inch holes drilled in them to direct air toward grates.
I know i was under aired cause i couldnt get stack temp above 500 until I cracked open the door then it went to 700 800.
The problem i have is i just went to modify the main inlet pipe (which is welded in) to increase airflow and the pipe threads tore out . Now i have a 1 inch pipe under the grates that will blow all air directly at the front of the arch.
I can not even think about getting my welder generator back to the sugar bush till summer or fall to modify this problem permanently.

The question i have, do i need to deflect the air upward toward grate or can i leave it as is, and just kinda sorta pressurizing the whole area under the grates.
If i leave it, will it affect the way my front pans will boil with it basically being shot right at the front fire brick under the grates.

If i need to direct it upwards will a piece of metal on a angle like this / work or should I put the metal deflecting it upwards on this angle \ which will direct air upward and toward the font finishing pan..

The reason I am concerned is i have a Patrick Phenuef hybrid pan that will definitely need heat or flames since the front 18 inches is 2 9 inch syrup pans:confused::confused::confused::confused:

02-01-2016, 11:19 AM
You need more air for draft. If you opened the door and the stack temp went up you are obviously allowing more air to move through the arch. your grates aren't letting enough air up through. When you open the door the flames should be almost going up the stack. Try allowing more air naturally drafting.


02-01-2016, 11:22 AM
'You can make this work. AUF needs low pressure flow, so there is no need for nozzles and skinny pipes. Often a blower is connected directly to the area under the gates with full flow area. You may be better off with a simple squirrel cage blower, 1/6 hp is plenty. What you are looking for is lots of air, not lots of pressure/velocity, so a high volume blower is best. Your induction blower may have too low a flow.

Regardless, hook whatever you have to the arch with minimal constriction and don't work too much about redirecting flow. Most you should do is to put a firebrick in the flow about half way to the front of the grate to mix things up. If you happen to get too much, regulate is by blocking the inlet to the blower with anything, even a piece of cardboard will work.