View Full Version : Freezing question

01-31-2016, 06:29 PM
I would like to freeze my "sap concentrate" batches for finishing in a single session later. My understanding is that syrup won't freeze in a conventional freezer. Is this right? If so, what about "1/2X" syrup (about 33%, right?), or what about 1/4X? In other words, what's the highest % sugar that will freeze in a conventional freezer? Thank you.

Run Forest Run!
01-31-2016, 07:44 PM
Jebediah, I think that you might be worrying unnecessarily. Holding your concentrate in a conventional freezer is a great idea. Just because proper density syrup, when placed in the freezer, ends up more like roof patch tar and not a solid block, it doesn't mean that that it's not being perfectly stored. It's the temperature of the freezer that's the important thing, not how solid the syrup or the concentrate is. Make your concentrate through the season, put it in the freezer and don't worry about how close to syrup it is. Just be sure to under-fill your containers before placing them in the freezer to allow for significant expansion of all the water in the concentrate. You don't want to shatter a glass bottle or crack your plastic containers.

By the way, I store all of my excess syrup in a conventional freezer all year long. It stays perfect in there for years.

Have a great season!