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View Full Version : 55gal barrel

01-31-2016, 03:50 PM
My first attempt at a home made evaporator the welding is not the best and I still need to finish it but it's a start and hopefully better than a turkey frier.

Pauly V
02-01-2016, 04:47 AM
your on your way! I had the same set up last year. I made 8 gallons on 45 taps. I moved up to a 2x6 this year 100 taps. Have Fun!!

02-12-2016, 01:08 PM
On a barrel setup like this is the barrel under the pans cut open so the flames get to the bottom of the pans or does the heat just rise through the metal ?

02-12-2016, 01:18 PM
Its cut. You want the flames going right on the bottom of the pans

02-12-2016, 01:25 PM
I love it Chester,,,,,rustic and practical, should be nice to boil on this year.

Thanks for sharing.


02-14-2016, 10:28 PM
Looks great. I'm building a similar set up this year.

02-16-2016, 08:01 AM
Great job....built a new barrel unit this year. Realized this past weekend that i will indeed need a blower

02-16-2016, 02:13 PM
I was admiring your barrel evaporator and was wondering if you put fire bricks or reinforced the inside walls?
Frank newbie