View Full Version : Maple producer in PA subject to Eminent Domain- there trees will be cut down

01-30-2016, 10:35 PM
Take it or leave it, I'm not trying to be political on this wonderful site. However there is a family of maple syrup producers who need help defending their trees from the gas pipeline. Here is the info...
The Constitution Pipeline intends to begin clearing trees in PA in the start of its 124 mile route from Montrose PA to Albany NY. We intend to deter them. We will be focusing on the Zeffer/Holleran property on Upper Lake in New Milford where tree clearing is imminent and the current maple syrup operation is threatened. The property is being seized via eminent domain, with neither any landowner permission nor previous compensation.

You can help! We need videographers, photographers, monitors, and volunteers! Our goal is to have a presence on the property from 7am till dusk from now untill March 31st. We need volunteers for shifts from 7am-noon, and from noon- 4:30. Bring your friends and neighbors! Interesting times and free maple candy are guaranteed for all!

Contact Megan for additional information or to sign up for shifts.

Share this information with groups and friends.

DONATE: Energy Justice Network is accepting donations on behalf of anti-Constitution Pipeline campaigners to support materials costs for resisting the pipeline, 1) go to www.energyjustice.net/donate , 2) make your donation, and 3) (until we have an official donation page) call 215-743-4884 to leave a message with your NAME and that your donation is for the CONSTITUTION PIPELINE FIGHT.

BUY SYRUP: North Harford Maple, which produces maple syrup from trees in the Constitution Pipeline right of way, have syrup for sale at the above coordinates. If you would like to buy some during your visit, your purchase will help benefit our efforts to oppose the pipeline/offset costs.