View Full Version : Eminent Domain

01-30-2016, 09:03 AM

I know we're not supposed to get political on here, but this is something every land owner needs to be aware of!

Bucket Head
01-30-2016, 11:19 PM
Eminent Domain is a bad subject. The loss of maple tree's is a shame and I feel for that woman. The bright spot is, as I understand it, it's a right-away. She won't lose land. We have a right a way going across our property for a gas line. We lose some tree's every time they "clear", but their not maples. Lost some nice pines though.

I know people who lost buildings, or both buildings and land to E.D. When they decide to move a road or even make it wider, watch out. Somebody's going to lose.

01-31-2016, 07:22 PM
It seems like we're seeing more of this recently