View Full Version : March Journal

03-01-2007, 11:59 AM
Looks like New England is going to get alot of rain/sleet/snow and then cool down early next week. May be the areas that have so much snow will get enough rain to settle it down and make it so you can walk on top.
I hate tapping with snow shoes but I also have tried walking in 3 feet of powder.
Good luck everybody

Fred Henderson
03-01-2007, 02:25 PM
We got about 2 feet of nothing but little ice pellets here . Its like trying to walk on ball bearings.

maple flats
03-01-2007, 05:58 PM
Here wqe have about 2' on the ground. Need snowshoes, can't quite stay on top without then you break thru and have to fight your foot back to the top. Some more crusting should help keep on top without the snowshoes. If I had a rather small footprint pair it would even work right now.

03-01-2007, 06:33 PM
What we have here is 2 feet of stuff just before it turns to slush. Its not really all that bad to work in if you allow for the time but within 1/2 hour you are totally soaked.

03-02-2007, 04:38 AM
SNOWSHOE are a must here. Nothing to the snow once you break through its all the way to the bottom. Then you have to get your feet back on top. Got my bush all ready to tap. All mains are tight and up out of the snow.(AT least they were). Getting what sounds like sleet here. Moveing to my rented bush today or tommorrow. Going to get the vacuum setup and start tapping. Should be able to start by Monday.

03-02-2007, 05:51 AM
It's not time to tap in Lincoln yet and it's snowing again. Maybe if this stuff has some moisture in it the whole mess will settle down so that we can at least walk on it with snowshoes. I sure hope so! I dont se any reason to get excited in the 10 day forecast, we'll be lucky to have sap for open house weekend. Well thats how the old sap sees it this morning. Good luck all!

03-02-2007, 07:00 AM
Yesterday I decided to venture to the sugar woods to asses the the task of getting started. On snow shoes ,last years tap holes were just between shin and knee high and about 8-10 inches above the snow level! many branch lines and lower third of main lines are buired in the snow, and they are calling for another 5-10 inches more snow today. It will be awhile before the sap flows here. If what the old timesrs say about the sap not running until the snows begins to Melt away from the base of the trees, that might not be until April 1. Ah well keep the faith, it will happen when it happens.

3% Solution
03-02-2007, 08:15 AM
Good morning all,
Here we are, the lot of us, watching the snow, sleet and/or rain coming down wondering when will we tap or get a run?
I am watching the news and am thinking, "you know, we're wondering about tapping and sap running and there are others in the southern portions of the country wondering where their home blew off to".
That's why I don't want to live there!!!!!!
Now on our note; we are planning on tapping tomorrow and by the looks of the forcast nothing is happening this week either.
I checked back in my records (short records) I think in 2003 we didn't boil until mid-March and the season went to mid-April with an average year.
What is to happen will happen we have nothing to do with it. However, the sap will run, the sap will run (it has to).
Have a good day guys!


03-02-2007, 06:11 PM
The storm arrived here this evening, supposed to get 20 cm (8"), followed by ice pellets then freezing rain.

The guys came back from the woods tonight, not half done tapping yet... the going is tough so they are only getting about 3 hrs a day in.

3% Solution
03-02-2007, 08:05 PM
The storm is pretty much done here, got 7".
That won't be too bad trudging through, total of maybe 15" on the ground total. Don't think we'll need snowshoes tomorrow.
We had a mix of everything today.
The next two days look good, especially tomorrow, 40 or so, with Sunday at 35.


03-03-2007, 10:30 AM
Wow, the "storm" fizzled again. We had light snow last evening, don't think we got 2", never mind the 8" and ice pellets we were supposed to have... so this AM, the roads are just wet, clear blue sky, and high of 6 C/43 F. Should make the tappers happy.

03-04-2007, 05:57 AM
Well we ended up getting around 8-10 inches more snow, heavy wet and meally all at once, its a real pain to shovel. Weather forecast isn't that great, Fairlly decent today and tomorrow then a deep freeze again. Going to try and tap by the 7,8,9th. Got to do some work in the sugarhouse today, sense its not going to be freezing cold in there. Everything should work out alright here.If not not much I can do about it.
Good luck to all

03-04-2007, 06:34 AM
It's snowing here, to make up for the settling that occured the last couple days. Still - I think it's a good thing. the meltwater will encourage sap flows when it starts running, and the cold roots ought to keep it from being over so quick once it starts.

Lost access to 120 taps due to a land sale on Friday, but picked up 200 more yesterday. This is a different sort of deal. I supply the equipment and do the tapping, but he'll do the gathering, we only have to pick up the sap each afternoon. (he's Amish and doesn't want to drill 200 holes with a brace & Bit). He gets 1/3 of whatever I boil out of the sap, in bulk. (No jug cost or canning) We'll see how it goes.

This will be the last year that I scramble all over the North Country looking for taps. There's a few unused bushes a few miles away, and I think I'll try renting one (or both!). It'll be a pain to get to them, but having all my taps in one place, with a long term lease will be a good thing.

3% Solution
03-04-2007, 07:00 AM
Good morning Ibby,
You keep the snow there, ok!
My taps are within five miles opf here and it's not too bad.
I have one area that's on the way home from work (Tuesday and Thursday) so that's easy.
Has the Amish guy been to your operation?
If not, he would no doubt would be very interested.
We have an Amish family we stay with in Pa. when we go down.
Two years ago a van full of them (7 to be exact) came up for the weekend the end of March, never had seen the process before.
We busted them right into it first thing Saturday morning gathering.
One of the guys stayed with me in the sugarhouse until I was done boiling, he did the firing.
They said they had a great time making syrup and a better understanding how hard it is.
Get him to help you, you'll have fun with him.


03-04-2007, 10:33 AM
YAHOO its snowing!!! NOT I think we have enough.. Temps around 38 here at the house and about 32 at the sugarhouse. I would be working there today but have to put brakes on wifes vehicle and today is the only day to do it. I'm not to worried another cold snap coming for this week. Then looks like things will get busy. All the mains I had out of the snow yesterday are under again. Go Figure!! Need better weather. Starting to spend way to much time on here.
Everyone have a good day.

03-04-2007, 07:42 PM
Well it looks like the northeast is going to take a break from sugaring for the upcomming week with atleast no warm up until next saturday.

super sappy
03-04-2007, 08:35 PM
I got rid of the internet on my work computer so I need to borrow one to talk to you guys now. Sap is flowing here.I made about 3 gallons (Lite)or so last night and this morning. The sap seems to have a good sugar content running from a low reading of 2.5 % to a high of 3% I did get alot of sand in the bottom of my syrup pan for the first run.I love the banging sound of the evaporator when I have it wide open with about 1/2" of sap in the flu pan My wife said that I looked like a mad man last night.I have to finish a bathroom remodel this week , Run some moldings,Trim one set of stairs and I will be on vaccation for the rest of the sugar season.Good luck to all-Sappy

03-05-2007, 06:18 AM
This is a fairly young Amish family that's trying hard to make a living. He's got a lot of irons in the fire, and I doubt he'd have time to help much, beyond the gathering. He does want to come over and help one Saturday, and maybe he'll get hooked.

Then I'll lose those taps, and help him get his own operation started.

3% Solution
03-05-2007, 09:18 AM
Well, see your safe, he can't do the sugaring thing, he's got too many irons in the fire.
But, that's a typical Amish guy, 110 mph with a good tail wind.
Then again I think they're better for it, they are good people.
You never know, he might be over quite a bit after his first adventure.
Then he'll raise a BIG family, bring them all over and do the tapping, gathering, boiling and canning for you. Because that's just the way they are, willing to help their neighbors.
Just think you can sit up on a big chair and be the BOSS!
Find out if he came from Lancaster County, Pa., might just know some relatives of his.
Well have fun.

03-05-2007, 01:21 PM
yep cold is here, I don't even think I will collect for a few days, if theres anything in the buckets it will help weigh them down for the coming wind... I HATE WIND what a pain in the bucket!!
Well it will give me time to get the hood finished up AGAIN, I'm having a heavier gauge drip channel fabbed up and welded for me with the drain and I'll set the hood in on the inside of the Uchannel.. that should take care of my problems!!
made about 8+gallons of real light so far.

andrew martin
03-05-2007, 05:20 PM
it's funny that you guys are tapped or just beginning to tap, and i just pulled my taps this weekend. we made 34.5 gallons, ended the season making 1.5 gallons of grade b. i brought a gallon of syrup to an old farmer just outside of town on saturday, and told me he wants me to tap his 100+ trees next year - he will even supply the 300 gallon ss storage tank. maybe this will alleviate my time constraints - he can boil while i'm gathering - and be a win-win for everyone. his wife died in october and i think he wants something to keep him occupied in the winter. hoping to get to 400 taps next year from 240 this year - all sugar maples. happy sapping


3% Solution
03-05-2007, 05:51 PM
Hi Andrew,
Yeah it's kinda neat, you stop, we start (well not yet for us).
I'm tapped, however got to get through this next cold snap, high tomorrow 6.
Friday starts the warm up, Saturday 43, Sunday 50, Monday 43.
We don't even have the pan sweetened yet, I asked the wife if she's ready for this, she just looked at me. Oops!
She stays up till 12 or 1 anyway, she might just as well spend it with me boiling and her canning.
34.5 gallons hey, that's a good deal.
Our average years have been 27 to 29 gallons, the most was 31.5, will be more now as we increased our taps by 30 (130 total).
You know those old guys got some good stories, the guy that had been helping me passed on two weeks ago, so this years sugaring is in memory of Gary.
Enjoy your syrup!


03-05-2007, 07:30 PM
Wow, can't believe you guys are done... not started here yet, and doesn't look like it for a few days, but people are tapping in anticipation at least.

Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend 3%.

andrew martin
03-05-2007, 07:48 PM
I cannot even get my wife to come to the sugar shack, much less sweeten the pan. I hope when our kids become older and a little more independent my wife will spend more time with me in the shack. She does help me can/bottle once I bring it inside.


03-07-2007, 07:48 PM
This is one of the coldest March cold snaps I've seen in a while. I saw on the WCAX weather they are forecasting 35 to 45 below zero tomorrow night. I'm pretty sure I have never seen it this cold in march. At least that I can remember. Global warming is hard to figure out, like how can it be so cold if the climate is warming. Remember chicken little? I have a feeling the season is going to be short and hectic. Wouldn't it be nice to get a whole crop in 3 weeks. I'm all for it, let the games begin!

03-07-2007, 08:21 PM
One things they say about global warming is greater extremes in weather. Global warming is not something you can see in day-to-day temps, since they're only talking about a degree difference on a multi-year average.

03-08-2007, 05:53 AM
You guys better get ready, it started a week late here and looks like it is going to end a week early, thus a 3 week or less season, but it looks like a fairly good 3 week season.

super sappy
03-08-2007, 10:11 AM
I posted how excited I was to have some vacation time coming. WELLL_ Tripped on monday at work and had a step ladder bear trap my right leg Broke right above the ankel.The step ladder was not damaged.Doctor gave me a walking cast on tuesday afternoon. FYI -Do not hurt yourself on a real cold day. All of the homeless people will get bumped ahead of you in line They complain of chest pain and the hospital has to feed them and keep them for observation. I sat for 6 hours at Albany Med, they gave me a few shots of moraphine and sent me home. Told me to come back later or find another doctor closer to home. I forgot to mention the # of convicts that were taken ahead of me.They got a room with a tv and I had to lay on a stretcher in the hall. With the help of a rolling stool I may be able to boil on sunday It looks like a good week coming up here. Thanks for listening , My 4 walls are tired of hearing me complain.sappy

03-08-2007, 01:54 PM
Tough luck there sappy, just be glad you aren't a horse. I've had a couple of walking casts, they are mighty hard on the hips. You'll be finding out who your friends are now. You know those hospitals don't like patients without an insurance company they can tripple bill. I hope things work out okay for you, keep the faith.

03-08-2007, 05:50 PM
Geeez SS, sure glad the ladder was okay :p

Sorry for the luck brother, not good to happen anytime, but with season upon us, and vacation too, that just sucks.

Russell Lampron
03-08-2007, 05:50 PM
Super Sappy,

Sorry to hear about your accident. It happened on Monday and took until Tuesday afternoon to get a cast on it? I guess those homeless people and inmates do get preferential treatment.

It is too bad that it happened at the start of sugaring season. The vacation will be longer now though and you should be able to keep your vacation time to use later.


3% Solution
03-08-2007, 06:09 PM
Super Sappy,
Man that stinks big time!
Were you tapped out yet?
If so, do you have someone to help out gathering and boiling?
I hope so.
Now you do what the Dr. says!!!! (I know that's easier said than done).
But you have to!!!
Keep us posted on your progress.

03-08-2007, 06:17 PM

That stinks, hopefully it will heal up soon enough and in the meantime you can get some help so you don't have to scrap sugaring all together.

Just shows something is seriously wrong with the "system". Shouldn't have to wait like that.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-08-2007, 07:12 PM
post edited

03-08-2007, 08:22 PM
At least he wasn't riding a motorcycle and asking for it! LOL! Governor!

super sappy
03-09-2007, 08:41 AM
For years i had every home owner bust my chops about my wiggly old wooden stepladders.This year I bought a 2-0 Werner Alum hd step and look where it got me. I have already put out some taps 120 or so and some of my neighbors said they will give me a hand collecting. My wife also says she is willing to learn to run the evaporator (2 conditions#1 i dont yell at her #2 I dont yell at her ) I will see how it goes. If I dont catch this run maybe later on.Or I ll collect sap and and get it over to massey jacks and he can have it.I wont waste it.The bone doctor that I went to in saratoga turns out to tap a couple of trees.I told him about this site. Thanks for letting me piss and moan about all my problems-Super sappy

Fred Henderson
03-09-2007, 08:51 AM
SS, You go righ ahead and P&M all you want to.That sometimes helps the healing. Things will get better. Heck I don't see ant problem with your wife running the evaporator. Tell her it just cooking on a larger scale.

3% Solution
03-09-2007, 10:06 AM
Hey SS,
I agree with Fred, P&M all you want.
Neighbors are going to help, GREAT this is what neighbors are for, helping a neighbor in need, you just remember that (I know you will).
As far as the wife goes, just remember, she may not do things the same as you, however, if the pan doesn't burn and you guys are making syrup that's what you wanted do, that's your objective ....... make syrup!
My wife helps me out in that small space (8 x 16), gets my wood, does some skimming, defoaming, canning, helps draw syrup, my food. She works out fine.
Enjoy your wife's company if she's willing to help!!
Good luck.


03-09-2007, 01:34 PM
As far as the wife idea goes--

We all have to remember, regardless if our wives are in the sugarhouse, running the evaporator, have an important part in the process or just in the way...........

None of us would be doing this without their blessing!!!

As for me, she may not understand why I enjoy this so much, but i would not be doing it without her. She plans our annual Maplelooza party and loves that it is fun and great for the kids to be outside.


03-09-2007, 07:29 PM
Real sorry to hear about the leg. Sounds like you have some help for sugarin time. Great if your wife can help. Cheryl can make syrup as well as I can and is very cautious about the sap level in the pans which is just about number one concern.
Have fun advising and "super"vising this year. I bet you will have some good memories, and your friends will learn a thing or two about your operation.

Good Luck,

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-09-2007, 08:13 PM
post edited

03-09-2007, 08:33 PM
Proberly getting ready for the Maple Festival. They sell used equipment during that time. Just my guess.

03-09-2007, 09:28 PM
I recently bought a used pan from bascoms. He was nice enough to put it on his truck heading to leader. I was able to drive there and pick it up. I spoke with fred while I was there and said they always have used stuff in and out. If not, enough people come in and visit they maybe able to point you into a private party sale. I think leader is a worthwhile phone call if your set on buying used. May help, may not, but worth the call

03-09-2007, 09:30 PM

03-09-2007, 09:54 PM
When you get your wife to help out she will probably like it. Which will give you more time to tap more trees once your leg heals. Good luck and be thankful that she is willing to help out.

03-10-2007, 03:36 AM
Well today is the day. Weather finally straightend out. Gonna start tapping today. Hoping to have them all done By tomorrow night or Monday afternoon at the latest. Then its a test boil with water and a quick cleanup then I am finally ready.
Good luck to all.

03-10-2007, 05:09 AM
I will bw tapping today. I finally got power hooked up in the sugar shack it has been built for four years with the wire run to it just no lights or plugs. My wood pile still has 2 feet of snow on it so I hope that melts before I need to do a boil. Good luck to all and sorry about your leg Sappy.

03-10-2007, 05:29 AM
When I was still working, my wife did most of the boiling while I was at work. The only problem is she's more daring than I am. She has been known to run the drawoff channel at 1/4" deep! I do have to point out that she's never burned a pan. I have - 3 times! (I get daydreaming and distracted easily)

super sappy
03-11-2007, 09:53 AM
I am up and around.Went to massey jacks on saturday wile my son was at his fencing lessons. Didnt get to see the vacuum running but did get girlscout cookies. Visit was short but it was great to be out of the house. The neighbors pitched in in the afternoon and got my van back from where the leg got broke. They all were ready to collect sap but it really didnt run much. I found some short screws to tap into the bottom of this cast the thing gets poor traction on the ice and mud.Hopefully studs will work. Maybe they should concider an all season bottom for people in the country.I got over to the sugar house yesterday.I cant wait for a big run.Maybe today -sappy

3% Solution
03-11-2007, 10:51 AM
Hey SS,
Alright that's the first step .......... get out of the house!!
Studded cast, well that's a first!
Get that puppy patented, soon!!
See the neighbors are there already, that's great.
Had my neighbor with me yesterday, didn't get a lot of sap, 6 gallons.
Today I'm taking my chiropractor and his son with me. Then he can see why I have such a stiff back the month of March!
Hopefully we'll find a bit more out there.
You take care and hope you get a run today.
Oh yeah, remember, have a nice time togeather with the wife!!!!

03-11-2007, 11:06 AM
Go easy SS don't want to put too much stress on it... you just need to sit with a cold beverage and watch someone boil !!! It don't get much better than that!!

03-11-2007, 02:54 PM
Well just finished up the first part of the days boiling, made around 6 gallons of light, going to collect buckets and boil some more this evening... looks like the sap flowed real good today, hood worked awesome... sap was pushing more than 3%(due to the ice I'm sure) but whos complaining??? hoping to end up more than 12 gallons today :)Hoping !!

super sappy
03-15-2007, 07:34 AM
I have been doing all the boiling Myself. The wife and kids take the van after school and collect wile I get things going at the sugarhouse. Alot of people have offered to help. I am better off left alone. I had my little 2x4 vermont special rockin yesterday.The sap was about 3% I had a sustained boil rate of 17.5 gph. I have to admit that by sitting down and actually watching my evaporator i got a better understanding on how to run it and maybe squeeze a little more out of it. I was so tite yesterday that I drew syrup every 12 minutes and the buzzer went off on my egg timer mid draw each time. This was the first time that I got finished syrup off the evaporator consistantly. I guess that when life serves lemons make FANCY SYRUP. It is also easyier to boil without worrying about work stuff. I am going to go out today and hang a few buckets in the rain. I am pretty much mobil at this point with a backpack and 1 crutch. -LATER,SUPER SAPPY

03-15-2007, 01:22 PM
Man, I know allot of people use them for sugaring, but if I heard an egg timer going off every 12 minutes for 8 hours I think I'd shoot myself. I know some guys who use them for wood loading and set them for 7 minutes. Eeeeeek! If it works for you, go for it.

Although, I am thinking of a sand timer. I hate when time escapes me and I go to load wood and she's either still full or burnt down a little too far.

3% Solution
03-15-2007, 08:21 PM
Hey SS,
See that everyone has a job and your is to crank that thing!!!!!
keep it going, keep it jumping.
I ahve always had 3% sap but this year it is down to 2.5 to 2.7, oh well you get what you get and nothing more.
Still makes real nice stuff.
Take it easy and don't over do it!!


03-16-2007, 05:06 AM
Well by the looks of thing were in for another wild storm, There calling for 10-20 inches of snow and blowing wind. I could really do without the snow.And wind but can't do much about it.This should be great for the trees. Just wish I was all tapped so I would have to strap on the snowshoes any more. But oh well.Looks like good weather after the storm. Bring it on.

super sappy
03-16-2007, 07:37 AM
Danno- I am like a crow in that if I see anything shiny out of the corner of my eye I,m on it like stink on a monkey. That timer going off every 6 minutes keeps me right at the rig and focused. The other day thou I had the pellet gun out. I let the chickens out and every time the rooster jumped on one of the hens Id shoot him in the ***. Man he 'd go right into orbit then strut around wondering who tapped him. I did feel bad later that night the bobcat came back and and it was curtins for 2 hens and him. That bobcat has been crafty, I am reluctant to set a trap for him because the dog is alwayse over by the chicken coop. I havnt seen the bobcat But my wife tracked him in the fresh snow a couple of weeks ago the tracks lead to the hill behind our property that they clear cut last fall and is being mined for gravel. Anyway he has killed a bunch of chickens. We are supposed to get 12"of snow today Oh well-SAPPY

super sappy
03-21-2007, 06:31 AM
The maple gods smiled on us tuesday. 150 gallons of 3.4% sap. I tapped some new trees this year and man are they sweet. It is weird that my avj sap output per tap is down compared to last year but the sugar is way up.Any way Ill Take it. My son was having a mojor teenager day yesterday. This teenager thing is new to me and quite trying at times. ( I was perfect as a teen) .My 8 year old is going on a field trip to a big sugarhouse in school today.She is all set to tell them all that she knows about sugaring.For once she was excited to go to school.Have to hobble to the sugarhouse and clean up for todays run,-sappy

03-21-2007, 07:54 PM
SS - what was your sap sugar content during the run before this past freeze up? Our run started this afternoon and we are flowing. With low temps expected tonight in the mid 30's vacuum pump is staying on for the forseeable future. Have not tested my sap yet, but you have my interest peaked. I was running a straight 2 during the last run. 3.5 is "sweeet"!

3% Solution
03-21-2007, 09:22 PM
Yup good question danno!
I'll be interested to see what mine is going to run tomorrow.
SS I see your still at it, good man!
Yeah teenage years really stink, for the boy also, remember that!
I couldn't believe it today, 2 degrees this morning and the sap flowing this afternoon at 37 degrees.
Well anyway, looks like the sap shall run for a few more days.
Stay at it guys!!


03-21-2007, 09:55 PM
My daughters just about 15.... need I say more.... :/

super sappy
03-24-2007, 07:18 PM
We have had sap gushing for about 3 days now. I had one load at 4.1% and the next load back to 3.1 then to 2.8 today. I do not know how much syrup we have made. My son and wife have really stepped up to the plate and collected every drop of sap over the past few days. Even in the rain tonight everyone collected. Ihave 200 gallons off 130 taps since this morning. I need to take a break my leg has had enough for today. I will get going again aroung 5.Am I need to make some dark syrup. Everything is real lite so far. I boiled off some rotten sap on the stove burner to glaze an easter ham. The sap was gross but the blackstrap had a good flavor. The long range forecast looks like sunday may be it. I need to sleep -SS

3% Solution
03-24-2007, 07:38 PM
Hey SS,
Great, didn't I tell ya things would work out!!
Keep it boiling!!
I guess the mom is working out in the sugarhouse, too!!
Next year you can set back and "Crack The Whip"
Have fun!!


super sappy
03-28-2007, 05:50 PM
We have not gone below freezing for 2 days. My kids came home on the bus and said that sap was running. Sure enough 100 gals or so.The old lady is at college tonight so I cant boil until tomorow. This has happened 1 other time this year . The sap was crystal clear. I just dont know any more.Super sappy

03-28-2007, 06:27 PM
Today I was totally exhausted, boiled untill 1am last night, had a full run, today I left work early(half day) got a few hours sleep just incase another good run... poof 20 gallons sap total... what the hey I still boiled it.. starting to get cloudy though, I don't think I will collect tomorrow, I'll hold until friday and boil on Sat. probably chase the syrup out with water... not sure what will happen after Saturday.

super sappy
04-01-2007, 07:12 PM
I have been in the sugar house since I last posted. It has gotten to the point that I had to leave. I got slammed with sap and the family joined together and collected till I said enough is enough .I need a bigger evaporator. I have made more syrup per tap than ever before. I hit 1 Qt per tap 2 days ago and I still have full tanks. The walking cast was cut off yesterday We will see what the doctor has to say about that next week. The maple news guy stopped by today and returned a blower that I gave him last year. Just proves that most maple guys are good to their word. I have had a fantastic year ,broken leg and all -SUPER SAPPY

04-01-2007, 08:10 PM
super sappy,
Just make sure when you get a bigger evaporator that you go big enough and with 150 buckets I can tell you from experience a 2x6 wont be big enough.

John Burton
04-02-2007, 03:35 AM
150 on a 2x6 is an easy boil its when you get up around 400 you eyes start to spin i had 200 this year and have yet to boil longer than 6 hours I know poor year.

04-02-2007, 05:36 AM
I take my last reply back,kind of . The 2x6 that I had was a 1986 Leader It did just what it was supposed to do. The newer ones I am sure are more efficient especially if teamed up with a preheater and airtight arch. But I have recrods of 2 years in a row where the sap just kept coming day and night filling 180 buckets and over 1000 gallons of sap to take care. I said the same exact thing as super sappy. I need a bigger evaporator as I was dumping sap I had no time to boil off.

super sappy
04-03-2007, 07:00 PM
I think that Id like a 2x6 with a good pre heater . Right now I am laid up with this F*&^(ng leg that I guess I have been overdoing it with and have to stay off it for 2 more weeks. I never really planned my sugar house properly and bulled into it one day. I am not sure how long a 2X6 is . I,d assume about 7'and change. I know that Id have to enlarge my cupola but is 13 foot enough room to have a 2x6 and have room to fire etc? - SAPPY

Dave Y
04-03-2007, 07:07 PM
I have a 3x12 in 20ft. If you cant get a 2x6 in a 13ft space and have room to fire, well. You should have no problems in the area.

Russell Lampron
04-03-2007, 07:17 PM
Super Sappy,

My sugarhouse is 12x12 and it would be nice if it was 14' long. 13' will give you enough room to fire but it will be cramped when you have visitors.
