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blissville maples
01-27-2016, 07:23 PM
will be employing a vp 74 which i purchased used. i have run a vp 78 and is near identical design just smaller. so my 78 has an exhaust with built in oil canister on bottom with eye for oil level, which feeds to the pump via 1/4'' line from the bottom of the exhaust oil reservoir. the 74 has an exhaust, however no reservoir for the oil to fall into and be recirculated (the reservoir in the 78 acts as the fill reservoir) it does have a 1/4'' line going from the bottom of the exhaust to the inlet side on vaccum pump. this line doesn't neccasarily suck a constant flow of oil, but rather any oil that may go thru exhaust which will obviously be some. now to where the oil comes in the pump initially.....my 78 has the drippers. the 74 has had a one gallon gas tank added with a line going to a t, from there 3 lines; 2 one to each bearing and the other to the veins. i cannot understand how does this sytem stay full, once the gas tank reservoir is empty it cannot be refilled without being done manually since nothing goes back to it and it sits above the pump. however once the gas tank reservoir is empty all the oil that was in it is either still in pump and exhaust canister being recirculted or blown out the exhaust. i guess just fill it every time i check on it, if its empty?? obviously after a few days i will get an idea if it uses any or what, maybe it stays full, i dunno. never seen this type of re-do on a pump. im wondering if anyone has seen this, tried it or anything. any info helps, thanks

01-27-2016, 10:03 PM
What you describe is not a delaval 78.

"(the reservoir in the 78 acts as the fill reservoir) it does have a 1/4'' line going from the bottom of the exhaust to the inlet side on vacuum pump"

73 & 75 have a built in reservoir that catches oil from the exhausted of the chamber.

78 needs an oil reclaimer to keep the exhausted oil. The drippers on a 78 that does not have a reclaimer suck from a jug or supply of oil. This is a one time use and rather inefficient use of oil.

A 74 will use about a 1/4 gallon a day at this type of setup. So around $5 of oil daily if you are unable to reclaim or capture and reuse the oil.

Thus building an oil reclaimer is well worth every penny spent to save dollars of oil over years of pump life.

With a reclaimer and a filter system you can do a season on a gallon to two.


blissville maples
01-28-2016, 05:57 AM
in question is a 76, the 78 is what i have and was compring to if you read my post again closely my understand what i was saying, what i meant by the reservoir in the 78 acts as fill reservoir is that you add oil into exhaust reclaimer(i called it reservoir) not into a one gallon gas tan as is this 74 i have.. yes 78 exhaust is fill, i know 78 like back of my hand...... my 74 has no oil reservoir in exhaust, it has been fitted with a one gallon gas tank where the oil goes, but nothing returns here on its own without manual filling. what is a typical oil system on a 74 consist of, im assuming there should be oil reclaimer??? or just fill it every day??

""so my 78 has an exhaust with built in oil canister on bottom with eye for oil level, which feeds to the pump via 1/4'' line from the bottom of the exhaust oil reservoir. the 74 has an exhaust, however no reservoir for the oil to fall into and be recirculated (the reservoir in the 78 acts as the fill reservoir) it does have a 1/4'' line going from the bottom of the exhaust to the inlet side on vaccum pump. this line doesn't neccasarily suck a constant flow of oil, but rather any oil that may go thru exhaust which will obviously be some. now to where the oil comes in the pump initially.....my 78 has the drippers. the 74 has had a one gallon gas tank added with a line going to a t, from there 3 lines; 2 one to each bearing and the other to the veins.""

blissville maples
01-28-2016, 05:59 AM
breezy, so you would expect it to use 1/2 gal a day no reclaimer. sounds like it gets expensive, i may have to rig something into the gas tank reservoir since it has vacuum inside of it and would suck the oil back thru itself. i don't know about some people and how they do things, they could have easily done this!!!!!

01-28-2016, 09:53 AM
Are you sure you know what you have? One minute you talk about a 74 and a 78 pump, the next post you talk about a 76 and 78 pump. All three are different. As far as your gas tank, it should not have vacuum in it. The oil resevoirs for any of these pumps do not have vacuum in them. Pictures off what you have are worth a thousand words for people to help you and clearly written descriptions to go with them. These are very simple pumps and with a good oil reclaimer are very simple to use and maintain.

01-28-2016, 09:59 AM
A 74 will use about a 1/4 gallon a day at this type of setup. Ben

Ok a got more coffee in my system now. lol
a 73 and 75 have the dipstick on cap of the fill port of the reservoir but a 74, 76 & 78 are stand alone units and if so equipped has an oil reclaimer. Depending on the design these can be refilled with new oil or some run only new oil thru the pump out of jugs. The oil in the reclaimer is recycled for other uses. Not all reclaimers are setup to filter and reuse the oil. Older units just caught the oil so it was not blowing on the ground.

Sorry I was not following you on the reservoir part as we don't refer to it like that; most refer to it as the catch basin, basin or the catch. This is due to most reclaimers use a filter area and the oil condensates on this filter element strands and then drips into the catch basin of the reclaimer. The 73 and75are totally different and the surface of the oil in the reservoir acts as a cooler and contact point for the exhaust to flow across and condensate out larger droplets of oil. Vapor was lost. An Alamo reclaimer uses a filter screen as you can see in the pic.12672

Oil will run down the screen and in to the catch to go back to the pump.

Some systems use two valves to stop the flow to the pump from the reservoir and instead open another valve and suck from a new oil jug to fill the system. When adequate oil is in the reclaimer the jub valve is closed and the reclaimer valve is opened.

Some vac dealers modified systems for customers to meet their needs. I have a reclaimer that has a tiny fill port on the top and the oil must transfer down thru the vapor catch screening and is a real pain to fill so that one is a jug fill valve refiller.

I do feel this is the best system as one is less likely to run the pump dry than if you have a jug that needs to be check every day to see if it is empty; but if one is already checking the gas and oil on a motor then checking the oil on the pump is just another step.

Drippers are adjustable and should be adjust to what a temp gun reports. To little and the bearings will heat up. a constant temp of a bearing at 140-175.

The other thing is if you do not have a line dripper then the bearing oil is the cooler for the pump. Thus you increase the drips to cool the housing.

Another consideration that affects oil consumption is vac level and the tightness of your system. The higher the vac level the more heat the pump will make as it is harder to remove tiny amount of air that is left at high vac than at even 22".

A tight system has little to no free air moving to the pump so the pump is not consistently moving air thru that will cool the pump. You can tell a tight system by the sound the brass check valve makes. If it is making a steady tinging sound you have few if any leaks. If you don't hear the ting...well you need to be in the bush because she is open constantly and air is moving thru your system.

A stuck vein makes a very different sound and one needs to learn the difference to eliminate false alarms.

blissville maples
01-28-2016, 06:18 PM
yes i know exactly what i have. not sure where the 78 came in at?? im saying my 78 is normal set up; exhaust reclaimer,filter,drippers etc. the 74 has a one gallon gas tank, vaccumized by a 5/16 line going into a t, from there the 3 lines one to each bearing and one to the veins. there is no catch basin or reservoir in the exhaust chamber althought it does have a 1/4'' line going from there to vacuum side of pump which feeds captured oil from exhaust to vacuum inlet. being that there is no exhaust reservoir most will blow out but some will be reclaimed through the 1/4'' line. i guess just keep it full as breezy was saying plan on 1/2 gal a day. if i get time ill re-route the line from vacuum port side of pump to the one gallon tank. i think that would be more practical.?