View Full Version : How could this be better?

01-27-2016, 04:47 AM

The line seems to long and in some places snakes around going up hill before entering the main line. This bush is all on vac. This line is about 200 ft from a wet/dry line main.

01-27-2016, 04:56 AM
Change the saddle to one that will face any direction or maybe just turn that one around. On the other hand if you have good vacuum its probably fine

maple flats
01-27-2016, 05:02 AM
From what I can see you have 2 issues. 1- that main was twisted when you installed it. Make a tubing spooler to prevent that. 2. that main is not tight enough. The wire is probably, but not the main supported by it.
An easy spooler is to put up mains in the snow. Lay the coil on the ground and get someone to stand in the coil as you pull. It will then pull tight with no twist. Another is to attach the coil firmly at one end, pull off 5 loops as you walk, flip the coil pull 5 more. With this you just need to be sure you finish with an even # of loops in each direction. This takes more time, but no money. By far the easiest is a spooler.

01-27-2016, 10:41 AM
Would useing more wire ties help?

01-27-2016, 11:01 AM
Would useing more wire ties help?

Yes a wire tie every 12-15" works best for me. Pulling the mainline side ways with a side tie might help as well.

01-27-2016, 11:03 AM
The main, yes more tyes will help. For your laterals, you should have them cross the main and curve into the saddle from the opposite side. In this pic your saddle should have been half way between where it is now and where you have tied your lateral to the main.

As for pipe twisting, I have yet to see black waterline not twist once installed and saddles installed. Just the nature of the pipe.

01-27-2016, 11:06 AM
More ties might help a little but if a main line is snaking it will continue to do so especially in warm weather, black pipe more so as well
you really need to put tension grips on each end when your putting up and I hook to ratchet straps to tighten up before putting wire ties on
some guys even use 4 wheeler to pull the line got to know what you doing not to over tighten though

maple flats
01-27-2016, 11:53 AM
Yes, 2 points I missed, have the lateral meet the main at 90 degrees with the short loop going to the saddle go past the pain and then back into the saddle which faces away from the lateral. I find a saddle that has the part that connects to that loop can swivel is easier. In fact I really like the DSD mainline saddles, better price and they seal better. If one ever leaks, just tighten the clamp.
How to tighten the main (before tying the wires) is the other thing. I use the pipe grips (Chinese finger grip type) and they seem to hold best if you use a screw type hose clamp at the back end. They will pull and hold well without, until something bumps that back end, that is all that is needed to lose it's grip. Then I pull with a come-a-long or the ATV winch (if I can get it in the right spot to pull) to get it tight.