View Full Version : 5/16" Tubing System Help Choosing Trees

01-25-2016, 02:30 PM
Hi All,

This will be my third year tapping in Mass. We have both buckets and a tap line on the back of our property. My problem is choosing the correct trees to tap. Last year I tapped half a dozen trees along our brook only to find almost zero sap flow. I took a walk on the property yesterday to find that 3 of the 6 trees I tapped were rotten about 8-10 feet up the tree and have fallen over. When I drilled the trees last March I did get good wood pulp from the drill bit. What causes the tree to rot that high up? How can you tell when you look at a tree that it will or will not produce sap?

Second question: When re-tapping trees do you move the hole up down or around the tree each year

Doing this for mostly fun while trying to learn along the way

01-25-2016, 03:36 PM
As far as the rot, I've tapped damaged trees with success before, sometimes healthy trees don't seem to want to give sap. Did those trees get much sun? Could've been frozen most of the time.
As far as tapping goes, tap about 6" above or below the last tap and a few inches to either side.

01-25-2016, 03:50 PM
The nicer the crown( more limbs )the better they seem to run..

01-26-2016, 10:12 AM
The trees in back of my property have limited sun....the hemlocks have taken over. I hope to start dropping some of the hemlock in the spring

01-29-2016, 07:18 PM
I take my walk to mark trees in the fall.
I have found trees that turn color early are usually more stressed then those that turn later and or hold color longer in the fall.
I mark the trees I intend to tap in the spring. I use 5/16 taps with line down to buckets. I had some trees not produce a lot. When I get those I cut them out of my line for taps. When drilling is the best way to judge a tree as far as I have seen and experienced with others. White wood on drill tends to be a good hole. Brown tends to be bad. Also watch for bird (sap sucker) and or insect damage and animal damage to the trees too.

Good luck and have fun. :D

02-02-2016, 08:44 AM
Thanks everyone....

Do you guys tend to tap the side of the tree that gets the most sun light or warmth? Or does it really matter?

02-02-2016, 09:39 AM
You can start in the south side, but sooner or later you'll have to tap the "dark side"