View Full Version : Completed Homemade Pro RO ready to test...

01-25-2016, 01:19 PM
After months of planning and purchasing parts, I began assembly on the day after New Year's, and completed today. Months of planning, and just over two weeks to throw together. Well, I need an L1030P plug, as I discovered my plug on hand was a 20A. I start initial testing tonight or tomorrow! I posted the build in "Reverse Osmosis" threads. All the details are there. The unit is 25" wide, 24" deep, 52" high.
This is a 220V system, 2ea 4x40, 1/2HP feed pump, 3/4 HP motor driving a Procon series 5 265gph pump. Wash tank is a 7 1/2 gal, with a 2500W heater controlled by a 220V 30A digital controller. My initial purchases were $1500, and I spent an estimated $300 in additional plumbing and electrical items.

Is my design flawed?
Did I wire things correct?
How many issues will I have?
With 180 plumbing connections and 52 electrical, what could possibly go wrong?
One of my main concerns is the motor wiring that I had to change from 120v and reverse rotation.

Many thanks to all the previous builders on the site(s) for allowing me to see their successes and failures, and now I am doing the some for future dreamers....
Hey... I admit some pride is sharing as well, despite any failures coming that I will share.

Eric of the Green Mountains


Urban Sugarmaker
01-25-2016, 01:38 PM
Great looking RO. I definitely share your pride in home-building these things. I built one for this year too and tested with distilled water over this past weekend. I had a few minor leaks that have been fixed, and now I just need some sap. I like that yours has a TDS meter. I think I will add that for next season. Good luck and let us know how it works for you.

01-25-2016, 01:48 PM
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