View Full Version : More pump issues...we need some good luck for a change

Starting Small
01-24-2016, 03:41 PM
So this morning we setup the new gas engine, 79 cc, turns out it was not strong enough to turn the pump. After a trip to Harbor Freight and going a size bigger we mounted the new motor and everything appeared perfect. I started the motor, and it turned the pump over and it ran nicely until I noticed no vacuum on the gauge. I realized that the vacuum input was blowing air and the vacuum exhaust was sucking air. My only assumption is that the gas engine shaft is turning in the opposite direction as the electric motor. If this is correct (please correct me if I can be wrong), then i will need to mount the engine on the opposite side not using the engine mount that the pump (delaval 73) is attached to. Just getting frustrated that every step of the way is a roadblock. But on the positive side we have figured out 100 things that don't work so it is a learning experience. Thanks for any feedback.