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View Full Version : Air space around smoke stack

Big Stoney
01-24-2016, 04:18 AM
We did not get a sugar house built and we tore down the building that we boiled in last year. We moved the evaporator to a large Pole barn(metal) and yesterday we put the stack up straight for a little over 7 feet and then tried to take a steep angle to get the stack out of the side of the barn. We centered the stack inside some 14 inch stack that we had so we have a 2 inch airspace where it goes through the side of the barn. Is it better to just leave that airspace or would it be better to fill it with ceramic blanket?

We need to finish the outside. We will take another 45 and adjust it to go past the 1 foot overhang on the building and get above the peak. I have a cap to cover the 10 inch stack. I am guessing that with the cap we will be two feet above the peak and just off center. Is this a safe enough distance to be above the peak? I think that the peak is 17 feet above the ground and we have an 8 foot evaporator so we will be close to having 16 feet of height for the stack, but because of the angles it is not straight. Also, when I go by the peak should I encase that 10 inch stack inside some 14 inch? The building and overhang are all covered with metal. If not encased then how far should the stack be away from the barn and peak?

I needed to win the powerball jackpot so that I could have hired all of this done for us and we could have just boiled sap.

01-24-2016, 10:13 AM
Single wall pipe? You should probably use a wall thimble for single wall pipe. I think the thimbles I've seen for single wall pipe are actually triple wall, and provide the minimum allowed clearance to combustibles. I used double wall SS insulated pipe to exit my shack. Cost more, but I didn't want any issues while running.

01-24-2016, 08:08 PM
As a contractor I would say no to the 14" alone the thimble is code but if its temporary wrap some ceramic around the outside of the 14" a single layer will do. And as for the stack hight code says 4' above the nearest point within 10' raidious. I have 20' on my 2×5 evaporator and it draws way better than when I had 16' .