View Full Version : My Homebuilt PLC Controlled RO

Urban Sugarmaker
01-19-2016, 11:26 AM
After last season I decided to build an RO. I wanted a unit that had some automation so I wouldn't have to watch it constantly. That's when I stumbled on programmable logic controllers and decided to give it shot because they are fairly inexpensive. I primarily based this design on what Dennis H. did last year and what some others here have posted on their builds. I tried to make this so I can add 1 or 2 membranes in the future if I expand. Thanks everybody for sharing your work in the forum and through email on here. I could not have put this together without the all the extra help.

I only wish I had welding skills and equipment. Otherwise I would have done a metal frame.


- Low and High pressure shutoff
- 1 hp. shallow well pump feed (120 VAC)
- 1.5 hp motor driving Procon Series 5 (240 VAC)
- Single XLE-4040 membrane
- Temperature display with auto-shutoff for high temp
- Recirculation loop for concentrate (not quite finished)
- Click PLC from automation direct (120 VAC input/output)
- Circuit breakers, motor overload relays, contactors w/ surge suppression
- HP pump starts automatically after the feed pump once all the logic is true
- Manual modes can run the feed pump intermittently with a button push or continuously without starting the HP pump

I now just have to leak/pressure test it and set up a wash tank. This is sitting in my basement and I have tanks set up for concentrate and permeate. I also have it plumbed so that I can recirculate from the concentrate reservoir. 1250312504125051250612507

Urban Sugarmaker
01-19-2016, 11:27 AM
Some more pics...1250812509125101251112512

01-19-2016, 11:51 AM
Nice looking unit. Which procon pump did you use? (GPH, with or without pressure relief)

Urban Sugarmaker
01-19-2016, 12:13 PM
Thanks. It is the 115-330 GPH without pressure relief. I do have a high pressure switch.

Dennis H.
01-19-2016, 11:59 PM
Very nice.:cool:

01-20-2016, 07:57 AM
Nice work Urban! I'm pretty sure a PLC is the route I'm going to take also!

Urban Sugarmaker
01-20-2016, 08:48 AM
Thanks guys. The PLC is a little more expensive than using $5 relays but you can make changes very easily and create functionality a bit easier than with relays.

Bucket Head
01-20-2016, 09:48 AM
A little bit of time was put into that piece of equipment. Nice job!

Don't feel bad at all about the frame. I have welding skills and equipment and only wish I had the electrical knowledge to wire something like that! And from what I'm seeing, the corners on that frame look pretty square and tight too.

Your either going to get requests for R.O. machines or kitchen cabinets- maybe both. Nice work.


02-04-2016, 08:24 AM
Urban have you run your RO yet?