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View Full Version : Insulating blanket in mason 2x3

01-18-2016, 12:28 PM
Getting ready to insulate my mason 2x3 and have all the half's and insulating blanket I got from mason, my questions are do I need to use anything to adhere the blanket to the arch, 2nd, do I use refractory between the bricks or just fill in gaps when I have all cut and fitted.

01-18-2016, 03:46 PM
I bricked my Mason 2x4 about a year ago. The blanket does not need anything to adhere it to the arch. And no, you do not use cement between the bricks. Just fill in all the gaps when you are done. If you are going to do a skim coat of cement on the outer surface of all of your bricks like you see in some of the tutorials be sure to soak the bricks in water before you place them in the arch. I think you'll be unhappy wit the results if you fail to do this. Don't ask me how I know. One other tip, since it's cold. Unless you have a heated space, be sure to use some kind of a space heater in your sugar house or maybe even place a small portable heater right in the arch to allow the cement to cure properly. Good luck.

01-18-2016, 05:15 PM
Good info thanks. I have another question since I will not build my permanent sugar house until late spring/summer and I will be using a temp shack this season made out of a 10'x20' norfolk frame tent. I plan on placing my evaporator close to the edge and run the smoke stack at a slight angle out of the end and then straight up, I also have a SS steam hood from an old commercial kitchen with drip edge, I plan on temp wiring it up to the frame and running the exhaust through the top of tent and sealing. Anyway my question is, if I plan on moving the evaporator around should I hold off on doing the refractory or just go ahead and do it and move carefully. 2x3 bricked is not all that heavy for me and another to move and maybe another.