View Full Version : 2016 season getting closer...
01-18-2016, 09:21 AM
Friendly reminder here...Get your stuff in order the season is close to being here. My tell tale sign, besides temps and calendar, is that I've stopped making salt sand at work. Average start time in my neck of the prairie is March 5th, only 47 days away. Gotta double check supplies, gotta research weather patterns, gotta get those wishlists done from last year done, gotta gotta got...yikes gotta get moving!!
Hope you all have a bountiful season this year,
maplenutter butter
01-21-2016, 08:59 PM
I can't wait. I'm new to this site. Actually my first post. I've been making syrup on a small scale for the past few years. This year I've upped the anty. I'm going to have 750 give or take on vacuum and 250 on gravity. I have no idea what to expect! I hopeing for the best and planning for the worst.
Good luck everyone, I know I need it!
01-22-2016, 08:38 AM
Welcome to the Trader!! Hopefully you didn't go from a handful to close to a 1000. If you did remind me never to play poker with you! Frost has not gone down very far down here, thanks to all the early snow. Just be ready, get those honey do lists done. Speaking of which I should be painting instead of typing. Gotta go
01-22-2016, 04:24 PM
I gotta gotta gotta order me some stainless steel taps, after sampling many the last three years I found i like them best. I also want to order a 2 x 2 foot finish pan from Smokey Lake.
maplenutter butter
01-22-2016, 05:59 PM
I'm going from 84 taps on buckets last year to really diving in this year. I've been working on this new adventure since the end of last year. I met some guys that do this on a large scale and they have been helping me out. Do you think its going to be an early year? Whats the earliest you have tapped? Oh, and I still have lots to do as well!
01-23-2016, 08:58 AM
I met some guys that do this on a large scale and they have been helping me out. Do you think its going to be an early year? Whats the earliest you have tapped? Oh, and I still have lots to do as well!
That's awesome that your getting some help from them. The earliest I have tapped down here is Feb. 14th, but it was a snowless, warmer than average winter. If I remember right we were in the high 60's low 70's already in March. That year it was a 2 week season.
On it being an early year...the only ones that know are the trees. The local weatherman is talking about a strong warmup down here. But as we all know it's still winter. Still lots of cold to come.
SDdave when do you expect to start tapping thinking of tapping a couple just to see only looks like two warm days then back to cold.
02-05-2016, 06:21 AM
Tough question. Looked at extended forecast, looks like Feb 14. but its only optimal for a week, then cold for 10 days. I think I'm going to get all the stuff finalized and let the weatherman decide what the weather is going do.
maplenutter butter
02-07-2016, 07:52 AM
Im going to get out today and run some 3/16 tubing today. About 35 trees. Might even tap them with todays warm weather, but not sure.
Tapped 5 trees yesterday 1 of the small trees silver maple planted in 1998 started dripping Only a cup of sap so far. Weather forcast looks like there will be at least a week of cold weather.
maplenutter butter
02-07-2016, 03:01 PM
I marked a small section of woods today for maples. I thought there would only be fifty or so trees in it and turns out there is way more than that. Just placed an order for more tubing and supplies....I did not tap any yet.
02-08-2016, 08:51 AM
Well, I'm now starting to think about syrup season...been thinking MORE about trying to find a job...I am hopeful that the big guy upstairs is on my side and the interview last week will result in an offer. Anyway, with all the mild temperatures in December I did tap one tree thinking I could sneak out enough for a pint or such luck. The bad news is I lost access to a grove of maple trees last summer, The good news is I obtained access to a different (smaller, but more accessible) grove just up the road from me!! Last year I started getting sap March 9th near St. Cloud - thinking this year, if the weather predictions are close, could begin in a week or two!! I hope things go well for everyone and looking forward to reading the posts!
02-09-2016, 11:14 AM
As I prepare my sketch of one new pan, my wife informs me the Ojibwe word (get ready for this!): iskigamizige-giizis
means 'the time of collecting maple sap and boiling it into syrup'.
She's reading 'Thunder Bay: A Cork O'Conner Mystery' by William Kent Kruger.
Now, back to my replacement pan. I am replacing one of my 'hotel pans' - want a sloped bottom and a bung/nipple/spigot.
I suspect it should be thicker than the 'hotel pan' for welding to.
Any suggestions on the type and gage (sp ?) of SST I should use on this cooking pan?
02-10-2016, 11:57 AM
Started getting the itch over the weekend. Looked up at at my 140 or so 5 gallon containers and decided I wanted to move to sap bags. Made 60 holders out of PVC. I will make another 60-80 next week. Anybody wanna buy some food grade containers with caps, LOL?
02-10-2016, 01:38 PM
Hi, I am new to tapping this year. Next week we are going to have a few warm days in the lower to upper 30's and then it looks like it may get cold again. I am located in Crow Wing County, MN. Is it ok to tap trees early or should I wait until the temperatures are consistently in the upper 30's / low 40's ?
maplenutter butter
02-10-2016, 08:24 PM
How many trees will you be tapping Jodi?
02-11-2016, 12:57 AM
Hi, I am new to tapping this year. Next week we are going to have a few warm days in the lower to upper 30's and then it looks like it may get cold again. I am located in Crow Wing County, MN. Is it ok to tap trees early or should I wait until the temperatures are consistently in the upper 30's / low 40's ?
On open taps,, buckets, nope too early.
02-11-2016, 06:16 AM
Hi, We will be tapping about 45 trees or so.
02-11-2016, 07:17 AM
I'm in Central Wisconsin. I'll be ready around March 1st. If and when favorable weather looks imminent, I'll tap. If nothing looks good, they go in March 15 regardless of weather. Doubt if I would ever tap earlier than March 1st.
02-11-2016, 08:05 AM
Its pretty early to tap now. I usually tap 1st or second week of March.
02-11-2016, 01:10 PM
Thank You so much ! We will be waiting until March 1st for sure.
02-11-2016, 03:15 PM
Welcome Jodie - we are in Aitkin County just north of Garrison. Lots of people around here to help you out.
I'm a 'back yarder' with 100 taps going on 15 years. We have a large commercial operation very near here
and the people there are really nice and willing to show others their operation. It is impressive!
Yes, typically mid March if not later. Seems the best runs can come at the end of March, but usually, it is into April.
02-11-2016, 06:27 PM
I looked back at my previous 4 years of records here in SE WI. My evaporator requires at least 165 gallons of sap to start the initial fire and season the pans. So historically I have my first cooks between the 6th and 16th of March. Since my bread & butter job forces me to work it takes 1 -2 weeks to fix lines & tap all my trees. So although we watch the forecast close as long as I get my taps in by the second week of March I think I will be satisfied. The season can be tiring towards the end so I hold off on tapping to early since we hold out to the "bitter" end also to harvest as much as possible.
02-11-2016, 07:32 PM
Hey Ed,
How is that knee coming along? Will you be able to walk in the woods this year? I saw you with another person a couple years ago. Was that your father? He still with you?
Remember, if you need more intensive knee therapy, I can do that right here in my shop. Just call.....
02-12-2016, 05:58 AM
Started getting the itch over the weekend. Looked up at at my 140 or so 5 gallon containers and decided I wanted to move to sap bags. Made 60 holders out of PVC. I will make another 60-80 next week. Anybody wanna buy some food grade containers with caps, LOL?
I may be interested, this is my first year and I need to gather supplies. Where are you?
02-12-2016, 06:33 AM
Hi Big Pine, - We are right out of Garrison too, so this is great information. It is nice to talk to others in the same area / location to know the best time to tap. I have been doing a lot of research as this is our fist time but wasn't quite sure about the best time to tap. I may be asking more questions as we go along, so Thank You, what a wonderful Forum.
02-12-2016, 07:45 PM
Hey Ed,
How is that knee coming along? Will you be able to walk in the woods this year? I saw you with another person a couple years ago. Was that your father? He still with you?
Remember, if you need more intensive knee therapy, I can do that right here in my shop. Just call.....
Hey Larry I don't think I need your type of therapy:confused: I am beat up enough after getting the ends of my knee bones sawed off for a prosthetic. After 3 weeks I wasn't comfortable but was out cutting wood to get off the couch and gain some sanity. Every day is slightly better.
Yep that was Pa with me. He's 72 now and getting a bit nervous right about now thinking my recovery time might force him into picking up the slack this spring. I keep telling him not to worry though since my healing is going great and besides my 10 & 12 year old boys are chomping at the bit and excited for the upcoming sleep overs in the sugar shack. This makes him all the more nervous knowing those two little shysters agendas don't exactly align with mission accomplishment:o
Last year to keep them busy I sent them out on their own to tap a couple nearby box elders. Ya $10 of a $20 drill bit is still stuck in one of those box elders. I didn't find this out until after they found a replacement drill bit, 1/2" or so and peppered those box elders full of holes and then started asking questions how to keep the 5/16" tap from falling out of the hole:o
02-12-2016, 08:48 PM
Oh. .
02-14-2016, 07:12 AM
Jodie - I am retired so I have lots of time to dabble with this stuff. If you are interested in coming over for a 'tour', we are usually around.
Don,t tell anyone but my name is Wally and our tele is (218) 678-2194. We are just north of Trotter's Resort (on Round Lake) on the back
road up to Big Pine Lake (NW corner). Or 2-3 miles west of 169 and south 1+ mile.
I really get into the physics!? My homemade cooker is 3 levels, and I am always tinkering. Trying to get a new pan designed and fabricated
- Temco in Aitkin is a great source for welding SST. Contact me if you are interested.
02-15-2016, 04:57 AM
davewittwer- I am in Ottertail county, but get to the metro weekly.
02-15-2016, 08:07 PM
davewittwer- I am in Ottertail county, but get to the metro weekly.
You ever come to the Prnceton area?
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02-15-2016, 08:08 PM
Is anyone tapping with the warm weather in the forecast next week?
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02-15-2016, 09:15 PM
I have the same question. I am totally new to tapping this year and I see the weather is foretasted to be 2/18 41F, 2/19 44F and 2/20 47F with it droping to the upper 30's 21st-24th. My question.. is this it; the beginning of the season?
02-15-2016, 09:54 PM
You ever come to the Prnceton area?
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I usually just run down 94 from the Fergus falls area
02-15-2016, 09:57 PM
I have the same question. I am totally new to tapping this year and I see the weather is foretasted to be 2/18 41F, 2/19 44F and 2/20 47F with it droping to the upper 30's 21st-24th. My question.. is this it; the beginning of the season?
I am holding off until March. I suppose you could get a short run, but its likely that the best runs wont be until later. I've tapped early before and regretted it when my taps (gravity) petered out when the runs got good later.
02-15-2016, 11:20 PM
I am in southern MN and put in 80% of my taps today. The 10 day forecast shows every day above 32 here. Will a possibility of 48 or 50 this weekend! I might be a little earlier but I don't get many days off so have to do it when I have time.
02-16-2016, 07:20 AM
It will be mid March for me That is about normal by Mille Lascs
Put most of my tapps in two days ago a little early but had the time to get it done. Yesterday three of out of the 90 tapps had a couple of drips.
02-16-2016, 03:07 PM
I'm going to tap my early running trees tomorrow or the next. Got a new farm to tap so I'll tap those as well just to see...
02-16-2016, 03:27 PM
I set a couple of taps yesterday to see what was going on. One tree started dripping a little. The past couple years I tapped the first week of March. I think that with the mild winter and not so deep ground freeze the "season" is going to start a little early. Could be wrong - guess we'll see!
maplenutter butter
02-16-2016, 09:14 PM
I live near the Belle Plaine area and tapped 43 trees toady that I put on 3/16 line. Waiting to tap more. If the weather continues to be this warm may tap anther 250 or so this weekend that are on gravity. Hoping to still set up my woods this year that has 700 plus taps in it on high vacuum. All my stuff was to be delivered last Friday from out east, but the truck was in an accident and know I don't know when or if I'll get that woods set up:(
02-18-2016, 12:34 AM
Anyone else super excited about this forecast? My 1st boil last year was the 1st of March and looking at the 10 day forecast looks like it might happen again this year! Going to put the rest of my taps in tomorrow.
2015 18 taps 3.5 gallons "1st year"
2016 26 taps ........
02-18-2016, 07:54 AM
Anyone else super excited about this forecast? My 1st boil last year was the 1st of March and looking at the 10 day forecast looks like it might happen again this year! Going to put the rest of my taps in tomorrow.
2015 18 taps 3.5 gallons "1st year"
2016 26 taps ........
Yes and no. Glad to see the temps getting there, but high wind in my territory with sustained 25 to 30 and gusts up to 50+mph. I only tapped my early runners, and going to wait for a bit on the others.
02-18-2016, 11:57 AM
A couple of thoughts, random stuff really. Just trying to pass the time:
I think it's kind of funny that in December / January I look at the thermometer and wonder if it will ever get warm. I dont hate winter, but I am not exactly it's biggest fan. I am now in my third season making syrup - and typically around now, I look at the thermometer and wonder if it will get too warm.
I go in for a haircut the other day. Started talking about tapping trees...making syrup... The person cutting my hair says "I have about 100 trees you can tap" then says "the smell of maple syrup makes me sick"...and then imitates being sick. With the exception of fried bacon I think Maple syrup has one of the best aromas. Anyway, I now have access to about 100 trees that I will tap this weekend but I think I need to find a new person to cut my hair.
02-18-2016, 06:29 PM
We trimmed some maple trees in the twin cities today and sap was dripping at a steady rate. Never have tapped this early before but am wondering after looking at the accuweather extended forecast.
With the unusual winter we have had with temps this year what are everyone else thoughts on tapping this early?
02-18-2016, 11:09 PM
We trimmed some maple trees in the twin cities today and sap was dripping at a steady rate. Never have tapped this early before but am wondering after looking at the accuweather extended forecast.
With the unusual winter we have had with temps this year what are everyone else thoughts on tapping this early?
I have put in 24 taps already this year and I had 8 of them running today. Just over a gallon of sap. The 10 day forecast looks great to get a good run going!
maplenutter butter
02-19-2016, 09:29 AM
I'm going to be putting in another 100 taps today, when the rain stops coming down! I had a little run yesterday on my 3/16 line. I'm thinking today will be a better day when the sun comes out.
02-19-2016, 10:08 AM
I have decided I am going to place out my taps today after the rain. Also I may go into my Honey Bees as well to check their stores to make sure they have enough honey.
02-19-2016, 10:48 AM
I am going to put taps out tomorrow (Saturday). I may not hang the bags if they aren't dripping yet, but at least the taps will be there. Good luck to everyone!!
02-19-2016, 12:33 PM
I put in three taps on Monday. One tree was dripping pretty good yesterday. (about 1 gallon) going to put in a few more this afternnoon, go fishing on saturday and finish the job on Sunday!! Hopeing to get about 75 taps set all said and done. Temps are looking really good for next week!!
02-20-2016, 11:06 AM
Just got my taps in. Now run baby run!
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02-20-2016, 04:27 PM
Got all my taps in this afternoon. Half of them are dripping like crazy. Now hopefully the spigot stays on for a while.
02-20-2016, 04:51 PM
Where are your trees located - SD?
Got all my taps in this afternoon. Half of them are dripping like crazy. Now hopefully the spigot stays on for a while.
02-20-2016, 06:10 PM
I put two test taps in today near Marshall. Bone dry so far, but I'm definitely watching things closely!
02-21-2016, 09:12 AM
Where are your trees located - SD?
Stone throw south of Sioux Falls, SD. Where Ash is the primary species, and you tap farm yards/acreages instead of woods. Prairie Sugaring at its best!
02-21-2016, 10:05 AM
Put in about 8 taps.... only one tree is running... the rest are dry. If they stay dry for more then a week will I need to re-tap?
02-21-2016, 11:18 AM
If they stay dry for more then a week will I need to re-tap?
Nope. They'll start running when they're good and ready. It's not recommended to ever re-tap anyway.
02-21-2016, 05:00 PM
This is my first year collecting sap, and I have 3 taps in my backyard. I put them in a few days ago and they just started running early this morning. I already have a gallon, and am very excited. I plan on boiling the sap down to maple syrup this next weekend. I have read a lot about this and plan to use the burner on the side of our grill. Is there any advice that would be helpful for my first time? Thank you!
02-21-2016, 07:00 PM
This is my first year collecting sap, and I have 3 taps in my backyard. I put them in a few days ago and they just started running early this morning. I already have a gallon, and am very excited. I plan on boiling the sap down to maple syrup this next weekend. I have read a lot about this and plan to use the burner on the side of our grill. Is there any advice that would be helpful for my first time? Thank you!
Yes. Quit now before its too late. Soon you'll be eyeing up trees as your driving down the road, spending every last dollar on taps, buckets, pans, bottles,...and the list goes on. Watch out it is contagious, but we'll help you through it. :)
On a serious note, the best advice is first have fun, relish in the product that you made. Now on to boiling it down...if your going to use your BBQ side burner, find a pan that gives you the most area on the bottom (cake pan, buffet style pan, etc.). Only keep a couple of inches of sap in it as you boil, adding as you go along. However, I think a turkey fryer might be better though (gets about 1.5 gph). That way if you do get bitten by the maple bug and add more and more taps you still would have the fryer setup to finish off your syrup. Have fun that is the key!
02-21-2016, 07:30 PM
This is my first year collecting sap, and I have 3 taps in my backyard. I put them in a few days ago and they just started running early this morning. I already have a gallon, and am very excited. I plan on boiling the sap down to maple syrup this next weekend. I have read a lot about this and plan to use the burner on the side of our grill. Is there any advice that would be helpful for my first time? Thank you!
If you can get your hands on a turkey fryer for a small operation of only 3 taps would be the way to go. It is also fairly cheap to build a arch out of a 55 gallon drum and some steam table pans. Most of those items can be found on Craiglist, and that will increase your boil off rate to between 2 and 4 gallons. Plus you don't have to pay for propane that way but would need access to a woodpile.
02-24-2016, 03:16 PM
Yes. Quit now before its too late. Soon you'll be eyeing up trees as your driving down the road, spending every last dollar on taps, buckets, pans, bottles,...and the list goes on. Watch out it is contagious, but we'll help you through it. :)
Pretty funny Dave, made me laugh out loud here. Thing is, what you say is 100% true.
Did 6 test taps last Saturday, 2 taps per tree/3 trees. Sap has been dripping slowly here and there since Saturday, but this morning I collected 6 gallons. Decided to tap everything today, just finished up. 42 taps, 22 buckets, 19 Silver Maple trees. 16 of the 19 trees immediately had sap dripping out of the holes when I pulled the bit out. I am all fired up for the season now, last year's failure is now just a distant memory.
02-24-2016, 06:46 PM
Get ready TooManyIrons... sap is coming your way. I'll send some warmer weather up your way to get things going. How about this weekend?
It's been an early start so far, tapping several weeks early (not that I'm complaining) averaging about a quart to half gallon per day per tap. Been averaging around 2.5% sap so far. Pretty excited to sit in my new shack and boil inside this weekend!!
02-25-2016, 09:36 AM
Yeah, Saturday has a forecast for a high of 56 here. Too warm for my preferences but the rest of the extended forecast is for highs ranging from the low 30s to low 40s, which is more preferable to me. No complaints about that 56, as long as we do not hit 70 here like we did last year which ruined my 2015 sap run.
So you built a new shack? That is cool! Did you post any pics anywhere on this site? I am still processing outside but last year I did build a shanty roof over the arch so I can continue to process if raining or snowing. Every year I temporarily set up two prefab fence sections north and south of the arch for windbreak walls. It works, that is all I will say. I would need to find more trees to tap to justify building a true shack, but I am already stretching the limits of what I can do alone.
I am still using wood so I can keep the project on the cheap. I have already split a bunch, will do a bunch more today. Feels good to be outside doing stuff again. Chases away the cabin fever.
With the extra taps I added, my hopes this year are for 500 gallons of sap, 19 gallons of syrup (5 gallons of that I will turn into sugar), but that is a bit on the confident side.
Got down to low 20s last night, what has been happening consistently for the last 3-4 days. I checked the buckets this morning and most have around a half gallon of sap in them since yesterday noon.
My friend who lives near Lake Minnetonka started processing yesterday. He taps hard maples. I am jealous. Last season taught me the negatives of relying on Silver Maples but I have no choice, have to use what I got. ;-)
02-25-2016, 11:58 AM
My trees near Marshall are awake now. Put in a bunch of taps yesterday and almost all were dripping right away. they probably averaged 1/2 gal of sap through the day. Work is tight but I think I can get the rest tapped by Saturday.... that extended forecast looks about as good as one can hope for!
Last season taught me the negatives of relying on Silver Maples but I have no choice, have to use what I got. ;-)
Yep!!!! I'm with you!
02-25-2016, 05:40 PM
Crazy thing today temps got above freezing for about an hour, then hovering around 29 for the rest of the day. Windy too about 20 to 25 mph or so. Anyways the sap was still dripping like a leaky faucet. Sensing a "normal" run (not expecting much) I only grabbed a few buckets. Now I have to go back and pick up the other 15 gallons I left there. Kinda crazy, never seen sap running on a windy cold day.
Too Many Irons...on the shed yes I have a thread on it in the Sugar house section. Titled "Breaking ground come Labor Day". It's an epic tale of ones desire and struggles to build a shack dealing with lots of snow and little life interuptions. Don't have a "final" pic up yet so use your imagination!!
02-26-2016, 10:10 AM
Dave - I checked out your shack thread, that is a very nice little building you have there. Great design. Would love to see a final photo some day, be sure to post one. Hope your kid is doing o.k.
Dan/Silverleaf - Nice to see you are still at it. We have to get together sometime, we are not that far away from each other...
Never got above 28 degrees here yesterday, no action. This morning I woke up to 20 degrees, sunshine, light breeze. The temp has climbed eight degrees in two hours. Sap is going to be running today.
Yesterday I split wood all morning and in the afternoon I helped a local large producer tap his trees. Was a long day. Overworked myself, could barely get out of bed this morning I was so stiff and sore. Had to hit the "medicine" a little early, but it worked - I keep a bottle around for just this sort of "emergency". :-) I am limbered up and ready to get outside and go to work.
Something that continues to mystify me is the large variation in sap flows from tree to tree. For example I have two beautiful healthy young trees, nearly identical, with diameters of around 30 inches. They are approx. 12 feet from each other in an east-west line. Both get the same amount of sunlight. So far every year the west tree always produces more sap than the east tree. Since I tapped two days ago, the west tree has produced 4 gallons of sap and the east tree has only produced a half gallon. I simply cannot understand why this occurs. I have been wondering if my tapping method might be the problem, but this is doubtful because the discrepancy occurs consistently from year to year. I guess there are some things in life a person is just not meant to understand...
02-26-2016, 03:58 PM
Dan/Silverleaf - Nice to see you are still at it. We have to get together sometime, we are not that far away from each other...
PM me (I think you have to turn on the PM feature first - looks like you have it off) & we'll figure sometihng out - I go your way each week. woudl love to stop in for a few min & see your setup!
02-26-2016, 06:38 PM
All right here it is...Minus the rakes, oops.
02-27-2016, 10:30 PM
Good run today. About 2 gallons per tap. Feels good to be boiling.
02-28-2016, 04:14 AM
1st cook of the year tomorrow! 2 cases of beer should be enough for this cook :) Looks like another great week in southern MN for sap to run!
02-28-2016, 11:22 AM
All tapped and running here in Eden Prairie. Will sweeten the pans tomorrow!
02-28-2016, 02:51 PM
Tapped 91 on Thursday and collected 120 gallons on Saturday
02-28-2016, 06:09 PM
134134121341212 first small test batch of the 2016 season!
Run Forest Run!
02-28-2016, 06:42 PM
Lovely looking batch Joeyhowe!
02-29-2016, 05:54 AM
I had one big tree with a leaky blemish dripping off the bark. Even though it seems so early I couldn't help myself so I tapped it late in the afternoon Saturday just in time for it to quit. Watched it all Sunday for the signal to tap the others but nothing and now it looks like a cooler forecast this week. If the forecast holds I'll tap on Thursday, with snow in my forecast for Friday it could be go time. Trying not get my hopes up too high though, my yard usually 'sleeps' 2 weeks longer than anywhere on the mainland around me.
02-29-2016, 07:49 AM
Thanks Karen! enjoyed it on some French toast for dinner last night. Love the light color this early in the season
02-29-2016, 08:28 PM
Did a processing run yesterday (Sunday), got a bit over 2 gallons of nice quality syrup. Ratio of approximately 32 to 1.
03-01-2016, 06:49 AM
Did a processing run yesterday (Sunday), got a bit over 2 gallons of nice quality syrup. Ratio of approximately 32 to 1.
I got to process about 4 gallons and getting about the same ratio down here. Sure beats the 55:1 I had about 6 years ago!
I received some very good news yesterday. Trade show season starts today which means several bouts of long hours (15+/day) but I got the weekend off. So hopefully I'll be able to repeat this last week and get everything boiled down ready to bottle!! The long term forecast is very disconcerning though.
03-01-2016, 07:50 AM
I did a small batch (5 gallons) Sunday and ended up with less than a pint. About 50:1 with silver maples.
Hopefully we get a good run later this week and then it warms up. 2" of surprise snow this morning and 12°. I have 17 taps this year to get the volume in a short time in case it is like last year. I just want enough for my family and if I have extra I will give away. I would like to end up with 1.5-2 gallons of syrup.
I had a little in the buckets in the yard with some ice in it yesterday afternoon. I left it. I assume it will be ok to freeze and thaw in buckets and bags as long as it is cold out and doesn't spoil?
03-01-2016, 09:08 AM
I'm just a small guy with about 100 taps on drop lines to buckets and am not an expert.
That said, I don't mind ice. Then you know it's cold enough, and with buckets (mine all have a small taper to them) it comes out easily. Then the ice continues to preserve the sap in a larger storage container
I did a small batch (5 gallons) Sunday and ended up with less than a pint. About 50:1 with silver maples.
Hopefully we get a good run later this week and then it warms up. 2" of surprise snow this morning and 12°. I have 17 taps this year to get the volume in a short time in case it is like last year. I just want enough for my family and if I have extra I will give away. I would like to end up with 1.5-2 gallons of syrup.
I had a little in the buckets in the yard with some ice in it yesterday afternoon. I left it. I assume it will be ok to freeze and thaw in buckets and bags as long as it is cold out and doesn't spoil?
03-01-2016, 04:55 PM
Going fishing Thurs-Sun. Checked the forecast for the weekend and figured I better tap before I go. Got 140 bags in today. Even though it never got over 25 the trees catching the sun were dripping a bit. Gonna put in 30 buckets tomorrow and call it good. Evaporator and pans are ready to go.
03-01-2016, 07:52 PM
First 1.5 gallons done on 24 taps! I am getting 4% from my silver maples! I have never seen such light colored syrup.1346213462
03-06-2016, 10:16 AM
Sap finally started running again here yesterday (Saturday) late afternoon, the first action since last Sunday early afternoon. Temperature early last night went down to below freezing, then rose overnight to upper thirties by morning. Forecast is for unseasonably warm day and night temps here well into the week.
Another strange maple syrup season. Don't know what to make of it with my lack of long-term experience but I am very disappointed so far. We'll see what happens, I will withhold my final judgement until after the next couple days. The run will go buddy very quickly this week for the silvers, with the upper 50s/lower 60s temps that we will be getting here starting today and running through the next week.
The way things are going it appears that I have far more processing capacity than taps and trees to provide sap, I thought I had a better balance. If these mediocre seasons are more the norm than what I got two years ago then I have to tap a lot more trees, at least double what I am doing now, which is more maple trees than I have on site. Might be time for me to do some local scouting this summer but I really do not want to get into tapping neighbor's trees and lugging in sap from off-site. Got some decision-making to do with this hobby.
With my increased number of taps, my goal was 19 gallons of syrup for this season. It quickly became evident that was a grossly overconfident quantity to obtain. I adjusted my goal to at least match my production of 13 gallons two years ago. That ain't gonna happen. Now my goal is 5 gallons, and I have serious doubts of obtaining that quantity. Definitely appears I will not be turning any syrup into sugar this year.
03-06-2016, 11:39 AM
Sap finally started running again here yesterday (Saturday) late afternoon, the first action since last Sunday early afternoon. Temperature early last night went down to below freezing, then rose overnight to upper thirties by morning. Forecast is for unseasonably warm day and night temps here well into the week.
Another strange maple syrup season. Don't know what to make of it with my lack of long-term experience but I am very disappointed so far. We'll see what happens, I will withhold my final judgement until after the next couple days. The run will go buddy very quickly this week for the silvers, with the upper 50s/lower 60s temps that we will be getting here starting today and running through the next week.
The way things are going it appears that I have far more processing capacity than taps and trees to provide sap, I thought I had a better balance. If these mediocre seasons are more the norm than what I got two years ago then I have to tap a lot more trees, at least double what I am doing now, which is more maple trees than I have on site. Might be time for me to do some local scouting this summer but I really do not want to get into tapping neighbor's trees and lugging in sap from off-site. Got some decision-making to do with this hobby.
With my increased number of taps, my goal was 19 gallons of syrup for this season. It quickly became evident that was a grossly overconfident quantity to obtain. I adjusted my goal to at least match my production of 13 gallons two years ago. That ain't gonna happen. Now my goal is 5 gallons, and I have serious doubts of obtaining that quantity. Definitely appears I will not be turning any syrup into sugar this year.
My 3rd year also; similar frustration. 2 years ago I had 3 taps and got 2 quarts of syrup. Last year I had 10 taps and got 2 quarts of syrup. This year I have 19 taps and hoped to get at least over a gallon or a lot more. I think that is still doable if the sap runs real fast the next few days before buds are out.
Last weekend I got 5 gallons and boiled down to less than a pint. I got 4 gallons yesterday. Windy today, but they are dripping. Looking forward to some full buckets and bags today and tomorrow.
03-06-2016, 12:48 PM
Hear you all on the amount of sap. I've only collected about 200 so far. But sap has been right around 2.8% so far. Nothing to complain about there. Just last night I was thinking the same thing that Too many Irons was. Do I need to double my tap count to get my desired amount. Or just wait for a normal year.
03-06-2016, 07:56 PM
Well a valuable lesson for me. Don't post anything via cell phone. Accidentally closed the thread. Apologizes given
P.S. Trees ran overnight and still running.
03-06-2016, 09:13 PM
DON'T GIVE UP HOPE!!! Those trees are still dripping, and pretty darn good if you ask me. (Although that forecast sure doesn't look good.)
Fwiw, I've been keeping detailed records for most of my 10 sugaring years, and while its still not a huge sample size it might give those of you with fewer years some sense of the possibilities. In those years I have experienced huge variability - everything from getting virtually skunked with 1/50th Gallon Per Tap (2012) to bumper crops of 1/3+ GPT (2009 & 2013), with my average being around 1/5 GPT. (I admit to not having stellar trees -I'm not picky, and drill any maple I have access to). Seems like about 1/3 of the time I'm really disappointed, 1/3 of the time I'm feeling alright, and 1/3 of the time I'm thrilled with the year's outcome.
I think, while everyone experiences variability, those of us who tap exclusively silvers have to accept a bit more of it due to their propensity to bud out early. Also those of us in prairieland have the added factor that our proximity to the Great Plains causes our spring warming periods to be a bit more intense than points farther east, which of course nudges those buds along.
So in terms of one's tapping strategy, one can either just accept a certain amount of volatility (my current strategy) or if you really want to even it out and ensure a decent harvest every year you might need to choose the number of taps based on a poor year's forecast, with the expectation that if it turns out to be a good year you will probably be dumping sap. (I know, I know, that's sacrilege!! But hey you gotta do what you gotta do when you're drowning in it.)
03-06-2016, 11:51 PM
It sure would be nice to get 1 more cold night but it does not look like its going to happen. I collected 40 gallons in the last 24 hours off 24 taps. I have cooked off just over 60 gallons already so on pace to get as much syrup as last year. I know by next weekend I will be ready to throw in the towel by the looks of the buds on the tree's but won't stop until the syrup clarity changes. "I almost made that mistake last year" I even lined up a walk in fridge this year to store sap in so I can cook on the weekends :cool:
03-07-2016, 08:06 AM
Nice on the walk in fridge. I am planning on doing a boil after work today. Should have a lot on the trees. I probably won't have time to finish it, but at least get it down to 1 bucket that can fit in the fridge. If I rearrange the garage fridge I should be able to get 2 - 5 gallon buckets in there. I have a little snow pile that can cool the sap that might last another day then might have to boil every day until the trees bud if the temperature doesn't come up.
03-07-2016, 08:14 AM
Good Morning! I wanted to check in and see if you started tapping, we tapped around 60 trees this weekend and I want to make sure others were tapping in the area as well. Thank you and Happy Monday !!!
03-07-2016, 11:54 AM
Just north of Garrison, tapped last week, collecting now. Guessing about 1 gallon per tap so far and running pretty good at 11am today - Monday.
Good Morning! I wanted to check in and see if you started tapping, we tapped around 60 trees this weekend and I want to make sure others were tapping in the area as well. Thank you and Happy Monday !!!
03-07-2016, 12:04 PM
Sounds Good ! We had a little yesterday but it seems that we are not getting too much today. I will keep you posted.
03-07-2016, 01:54 PM
Ran well yesterday... today not very well at all.
03-07-2016, 03:15 PM
For anyone that is tracking what's going on near Princeton...Yesterday (Sunday) collected about 20 gallons from 40 trees. Even though the house thermometer read 30 this morning I'm pretty sure it did not go below freezing last night. Checked a couple bags this morning that were pretty full which tells me the trees dripped overnight. So, Last week Days were to cold...this week nights looks to be too warm (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday look promising) ...hopefully the long range holds for March which looks to be just right! For the season 40 gallons sap just over 1 gallon syrup.
03-07-2016, 09:32 PM
Collected 120 last 2 days. Still no buddy smell so that's good. Noticed that the buds grew tremendously overnight though. I might have to call it a season already. Time is getting spread thin enough with work, kids events, and family time. On a good note "rough" estimate total so far is 10 gallon. Thanks to a consistent 2.5 to 2.8% sap. Not to bad for a short season.
03-08-2016, 05:24 AM
Pretty sure the season is over in southern MN. I will leave the taps in a few more days and watch the sap clarity but with the warm humid weather, and the temps not going below 40 degrees for the next 10 days it will be game over. I noticed the run really slowed yesterday. Collected 60 gallons on the 1st run of the year and 80 gallons on the 2nd run on 24 taps. I am still happy with that even though it seemed like a short season. My last cook last year was march 15th so I guess its not that far off.
03-08-2016, 07:37 AM
I got 15 gallons Sunday and 20 gallons Monday from my 19 taps. I had 1 bag fall off the holder and 2 taps were busts (just when you think they are non producers they start running even on the same tree with good taps so I left them on). Got a good boil last night from 35 gallons down to 6. Most of the trees (silvers) do not have much for buds yet here. I plan to see what I get this afternoon and fire up the pan. I don't know what to expect between now and Saturday, but might keep the taps out and see what I get and boil down the last stuff this weekend. I think I will mix todays sap with what I have in the fridge, but will probably separate the rest so it doesn't ruin the better tasting stuff.
I was hoping for 2 gallons and may come close this year.
03-08-2016, 08:52 AM
I am near Princeton as well. My trees are still running but they have slowed. If we don't get some freezing night temps soon we will be done.
03-08-2016, 10:44 AM
Boiled down 25 gallons collected over the weekend on 14 taps. Running a steady 3% sugar so finished out just over 3 quarts. Not bad for my little hobby operation.
03-08-2016, 12:45 PM
We boiled for the second time last night. Total of about 11 gallons so far on about 200 taps. The warm spell has really stopped the flow, but it is way to early to worry about buds, so we will wait out the weather.
03-09-2016, 07:42 AM
Guessing that means you collected about 2 gallons per tap - right?
We are at about 1 gallon per tap so far.
Last year we got just under 5 gallons of sap per tap - but it took 4 weeks. Looking similar.
We boiled for the second time last night. Total of about 11 gallons so far on about 200 taps. The warm spell has really stopped the flow, but it is way to early to worry about buds, so we will wait out the weather.
03-09-2016, 07:24 PM
Sad news to report to your neighbor SW of the very SW corner of MN. Trees broke bud. :cry: I know it happens every year but just seems soooo early.
03-10-2016, 11:17 AM
Most of the tapped trees here are done as well, I am going to start pulling taps today. Processed 50 gallons of sap yesterday, going to finish remaining inventory of 25 gallons today and finish off the final batch of syrup.
03-10-2016, 01:12 PM
I've got some open buds too. Only a few feelers sticking out yet though. Last night got down to 30 here and that seems to have been enough to trigger another small run. I'm going to let this one play out and will keep the sap separate, just in case.
03-11-2016, 02:03 PM
Season over :cry: I pulled my taps yesterday morning because I have 0 time to cook. Of course after I pulled them and it froze and they ran like crazy. I would have ended up with another 40 gallons but oh well. Ended the year with 4.50 gallons of syrup on 24 taps.
03-11-2016, 04:11 PM
Hear ya on that. Pulled taps this morning, every single tree has gone complete "flower". In week the forecast has a 5 day stretch of beautiful sap running temps. I just don't think it'll be cold enough to freeze off the buds and restart like it did last year. Time will tell. Cleaned all the buckets and sap storage tanks. That is the worst part of the whole process. Going to bottle my second batch tomorrow night, then the other 3 to 4 gallons from batch one will have to be done later on. Thank goodness for deep freezes. Hopefully next year I can upgrade my pan so I can bottle as I go.
03-11-2016, 04:20 PM
I'm hanging on for that cold snap next week with fingers crossed. I cannot believe on 23 taps that 3 quarts will be my final tally for the season from 1 batch.
03-11-2016, 08:34 PM
We had a light freeze here last night and collected 140 gallons at 5pm. Still running a bit now, but slow. Will boil that tomorrow and then wait out the warm spell. All on sugar maples, so it might reset late next week. It is too early in the season to give up!
03-11-2016, 08:45 PM
Central Ottertail county - got 300 gallons of 170 taps today. - crazy good run. Gonna have a hard time keeping up.
03-11-2016, 08:58 PM
We had a light freeze here last night and collected 140 gallons at 5pm. Still running a bit now, but slow. Will boil that tomorrow and then wait out the warm spell. All on sugar maples, so it might reset late next week. It is too early in the season to give up!
I agree with John it is to early to pull the plug I collected 110 gallons from 80 taps today. Sap was still running good at 2:00 when I collected. Hang in there guys.
03-12-2016, 03:53 PM
Collected about 55 gallons of red and silver maple sap over the last two weeks. Had it in a barrel buried in a snow bank. Was worried about the amount of time it sat. Also added about 3 gallons of silver maple sap after it the top of the tree was fuzzy and greenish. Just getting to bottle it and it tastes awesome.
My trees produced the most sap on Thursday did get some on Friday that syrup is good also got a little on Saturday but that syrup does have a little of an off flavor. I have silvers and the larger trees flowered on Saturday. Last year I did get more syrup after the trees flowered and the temps dropped to 15 degrees but it has a citrus flavor and i do not like it for syrup does tastes good when made in to caramel and hard candy.
I am going to leave the taps in and see what happens but I think it's over.
03-16-2016, 06:35 PM
Is anyone anticipating another run later this week with the colder temperatures expected in the brainerd area?
03-16-2016, 06:54 PM
5 miles north of Garrison - Sure hope so. 105 taps collected 200 gallons.
Cooked down with the least nitre ever. Sugar content of sap was some of the lowest ever also, yielding about 3.25 gallons - less than 2%.
Hoping to get another 300 gallons, we will see.
Is anyone anticipating another run later this week with the colder temperatures expected in the brainerd area?
03-26-2016, 06:11 AM
Well I think my season is done. Over the last week my silvers and reds have ran pretty good. The silvers have been flowered for the last two weeks and the tips of the reds are scarlet. Boiled off approx 50 tsgallons of sap yesterday not sure how it would turn out. no off flavor, but it turned out to be a very dark syrup. Glad I continued to collect . I guess everything I've read about bad sap after the trees bud didn't apply this year.While I was making my final collection yesterday morning I talked to my neighbor that also cooks maple but at another property a few miles away. They dumped their last batch because it was buddy.He also said they only tap sugar maples.
03-29-2016, 02:26 PM
Hoping for another good run starting on Thursday when it is supposed to get cold again in the Garrison area.
03-30-2016, 07:06 AM
We are done on the south end of Mille Lacs. We pulled our taps last Saturday. It wasn't done running(a few were done). Ended up with 23.75 gallons for 90 taps. I think with the warm rain it will be done.
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