View Full Version : Gas Motor for Vacuum

01-16-2016, 09:15 PM
Hi Guys,
We currently are running our Delaval 73 with a 1.5hp electric motor. We have to use a generator because there isn't any electrical access, but in the last few days spent 40-50 bucks in just a few days in fuel. We have a few questions.
1. I have heard of people doing this, would it save us some money in fuel?
2. How long would you guess one of these should run per fill up (unless we hook it up to a larger tank)
3. My understanding that you need about 3hp gas for every 1.5hp electric, would this one work:http://www.harborfreight.com/65-hp-212cc-ohv-horizontal-shaft-gas-engine-epa-60363.html
4. We have the whole base for the Delaval, anyone have any experience swapping one of these over? Like mounting issues or anything?
5. Do you think the switch was worth it?

Thanks for you help everyone!

maple flats
01-17-2016, 05:11 AM
I run 2 Alamo pumps, a 30 and 75 on 6.5HP Hondas. However I do not use the original tank. I remove that tank and build as wooden stand next to the pump and I put one of these on the top http://www.surpluscenter.com/Engines/Engine-Accessories/Fuel-Tanks-Caps/4-5-GALLON-RED-FUEL-TANK-W-FUEL-SHUTOFF-VALVE-28-1836-R.axd
On the smaller pump I get about 17 hrs and on the larger pump I get about 14 hrs. per fueling. I run the engines at about half throttle.
I think a Delaval 73 would use about the same.
I find it more efficient to have the gas engine on the pump, with a generator it must run at full speed even if less amperage is needed just to get the right cycles, unless you use an inverter gen.

01-17-2016, 06:45 AM
We were figuring it would be more efficient for that exact reason. We are going to have freeze up here for a few days, may be something to swap out while the sap isn't running.
Thanks for the info flatts!

01-17-2016, 10:06 AM
If that pump runs well in a 1.5 electric motor then the smaller harbor freight (79cc?) engine will handle it just fine. I've used both predator engines on pumps and the only problem I have had with both is the carbs tend to have float/needle valve problems. I use propane on mine so the carb is not an issue.

01-17-2016, 11:40 AM
Mad mapler,
I'm interested in the propane issue. I think I remember reading about a kit that is available to convert these small engines to propane. Is that what you are using?

01-17-2016, 02:24 PM
Carb problems are not an issue if you burn non ethinol gas. Thats what I do and dont have ant issues.

01-17-2016, 03:44 PM
Mad mapler,
I'm interested in the propane issue. I think I remember reading about a kit that is available to convert these small engines to propane. Is that what you are using?

I think you can buy a kit but I just drilled a 5/16 hole in the airbox below the carb throat and epoxied a 5/16 maple connector(line hook) in the hole. I then bought some 5/16 fuel line and connected it from there to a ball valve then to a gas grill regulator. I start the motor on gas then shut the gas off and get ready to turn on the propane as the bowl drains. Its kind of a PITA at first because you can easily flood the thing with propane. It takes just a crack of the ball valve but once you figure it out there's nothing to it. It'll run until you shut it off or drain the tank. I've done the same with a Honda motor but the predator engines use much less fuel. I put out a couple of 100lb tanks and have the gas truck stop by and fill them when needed.

01-17-2016, 07:01 PM
I talked to the shop teacher I work with and he said that for every 1hp electric you should shoot for 3 gas. The delaval has three hps listed on the plate, 1/2, 3/4 and 1, with the rpms on the other side… Should I go by that or the electric pump?
