View Full Version : Shipping Internationally

Amber Gold
01-12-2016, 12:01 PM
Before Christmas, we shipped out two packages: Pakistan and France. They were syrup and goodies. The package to France made it, but Pakistan got returned stating hazardous materials...probably because it's a liquid. Last year, we shipped a package to Pakistan, and it made it no problem. Shipped USPS. Called the postmaster and packages are shipped USPS to a shipping terminal where they're loaded on a commercial carrier and shipped overseas. Once it's at the terminal USPS has no control over it. The commercial carrier can reject anything they want. The post office will refund the shipping (thankfully) and says we can try resending the package and it may go through. Has anyone else had a similar issue? What about using UPS or FEDEX? We've always used USPS because they've been the cheapest when we've compared, and they're conveniently located 1/2 mile from the house.

Thanks for the help.

01-12-2016, 04:11 PM
I have a box on its way to Australia - should be on a cargo ship by now. I shipped to the same guy a few years ago and no problems.